It Takes One Mistake (16): Part 1

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The sound of sirens filled my ears as I made an abrupt stop in front of Leo's house. I got out of my car, covering my eyes as the red and blue lights of the ambulance and police cars blinded me. Fear crossed my face as I rushed over to Leo's front door.

"Hey, hey what are you doing?"

One of the police officers stopped me, blocking me from entering his home.

"What's going on? Is he okay?" I asked in a hasty manner.

His stern demeanor softened. "Do you know the victim?"

I quickly nodded. "Yes, he's my boyfriend. I just want to know if he's okay." I began to sob. I heard the front door open from where I was standing on the driveway. 

Four paramedics stepped out, carrying Leo on a stretcher. He was unresponsive and his skin was pale. One of the paramedics held the intravenous fluid bag in her hand and the IV was placed in the vein of the middle part of his arm. An oxygen mask was placed over his nose and mouth. 

"Oh my god." My voice broke. I tried to run over to him, but my legs wouldn't budge. I couldn't move as I watched the paramedics put Leo inside the ambulance. I turned back to face the officer. Tears dripped down my face. "What happened to him?" The officer sighed.

"Alcohol poisoning."

I faintly flinched as my body jolted itself awake.

"Shit." I sighed. I had another nightmare about Leo.

At least this time he wasn't dead. Well, the process of dying wasn't any better. I knew why I had these nightmares. I was afraid he would consume too much alcohol while I was gone. Afraid he'd lose all self-control; afraid that I would essentially be the reason he would relapse.

I glanced at the clock on the nightstand. 3:23am. I turned my head to the right, seeing Danny peacefully asleep. 

Part of me felt guilty for having sex with him. Especially when I eventually found out Leo had called me while it happened. I couldn't bring myself to call him back.

I completely turned my body towards his. I looked at his sleeve tattoo. Specifically, the roses, the rose petal with my name. My fingers lightly touched the written ink and it gave me a sense of comfort. A safe place. Old feelings. 

I lifted his arm up and cuddled up against him. I placed his arm back down and in his sleep, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. My palm rested on the middle of his bare chest and I concentrated on the pulsing rhythm of his heart. I couldn't go back to sleep.


Saturday, 7:26pm PDT

"Whose house is this?" I asked, as Danny held my hand, guiding me to the front door. There were a bunch of cars parked on the road, people were outside, laughing and talking with red solo cups in their hands. Danny slightly turned his head to look at me. "A friend of mine. He's having a party tonight and I thought we could stop by." I lightly smiled. "Okay, sounds great." I rolled my eyes once he turned back around.

House parties weren't really my thing unless I was with a group of close friends. 

There's always a chance of seeing other people you know and going off to say hi to them. When you're with more people, you won't be left behind in some corner all alone in somebody's house. I hoped Danny wouldn't do that to me.

We entered the house and I glanced at all the unknown faces around me. The music was loud and the lights were multicolored and dim. It was hazy and the scent of weed engulfed the living room. 

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