Goodbye and Hello (7)

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Tomorrow had come sooner than expected. It was 8:40pm. I rolled my suitcase to the door, as Leo trailed behind me. 

Maia and Amelia were already outside the complex waiting for me. I gave myself a few final minutes with Leo. I didn't say anything, I just hugged him like I'd never let go. I was already dreading these two weeks without him.

"I'm gonna miss you too." Leo said as if all my hugging symbolized the words 'I'm going to miss you a lot.' I lightly laughed.

"It's only two weeks sweetheart, you'll be back with me in no time."

"Two weeks is such a long time." My voice was muffled against his chest. I looked up at him, admiring his soft blue eyes that paired so well with his dark brown hair. I placed my palms onto his chest.

"You'll be okay?"

He sighed. "Yeah, promise."

I smiled. "Now, promise me something," "What?" He grinned anticipating my promise.

"Promise me you'll wake up and watch the sunrise every once and awhile."

He chuckled. "Oh, my god..." He groaned as he rolled his eyes. 

"Leo, I'm serious." I giggled. "Promise?" I stood on the tips of my toes and leaned towards him. He looked down at me. 

"Promise?" I repeated, smiling innocently. 

He sighed, warmly smiling back at me. "I promise." 

"Kiss me so I know it's real." 

He had a toothy grin on his face before his smile faded, and he lifted my chin up to kiss me. He slowly pulled away, cradling my face in his hands.

"I love you." He whispered.

I smiled. "I love you too."

Leo unlocked the door and let me step out into the hallway first. He gently shut the door behind him. I looked at the elevator and back at him. He held my hand and I focused on the feeling of his fingers intertwined with mine.

"Have a safe flight sweetheart."

"Thank you." I smiled. He took his time letting go of my hand, and for some reason it felt like I was saying goodbye, for good. It was like a serene version of a split between us. 

At that moment, I knew I would miss him more than I intended to. I couldn't deny it. I promised myself, throughout this trip I would remember the man I met at a bar. I would remember the man who wiped my tears and took my pain away. I would remember who was more important.

He walked me to the elevator and pressed the button to the lobby. He hugged me once more and I kissed him again for that last trace of physical contact with him. I walked into the elevator dragging my luggage. 

"Call me when you get there."

I nodded. "Will do." The elevator began to close, and we waved at each other until the doors shut. As soon as the elevator descended, I let out a quiet sigh. 

I felt a single tear slide down my cheek onto the ground. I frantically touched my cheek, feeling the wetness of the tear. 

I had no idea I was crying. It only made me realize how important Leo was to me. 

The elevator doors opened, and my eyes glanced at the buttons on the wall.

I could just turn back around.

Nadia, come on.

You agreed to do this.

Just, go.

I took deep breaths, trying not to let any more sadness wash over me. 

I quickly dragged my suitcase out towards the main doors. As I walked out of the building, my eyes quickly shifted to two figures getting out of a car. I sighed in relief, getting a clearer view of Maia and Amelia. I rushed over to them.

"Open the trunk Maia. Let's get out of here before I have second thoughts."

Maia nodded, opening the trunk, and tossing the keys to Amelia. She immediately walked over to the driver's side, getting in and turned on the engine. I threw my luggage in the back and got into the backseat. 

Amelia began to drive off. I looked back at the apartment complex and a chill ran down my spine. 

I wasn't an idiot. I knew Danny was going to attempt something. After hearing the words 'city of sin' I could not let my guard down. I'd have to do the best I could to prevent the worst from happening. 

For now, I managed to subdue the fear I had, as it became dormant deep down in my heart. I had zoned out and only caught bits and pieces of Amelia and Maia's conversation.

"Is she ok? She didn't respond..."

"Give her some time, she'll be fine..."

"God, she's just sitting there. Should we be worried?"

"No Maia, let her be..."


"Nadia!" Maia's voice echoed through the car. She tapped my knee. My eyes quickly darted to look at her.

"Yeah?" I lightly shook my head, bringing myself back to reality. "I'm sorry."

She lightly smiled. "It's okay." 

"How'd it go?" Amelia kindly asked Maia's question. I sighed. "It was one of the hardest emotional things I've ever done in my life. I don't ever want to lie to Leo like that again."

Amelia looked at me through the rear-view mirror with an apologetic expression. 

"Don't worry Nadia, you won't have to anytime soon." Amelia took her eyes off the road and briefly glared at Maia. I didn't know what Maia meant by that. 

"What did he say?" Amelia asked softly changing the unsettling mood. I replayed the scene in my mind. "He said I could go if I wanted to, he sensed it'll mean a lot to me. He said he'd miss me. Of course, he was disappointed when I told him you guys were taking me to the airport." 

Maia mumbled something under her breath.

"Leaving him felt, strange."

"How so?" Amelia asked.

"I don't know really. I was just so sad. I hadn't even realized I was crying." I chuckled sadly. "Leo, he goes out of his way to do things for me, for us. He tries so hard to make whatever we have, perfect."

I smiled to myself. "I wish he wouldn't try so hard, he's already beyond perfect to me, you know?" My voice cracked. I caught a glimpse of a smile forming on Amelia's face.

Maia laughed.

"Wow, that's what you think of him? Can you imagine you used to talk about Danny like that once upon a time?" She turned back to look at me. "Now you get to see if those strong feelings are still there. Aren't you excited?" She grinned at me. I fake smiled.

"Yeah, can't wait."

I sighed and sunk into the seat once Maia turned towards the front of the car again. With a change of mind, I let the pure thought and excitement of Vegas take over me for the rest of the drive.

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