Shy Peter

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(During Ironman 2)
Peter is Tony's biological son.

Peter rushed into the room to find his parents along with a women in a white top and black loose trousers and wavy red hair.

'I mean your fingerprint.' the women said handing some papers to Tony.

'Daddy!' The six year old squealed making the Billionaire stop what he was doing.

'Hey kiddo. How was school?' The billionaire asked picking up the six year old.

'Everyone was talking about you, daddy.' Peter answered excitedly.

'Oh really? What were they saying?' Tony said resting his chin in the palm of his hand as if waiting for Peter to spill some gossip.

'Everyone was saying how cool you are but some of the older students said things that didn't make any sense.' The boy said making a confused face. Tony and Pepper exchanged looks.

'What were they saying?' Tony asked.

'Some of the older girls were saying you look hot. You didn't look sweaty to me in the news.' The boy cocked his head to the side. Tony couldn't contain a smile.

'Tony!' Pepper warned.

'Mr. Stark I still need your impression. I mean your fingerprint.' The women interrupted.

Pepper grabbed Peter while Tony placed his fingerprint on the documents.

'Mommy who is that?' Peter whispered.

'That's your daddy's assistant, Natalie.' Pepper smiled at the boy.

'She's pretty.' Peter whispered making Natalie smile.

'Will that be all Mr. Stark?' Natalie asked still gazing at the adorable boy.

'Yes.' Pepper answered placing a shy Peter down on the floor. Natalie nodded and ruffled the little boys hair before leaving.

Hey guys sorry this is short. It's just something that popped up in my head last night. I'm still kinda low on ideas also let me know what you think. Vote if you want and I hope you enjoyed.
And.............first vote is @mrtinkleswarriors

first vote is @mrtinkleswarriors

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