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(After Endgame)
Tony, Natasha, and Vision are alive. Peter is 19
Hey guys there's an a/n at the end PLEASE PLEASE READ IT. It's really important.
Request by shahana_009
Thank you for being so patient with me 🥺😘

Peter stood in front of the place that he once called home. The building crumbled to bits and only the ashes from the dissolved fire remained. The ashes resembled his heart. The once full of life joyous boy could be seen tearing apart fading just like the memories of his family that had become a blur at the back of his mind.

Taking one last glance at the crumbled building Peter swung away.

'Karen call Ned.' Peter ordered. Their was a hum in response before Peter heard Ned's voice.

'Hey man, I'm out on patrols.' Peter told his guy in the chair.

'Okay. There's a robbery a few blocks away.' Ned began. The rest of the evening Peter spent fighting bad guys.

Once Peter saw it was getting dark he swung towards the compound which had been rebuilt. Of course it was kinda far but it was the only place Peter could stay at. Plus their was no way in hell Tony would have let Peter spend the nights without a place to stay. Orignally it was a temporary solution but Peter had gotten attached to the Avengers so now this was a permanent solution.

Peter reached the compound and quickly swang towards his bedroom. He climbed in through the open window. He changed into a hoodie and jeans and made his way out of his room and towards the training room.

Peter had drowned himself in studies, patrolling and training to keep his mind off but he always felt empty in the end. It was as if all the Avengers were busy with their own lives. No matter how hard Peter was trying he couldn't ignore the reality. So to drown the empty feeling he had signed up for the army but the Avengers had no knowledge of this yet.

After an hour of pulling constant punches at the punching bag Peter heard Friday inform him that dinner was ready. Peter sighed grabbing a bottle of water and taking a huge gulp. He made his way to the dinning room but whilst on his way he saw a peice of paper lying amongst the stash of mail at the reception.

Peter grabbed it and in his exitment jumped a few feet in the air upon reading the letter.

Peter happily made his way to the dinning room. He sat between Ned and MJ. Ned worked as Dr. Banner's assistant whilst MJ was Pepper's assistant

Peter knew he had to break the news to everyone. He contemplated on how to make the announcement. He finally took a deep breath and spoke but to his surprise Tony spoke at the same time as well.

'Everyone I have something important to say.'

Peter stared at Tony baffled whilst Tony raised an eyebrow at his curiosity.

'You can go first, Pete.' Tony instructed, earning a small nod from Peter.

'I- I applied for the military a-after M-May's death and I just received my first deployment..........' Peter was cut off by the Avengers yelling in surprise.

'What the hell, Peter.' MJ yelled and Peter was sure he'd be deaf soon if she continued to scream in his ear.

'Tony did you know about this?' Natasha glared at the billionaire.

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