Grand Price

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(Before Infinity War)

Peter walked along side Ned and his Decathlon Team. He had been super exited and had practiced all night for the quiz, though this wasn't nationals. Peter was still hyped as the winning team would get to spend a day with the surprise guests.

'No way.' Ned muttered drawing everyone's attention. They all glanced in the direction Ned was looking at. Peters mouth went dry. No way. What was he doing here.

Peter glances at his Decathlon team and Mr.Harrington. They were all too much in awe to notice that Tony and Pepper were walking straight towards him.

'Hey kiddo.' Tony said casually.

'Hey Mr.Stark! What are you.....what are you doing here?' Peter stuttered.

'Wishing you and your team good luck before the quiz.' Tony answered. 'Though Of course you won't need it.'

'Ok, Thanks?' Peter said uncertainly.

Pepper elbowed Tony. She seemed confused. 'This is Underoos, Pep.' Tony quickly said.

Pepper took a second to realise what Tony meant before thanking Peter for saving all the equipment a while back.

'Underoos? Isn't that what Tony Stark calls Spiderman?' Betty asked.

'Well I'm kinda Spiderman's fan and I went a bit over bored when I saw him at work so I'm kinda stuck with the same nickname because Mr.Stark isn't happy that Spiderman is my favourite superhero.' Peter said a bit surprised at how easily the lie came out.

'You met Spiderman! Wow.' Flash shouted in excitement.

'Mr.Stark? You didn't really come here just to wish me good luck did you?' Peter said leaning forward and dropping his voice to a whisper.Tony nodded.

'So you really still don't trust me?' Peter said rubbing the back of his neck.

Tony raised an eyebrow in confusion. It took Tony a second to realise what Peter was talking about before he burst into laughter.

'Don't worry kid. I trust you. Pepper and I are here for the contest not to keep an eye on you.' Tony said with a wink.

Peter felt uneasy. What on earth was that suppose to mean?

'Oh no. No. No. No. No.' Peter muttered to himself. Peter wished he could lie and run off. Maybe pretend being sick and call May to pick him up Or he could just disappear. No that wasn't an option. MJ would flip if she found out.

Peter quietly went along with his team.

After the quiz was over. Peter felt sick. The judges made the announcement and of course this is what they said:

Mid Town High The Winning team has to spend the rest of the day touring SI. Leaded personally by Tony Stark and Pepper Potts.

Peter wished a universal threat begins OR he undergoes senses overload cause then he could go home OR......or anything at all to get him out of this.

'Looks like you'll be touring the place you work, Peter. I feel bad for you. Actually not really.' MJ said in her sarcastic tone.

Peter groaned. He placed his head on the table while his team hooted and shouted in joy. A few moments later Tony and Pepper approached them, AGAIN but Peter didn't care all he wanted right now was that the ground swallow him whole.

'Looks like you're stuck with us, kiddo.' Tony winked.

'Ok now something is definitely wrong.' Peter said not caring that he was being a more confident kid in-front of Tony rather then the quit nerdy Peter at school. Which made his team stare at him in surprise. Tony just smirked.

Suddenly Peters phone lighted up and when Peter glanced at it he was thankful to the thugs since he wasn't really sure why Tony was acting odd.

Peter turned to Mr.Harrington and his decathlon team 'Aunt May need me. Besides I've...Err been to SI before so it doesn't really make a difference. So can I leave?' Peter said the last part innocently. He would have looked forward to going too since he had never really been to SI and was kinda sad that he had to lie.

Mr.Harrington nodded.

'It was nice seeing you again Mr. Stark but.....' Peter pointed at his phone showing that their was a crime taking place.

'Oh man I'd been looking forward to embarrassing you.' Tony said in a way that he seemed like a child. Peter gave Tony a glare before running off.

Hey guys so vote if you want and leave some ideas to check out.
I'd really appreciate if you guys commented so I could know what you think.

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