Prank Wars

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(Before Infinity War)
Hey guys so the avengers know Peters secret in this one-shot.

Peter exits the private elevator and finds Tony smirking by the kitchen counter. 'Hey kid have you checked your instagram yet?' Was the first thing Tony asked.

'Uh, no. Why?' Peter said taking out his phone.

'Man, Is his notification on silent or something cause theirs no way. Even I've seen it.' Rhodey said coming from one of the corridors.

'Yeah, I don't wanna be distracted during classes—' Peter cut himself off when he saw that Tony had hacked his phone and posted a video of something that had happened in the morning.

Peter had been too tired to get up and wanted a day off school and all the Avengers had tried to wake him up but he wouldn't budge until Tony had grabbed his web shooters and was about to smash them to pieces when Peter woke up.

'Peter read the title and it said 'I hate mornings especially one of these.'

It wasn't all that bad the title might be fine but the video. Peter wished Pepper or MJ could eat him up alive cause, he could really use that.

'I hate you Mr.Stark.' Peter said deleting the post even though it had already been seen by millions of people. Peter had gained a lot of followers when Tony started following him. Peter stomped to his room while Rhodey and Tony laughed so hard that they were crying.

In his room Peter finished up his homework and tried to find a way to get Tony back for the lame prank.

'F.R.I.D.A.Y could you tell me when does Mr.Stark have his next meeting.' Peter asked.

'Boss is currently in a meeting, Peter.' F.R.I.D.A.Y replied.

'Perfect, thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y.' Peter said taking out his computer.

Within a few minutes Peter had hacked F.R.I.D.A.Y and took out one of the videos of Tony hiding from Pepper after staying in the lab instead of attending a meeting. Then Peter asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to turn on the security footage of the meeting. Peter watched the screen and as soon as Tony was done talking and one of the board members were about to say something Peter hacked in to the projector and played the video.

The board members laughed while Tony tried to turn off the video but Peter had made sure F.R.I.D.A.Y wouldn't do so.

'F.R.I.D.A.Y turn it off right now.' Tony yelled constantly.

'I can't do that Boss.' F.R.I.D.A.Y responded

'Why not?' Tony whined.

'Someone is in my system sir.' F.R.I.D.A.Y truthfully told.

Tony quickly started to try to locate the hacker but Peter logged out at the exact moment. He decided to go the meeting to witness the whole thing in person.

'Hey Mr.Stark.'

'Parker? What are you doing here shouldn't you be dying from embarrassment?' Tony said smirking.

'Why should I be embarrassed when I just embarrassed you in front of your whole team. Oh and Pepper you're welcome.' Peter said feeling snarky.

Pepper laughed a little 'Thanks Peter I'll make sure to have a word about that. That was from his last meeting, right?'

'Yep.' Peter said popping the 'P'

Time skip

Peter decided to prank a few of the avengers too just for fun so he spent the night planting his Spider Trip mines in the vents of the living quarters of the avengers.

He sneaked into Sam and Bucky's room. He took Sam's wings and put them in Bucky's room and Bucky's arm in Sam's room.

Peter even got a hold of Cap's shield and spray painted a Spiderman logo on it.

The next day Peter laughed and laughed, seeing Clint stuck in the vents and crying for help was hilarious.

While Sam and Bucky fought each other blaming to have stolen each others things.

Cap hadn't been really mad like the rest who easily figured it out. Cap had almost gotten into the PSA thing lecturing him about how immature this was. Peter had just ignored Cap.


Peter didn't have to wait long until everyone started pranking him and trying to make him give up so the Avengers could win the prank wars like every time.

Most of the pranks by the Avengers were epic fails except for two.

Everyone decided to have a little athletic contest to see who was more swift and the losers had to say that they give up on the prank war. Which didn't really make sense but Peter wanted to see the Avengers loose for once so he agreed.

As soon as everyone was suppose to run all the Avengers grabbed Peter letting Steve win. Peter kept whining about how unfair it was that they cheated. Only making the Avengers feel triumphant. Peter didn't even complete the deal and went to work in the lab. Peter was so not expecting his own web bombs to blow up on him and get him to be stuck on the wall for 2 hours.

The next thing the Avengers did was that Tony turned on grounded protocol so Peter was stuck in his room. The Avengers wouldn't let him out until he said he gave up. So Peter spent his entire weekend locked in his room.

The girls had gotten sick of the Prank Wars and disabled the grounded protocol and Wanda had used her magic to hang the boys upside down outside of the building from the top floor until they promised to end the prank war.

Clint had tried getting out of the situation by bribing Natasha but she wouldn't let him down because of the fact that he'd let Tony keep her 'Little Spider' grounded even if he hadn't done anything wrong.

Tony had also tried bribing Pepper and had failed.

In the end Steve, Bucky and Sam has confessed leaving the rest of the boys to think about their choice.

Peter was fine hanging upside down cause, it was something he liked because, of his powers. The only thing that bothered Peter was that he didn't want anyone to take pictures.

Clint and Tony had to confess but they wouldn't do it too since they couldn't hang their all day. Peter had finally won but he couldn't be let down unless he said he gave up too.

Which he didn't do so he was grounded from going to the lab.

Hey guys so let me know what you think.
If you have any ideas let me know I'm always open for requests.

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