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(Before Infinity War)

'You know I can't skip school Aunt May.' Peter reasoned not wanting to be stuck home.

'You can and you will.' May said sternly.

'But......' Peter was cut off.

'No buts. Who ever they are, don't you think they have some reason to follow you. People don't just start following teenagers and with your abilities it's not a coincidence.' May said giving a stare that made Peter have nightmares.

Peter groaned.

'I would consider letting you go to school tell Stark about this.' Said May.

'Aunt May I can't. He has other problems to deal with.' Peter reasoned not wanting to call Tony.

'Peter it'll be his fault if these people end up hurting you.' May said more strictly.

'How on earth is it his fault?' Peter asked.

'Isn't it because of him the world almost found out about Spiderman.' May said sternly

'He only threatened me May it's not like he told anyone.' Peter defended Tony.

'You know what I mean.' May said strictly. She'd been referring to Nat. She was the only other person who knew about Peter, and May thought she might have told the Rogue Avengers for some reason.

'Fine. I'll call him later.' Peter said grabbing his bag and rushing out.

Time Skip to after school

Peter walked alongside Ned. They were both talking about their test and an upcoming project. Ned halted. 'Is that guy following us?' Ned asked pointing in the direction of a man standing a few feet away.

Peter nodded. 'Has been since this morning.'

'Morning? Peter.......' Ned began concerned for his friend but was cut off.

'I don't know why either Ned. Let's take a short cut. It'll help avoid the other 14 men.' Peter said glancing at the other 14 men he had noticed since the morning.

'14!' Ned whisper yelled, earning a nod from Peter.

Peter and Ned headed to a alley way. Peter's spider senses started up.

Peter swiftly moved to the side as a hand missed him. He grabbed the hand and flipped the man over him pinning him down.

'Who are you?' Peter said in a voice that made Ned think of Peter as a whole different and scarier version.

The man however ignored the question and grabbed Peters arm, which he was still holding to Pin the man down, and threw him off of himself.

The man then reached for his pocket before getting ready for Peter to attack. 'You don't need to know who I am Spiderman.' The man said.

What the hell. Who were these guys? How did they know he was Spiderman?

' think I'm Spiderman. This has to be embarrassing for you but you got the wrong guy.' Peter said.

Iron dad and spider son (mcu)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora