My head is a Jungle

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"I'll have the Feta salad with The Beef kebabs please" I said to the waiter who wrote my order down before taking my menu.

"This is nice" Nick said nodding and bringing his pint of beer up to his lips.

"If I don't like me meal, could I pinch a bit of all yours?" Jamie asked us.

"Fuck no yer bastard, you chose the Chicken Alfredo, if it's too spicy, tough shite" Matt chuckled and Jamie whined like a little child.

It was Saturday Night and we were out in Boston's city centre at a restaurant; Alex and Arielle had split so he'd been a little bit distant, but he hadn't snapped at anyone so that was good.

"Whens the next show?" I asked the boys as I brought my glass of red wine up to my lips and sipped it slowly.

"Monday and Tuesday Night, then we head off to New York on Wednesday and we're there for 3 nights then...where to after that?" Matt asked.

"Only got like 11 more shows ain't we?" Alex spoke up for the first time tonight.

We were on a round table and I was sat in between Katie and Alex, Jamie next to Katie and Nick the other side of Alex, then Matt across from me.

"Yeah think so.." Matt said.

"Yer not gonna ditch us as pals once the tours over are ya Vi?" Nick said curving his eyebrows upwards slightly.

"No! God no, I'm surprised you're even still gonna wanna see me after the tour!" I said giggling.

"Fuck yeah we do, yer great company." Jamie said leaning forward and turning his head to smile at me.

Matt got into a conversation with Nick and Jamie and Katie were talking privately, I was sort of sat kind of awkwardly so I kept sipping my wine to make myself look useful.

"So we will see you after the tour then reyt?" Alex said in a low voice by my left ear, I snapped my head over to him and my eyes met his.

"Yeah..yeah of course" I said smiling.

"Good." Alex said bluntly and lifted his hand over to the table to grab his beer.

"Are you alright?" I asked him in a soft voice.
He sipped his drink then smacked his lips together.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" He said nodding slowly as he placed his pint back onto the table.

"We never spoke about..what happened, you know I asked if we could talk about it.." I said copying his gesture and placing my glass on the table too.

"Talk about what?" Alex asked me and turned his head to look over at me.

"Arielle, and how you are and what happened.." I replied raising my eyebrows a little.

" we can talk after dinner? If yer want.." Alex shrugged.

"Okay.." I said nodding and turned my head back towards everyone else at the table.


The meal was lovely and we had a right laugh, Alex surprisingly joined in on most of the jokes being made and actually made a few towards me, they came off a bit flirty I guess as Katie kept nudging me and smirking when I looked over at her.

We ended up heading out to a pub to spend most of the rest of the night in and I was currently stood outside having a smoke just to clear my head a little bit.

4 weeks I'd been here with the guys, it honestly had gone so quick, but then so long at the same time. It's been quite the experience, we only had 3 weeks left of it and I was going to actually really miss it.

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