Dead to Me

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The show was really good, as it always is, Matt Nick and Jamie did so well! So did Alex but I didn't want to admit that..

"Ugh you're all sweaty!" I exclaimed as Nick came jogging over and engulfed me into a bear hug sending me stumbling backwards.

"Sorry love" Nick chuckled as he moved off me and grabbed a water.

"You did so good!" I said to Matt and he smiled at me through chugging his water.

"Baby!" A high-pitched voice exclaimed and I looked through the gap between Nick and Matt from in front of me and saw Arielle squealing and running over to a very sweaty Alex who'd just come off stage.

I watched him wrap his arms round her waist and hug her tightly, they then shared a deep kiss and I heard Arielle hum into his mouth in pleasure. Another gag internally.

"God get a room!" Matt exclaimed and threw a crisp at Arielle and Alex, they pulled off one another and Alex's eyes locked onto mine, like he was trying to make me jealous of something.

"Reyt! Get ready then pub?" Jamie suggested and we all cheered.

"You're coming yes?" I said leaning up closer to Thomas, he beamed down at me and nodded.


Okay so the plan was, to get liquid confidence and maybe tipsy, and get Thomas tipsy too, then to flirt with him right in front of Alex's eyes and make him jealous.

I had a tight black mini skirt on with a plain white T-shirt tucked into it, I hung my black sunglasses from the neck of my T-shirt as it looked more stylish and matched my skirt. Then I had black heals on and clipped my hair into a half up half down style.

"We ready!" Matt called from the front of the bus. Katie, Nick and I were at the back of the bus getting ready and called out a 'yeah' before we headed down and out the bus.

"Vi come here" Thomas beckoned me and I sauntered over to him. Matt shut the bus door up and we begun walking down the streetlight-lit pathway towards the city centre where the best pubs were.

"Here" Thomas said as he wrapped his denim jacket over my shoulders.

"No Thomas you'll get cold!" I said and begun pulling it off me, Thomas placed an arm round shoulder and held the jacket in place, I smiled appreciatively up at him.
Thomas and I were up front, Jamie and Katie behind then Nick and Matt and Arielle and Alex at the back.

"After you.." Thomas gestured holding the pub door open for me.

"Thank you" I said in a posh accent as I walked through the door to the pub.

"What would you like? It's on me." Thomas said winking.

"White wine please" I said smiling up at him, he briefly rubbed my back gently before heading off over to the bar with Matt.

"He's a gooden ain't he" Nick said as he strolled through the bar next to me in search of a booth.

"Yeah he is.." I said smiling softly before Nick pointed at a free booth and we headed over.

Katie sat opposite me, Jamie by her side, Alex and Arielle next to Jamie and Nick at the head, Thomas and Matt were most likely going to sit next to me.

Katie kicked my shin gently under the table and I glanced at her. I read what her eyes were saying immediately and smirked as I knew what was coming..
Katie leaned forward and cleared her throat a little, before gazing deep into my eyes.

"So are you going to get with him?" She asked me and I snapped straight into character.
I saw Alex's head slowly lift up and his gaze fixate on my face.

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