Bad Guy

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"Violet! There you are! This is Tyler our Manager, and Tyler this is our bands new assistant, I hired her after that Christine left" Matt said as I entered the wings backstage.

A tall guy wearing a black polo shirt and black jeans and some Adidas trainers on sauntered over to me, his hair was a dark brown almost black colour and he looked about mid 30s or early 40s I'd say.

"Pleasure to meet you." Tyler said holding his hand out and smiling at me, I placed my hand in his and shook it.

"So I've got a clipboard of some things I will need you to do for the lads, myself and the other crew members are working on the stage and getting the venue all if you could just follow the first few points on here that would be wonderful." Tyler said handing me a red clipboard with a pen attached to the top of it.

"Okay" I said shortly and smiled.

Tyler smacked Matts shoulder lightly and wandered off out of the wings.

"Right, I'll let you get on, I'll see you later Vi, can I call you Vi?" Matt asked briefly hugging me to the side.

"Yes of course you can" I said smiling softly at him, he nodded and walked off to the sofas where the boys were sat.

I looked down at the clipboard and the first things I needed to do was make a few calls to the hotels listed and book the rooms for our next places we had to go to.

I wandered off down the hall and sat outside with my phone, punching in the hotel numbers and booking the 8 reservations for each of the hotels we were staying in while touring around North America.

Once I'd called them all and booked up the rooms, I checked it off and the next thing to do was a coffee run. So I called an Uber and went down to the nearest coffee shop.

I didn't have a clue what to get each of the boys so I quickly messaged Matt and he said He'd have an Americano, Nick has an Iced Frappe, Jamie has a white coffee and Alex has a double-shot espresso. Of course the strongest drink for Alex..

I got the drinks and asked the barista to write each of the names on the cup. So I knew who's was whose, then I got back into the Uber as I politely asked him to wait and he did, then headed back to the venue.


"I got an Iced Frappe for Nick.." I said pulling a cup out of the holder and handing it to Nick.

"Thank you Vi" Nick said with a smile.

"..An Americano for Matt.." I said and handed Matt his drink.

"Thank youuuu" he sung making me smile.

"And a white Coffee for Jamie.." I said holding out the cup to Jamie who reached over the table and took it from me.

"..and a double-shot espresso for Al-" I started then stopped when I realised he wasn't even here.

"He's in his dressin room Vi, go an knock and give it 'im" Matt said sipping his coffee.

I sauntered off down the corridor and arrived at the dressing room door, knocking it gently I heard a grunt and some shuffling.

"What?" Alex groaned as the door swung open, his hair ruffled up like it was an hour back and his lips now swollen and he was a bit sweaty on the forehead.

"I got you a coffee" I said holding it out, I noticed a random girl sitting on his dressing table buttoning her top up behind Alex.

"Okay" Alex muttered and took it from me.

"You're welcome?" I said sarcastically as this guy was really fucking pushing my buttons.

"Yeah bye now" Alex mumbled and began closing the door slowly.
I stopped it with my hand and felt heat rush to my face in anger.

𝐼 𝑊𝐴𝑁𝑇 𝐼𝑇 𝐴𝐿𝐿-𝐴𝑙𝑒𝑥 𝑇𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑟Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ