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"What is your problem?" Alex exclaimed as I stumbled out of the club and headed down the pathway.

"Violet wait!" Katie called from behind, I was more than drunk now, I ended up telling Alex to 'Fuck off' and then I stormed out the club, everyone following me.

"Violet I'm talking to you!" Alex exclaimed and grabbed my wrist tugging me back, I swung back and looked at him through half-lidded eyes.

"Are you deaf? I..I told you to fuck off" i slurred right in his face and he scrunched his brows together.

I pulled my wrist away and kept walking down the path, I'm surprised my heals didn't give way with the pressure I was putting on them as I walked.


"Not now Matt....I just wanna minute alone" I said in between hiccups.

We'd arrived back at the tour bus now and I'd locked myself in the bathroom to sort myself out. Arielle went home before we left the bar and of fucking course she's coming to the show tomorrow night.

"Please up" Matt asked me softly through the door.
I huffed and clicked the lock as Matt pushed the door open and closed it behind him.

"You okay?" He asked me and placed a hand gently on my shoulder, I shrugged and kept my gaze on the floor.

"I swear Violet, I didn't know about him and Arielle, I know her yeah because they were friends. Al never said anything to me about him liking her..and if he did I would've told you straight away" Matt said quietly.

"I know" I slurred and looked up into his eyes.

"I'm sorry.." he sighed and I brought him into a hug.

I was hurt, I'd never been played before. But I guess this was all apart of life, people were going to come and go in all different ways and I just had to suck it up and deal with it. Even though I couldn't see my feelings for Alex leaving anytime soon, in fact I feel like they're growing more and more everyday.

"Katie wants to speak to yer so go get in Yer bunk I'll make yer both a tea" Matt said smiling down at me and I nodded slowly.
I wiped my makeup off and washed my face, before grabbing my pyjamas off my bed then changing into them in the bathroom.

"Violet?" A deep voice called from behind me as I went to go climb up into my bunk.

"Vi what's goin' on...why do yer hate Meh?" Alex asked softly, creeping up behind me. I kept my gaze forward I didn't wanna look at him.
I shrugged and then climbed into my bunk.

"Violet come on, have I done summat?" Alex asked me and leant against the wooden railings of my bunk. I turned slowly and looked at him through my drowsy eyes. I scoffed right in his face before pulling the duvet up over my body and rolling on my side.

"Does she look like she wants to talk to you?" Katie asked from below.

"Katie I'm trynna ask her summat..." Alex said defensively.

"Clearly she doesn't want to speak to you..." Katie said.

"...So fuck off?" Katie then said and I giggled under the covers.

"Oh my god..." Alex groaned then stormed down the aisle way to the front of the bus.

"Sweetie are you alright?" Katie's soothing voice said behind me. I rolled over and pulled the covers down slightly and sat up a little.

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