(F) Hongjoong + Yeosang- Teen Pregnancy

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REQUESTED: yeosangs_eclipse
Top/Hongjoong Bottom/Yeosang
PLOT:Yeosang and Hongjoong are expecting. Yes, expecting at the age of 17. Soon to be teen parents. They were honestly scared to tell their parents, but they accepted.
Yeosang P.O.V
Here I am, sitting in front of my parents. Next to my boyfriend, Hongjoong. We might've.. caused some trouble? I don't know.. but I'm scared.

"Hon..what is it that you need to tell us?"

"Uhm..I- W-We.."-I stuttered.

I couldn't help it.. I was nervous! What would my parents think? What would I do..?

"Babe..go on."-Hongjoong leaned in and whispered into my ear. "We have to tell them.."

I hesitantly nodded. "Mom...we kinda caused some trouble.."

My mom looked at me concerned. "Why? What happened?"

"I-I'm..I'm pregnant.."

I heard two gasps. One from my mom and one from my dad. 'I'm in bigger trouble..'

"For real? You're pregnant?"

I nodded. "Yes.."

Third Person P.O.V
Yeosangs parents looked at each other, speaking through their eyes.

"I'm sorry..I didn't mean for this to happen.."-They heard Yeosang speak up. "You guys are probably mad at me now.."

"No, no. Honey, we aren't mad at you. Well, maybe this much!" She pinched her finger leaving the smallest bit of space you probably wouldn't even see, "but!"-She continued. "I always thought of being a grandma! Now I'll get to be one."

"Yes son. We aren't extremely mad, but we'll always love you. You know that, right?"

Yeosang looked up and smiled warmly. He stood up and embraced his parents in a hug.

"Thank you..so much."-His 'thank you' came out more muffled as he let out a soft sob.

His parents rubbed his back and gave him a soft peck on his head.

Yeosang let go of them and stood up, going back to stand next to Hongjoong.

"Hongjoong."-His father started. "Have you told your parents?" 

"Yes. We have. They accepted without any trouble."-Hongjoong explained.

"That's great."-Yeosangs dad cleared his throat. "Take care of Yeosang. He's a great kid, got it?"

"Yes sir."-Hongjoong said while standing up and doing the salute stand.

They all chuckled at him. "Thank you dad."-Yeosang muttered.

"No problem son."-He replied while ruffling Yeosangs hair.

"Ah.. dad. You messed up my hair."-He huffed as he fixed his hair a bit.

"Sorry."-His dad apologized.

"Now.. Yeosang-ah, this is a big responsibility. Please make sure to take care of yourself."-His mom warned.

"I got it Mom. I have Hongjoong here to help me too."

His mom let out a soft chuckle, "And soon, I'll get to call him my son-in-law."

"Mom~.."-Yeosang groaned covered his face onto Hongjoongs shoulder.

Hongjoong chuckled and rubbed Yeosangs shoulder.

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