(A)Seonghwa+Yeosang-Hold on please!

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(Please! Listen to the music up top to match the mood! And I'm sorry if I make you guys cry. If it doesn't work, put on 'Hold On' by Chord Overstreet before reading! It'll match the story line better. And I had to do some research about Congestive Heart Failure. Soo- yeah.)

Prompt: Yeosang had gotten pregnant and while he did, Seonghwa was happy but he was never home and never spent much time with Yeosang. What Seonghwa didn't know was, Yeosang was in a very dangerous situation..
"Babe!"-Yeosang yelled from their shared room.

"What is it?"-Seonghwa said once he reached their room.

"I'm pregnant!"

"W-What?! Really?! Are you lying?!"-Seonghwa said surprised as he rushed to Yeosangs side.

"Yes! I really am!"

Yeosang handed the test to Seonghwa. He looked at it over and over, seeing the words 'Positive' on it.

"You're really pregnant! You aren't lying! We're gonna have a baby!"

"Yes, we're gonna have a baby!"

Seonghwa pulled Yeosang into a hug. "Thank you Sangie.. thank you for finally giving us a baby.."

"Yah.. it was you too."-Yeosang replied.

Seonghwa chuckled.

Although.. this happy moment may have ended quickly.
During Yeosangs pregnancy he had developed some chest problems. It either start hurting for a few seconds and then it'd stop. He also had a hard time breathing and rapid heartbeats. His feet would swollen a little too. He didn't know what it was but he was quite worried. He didn't want to tell about it to Seonghwa because he was busy working for the both of them and he didn't want to stress him out even more.

As his pregnancy progressed, so did his pain. It was so bad that he couldn't handle it. So he had left to the doctors to see what was wrong with him.

He had booked an appointment without Seonghwa knowing. He was worried with what was happening and he hoped it was nothing bad... Wrong.

"Mr. Park.. it seems that you have been diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure.."

"N-No.. No..! How? I can't be! I'm 5 weeks pregnant..! How can it happen like this?!"-Yeosang exclaimed.

"We're so sorry Mr.Park.. but we suggest you take these medications. A-And we also suggest you.. have an abortion to survive."-The doctor said giving Yeosang a piece of paper.

"No..! I can't do that..! Me and my husband always wanted a baby!"

"We're so sorry Mr. Park..we can let you keep the baby.. but there is no cure to this. You can pick the medication up at the front desk."-The doctor then left the room, leaving Yeosang.

"No...why must this happen now..!"-Yeosang cried out.

"Why..? Why me?"

Yeosang let out a few tears and wiped them quickly. He stood up and left the room. He then reached the front desk and picked the medication up.

He left the hospital and headed home devastated. He couldn't.. he can't. He can't tell Seonghwa..

{ }

A few weeks had passed and Yeosang had taken the medication. But- it seemed that it didn't really help much. He still had trouble breathing and his feet would swollen.
He was scared..could his life really end like this?

"What's wrong precious?"-Seonghwa asked the younger who was deep in thoughts.

"Huh..? Oh nothing.." 

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