Chapter 541: A Place I Can Feel at Home

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"It makes you feel so small," Toni whispered, after a few moments of silence. She was lying back in Adi's bed, and it had seemed more comfortable to be quiet for a while, but now she felt safe to say whatever was on her mind. "I mean, the room's so huge, you know?"

"Yeah. I didn't notice it right away. I don't think the ceiling can really be higher than anywhere else, that would mean moving the next floor up, right? But the whole place seems huge. It's like everything's slightly out of scale. I mean, it was kind of weird after my room changed at Mom's house, having all that nursery stuff around. Like a giant changing table and an adult-sized crib. But then it was always like big furniture. But the nursery here," she gestured at their surroundings, "it's like a completely different thing. Like it's baby-size furniture scaled up rather than just stuff that's bigger than usual. Looking at it makes me feel small rather than thinking the room's huge, and I'm not really sure why. Probably some technical reason behind it."

"Britney was talking my ear off about it," Toni chuckled. "She wanted to tell you, but you'd said you wanted to be a complete baby, so she kept on telling me instead. When we thought the whole summer was what you'd intended, after the exams. It's a perspective trick, the border halfway up the wall isn't, it's higher than usual. The pictures aren't hung at the usual height, and the walls tilt inward slightly towards the top. And the design on the wallpaper isn't the same height all the way up. All these psychological tricks, apparently, that change the way you see it. I couldn't understand any of it, but from here I can see why she found it so interesting."

"I'm amazed anyone put in so much effort for me. I didn't really get to appreciate it properly, I guess. I should be grateful for how hard they tried, even if..."

"If it wasn't what you really wanted? I can see how that's hard. Means you get a special room, at least. And this crib's bigger than a standard bed too. Plenty of space for two, better than you'd get in a regular room on campus."

Adi's first response was to roll over and wrap an arm around her girlfriend, pulling her closer.

"Thank you, Babe. Thank you for everything, I know you did everything to make me happy. I really am grateful for it. All of it, and I really mean that. And it turned out well in the end. It's been a rough year, but I got into university. I probably wouldn't have managed that on my own. It helped me learn, and you could make me listen. And I got you. So all in all, I have to say it's a net positive."

"And you enjoyed it too, I think. Even if that wasn't quite voluntary."

"You mean it's hard to be grumpy for long when you're a little kid? Yeah, I guess so. I probably had more happy moments than I'd ever have. But I wouldn't want to live like that. That's just not me, you know? I want to be in control of my own life, going out and making a name for myself. Being the best me I can be. And this is getting awfully philosophical. Doesn't seem right when we're lying like this."

"Is this better?" Toni moved her hands just a fraction, and Adi didn't think she would be able to string words together for a couple of seconds. Somehow all the talking hadn't really killed the mood, and there were two directions they could have gone at that moment. But Toni knew when the time was right to resist temptation, and to ask the difficult questions while they were both feeling content enough not to get offended.

"So what do I call you now? I asked once before, but maybe now I need to think again. I mean, it still feels weird using your first name. It's associated with stuff that you might not want to remember, even now its power over you has gone. And I tried to train myself out of using 'Adi', but I don't know if that still applies. Is it disrespectful to avoid using your name? And then I called you 'Babe' half joking, like it's not quite 'baby' but it's near enough while seeming normal."

"It feels like it's a connection between us," Adi answered, after a little communication that didn't require any words. "First person who really gave me a nickname. Or a pet name, I suppose."

"Exactly. I hope it's not too rooted in all the baby stuff. If it makes you feel bad, even a little, we can find something else. Okay?"

"I've not really thought about it, but I know what you mean. After everything that's happened, and my name being weird, I'm hardly sure how to introduce myself. I think I need a new nickname now."

"I'll call you Babe, then. Until you can decide on something better. But let me know, it's always got to be what you want. And thanks for asking. I like when people ask what I want. After all this year, it's a big change to feel like I'm in charge, and not just following someone else's plan. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Babe. I love you."

"I love you. You know, for so long, I was scared to say I didn't want to be a baby? Because you'd enjoyed it so much, and I didn't want to push you away. You really loved that, didn't you? Watching cartoons with me, or playing cute games. And I think..."

"You never had to do anything for me. I tried that stuff because I thought it would help you with anxiety, and then because I was sure it's what you wanted of me. But it was fun, still. And I wish I'd known that we could have done other things."

"Well, yeah. But if you really liked it, then..." She hesitated, and bit her lip. If Toni's hand on her ass had shifted just a fraction right then, she might never have had the courage to say what was on her mind. But she wasn't quite that distracted. "If you'd like to do some of that stuff again, I don't mind. It could be fun to just relax and not think about everything so much. I mean, the baby thing wasn't bad once I get used to it. If it was something I could do, and not just something everybody's doing to me, I would have been happy to go there. Like, an hour to blow off stress, or an afternoon without thinking. So while we've got this nursery, and the one at home, if you really want..."

"You'd trust me to have that power over you?"

"I... I don't know. That's not what I meant. I mean, I feel a bit guilty about not sharing it. I couldn't share it, not unless I trust someone to know exactly what I'll enjoy, and never overdo it, and even say no to me if I started feeling like I need it again. I love you more than anything, but I think that's the kind of responsibility that nobody should have. That's why I'm going to get rid of the hypnosis thing as soon as I can. If I wanted to be controlled like that, I'd be happy to tell you my new baby name. Just you, nobody else. But helplessness isn't my thing. Well, not in that way at least. But, well, I've got all this baby stuff around. And being a baby isn't about being controlled, is it?"

"I think I get you," Toni said, but her words didn't quite match her tone.

"I mean I could get used to acting like a kid and not worrying about anything. If that's something you'd still like. It's not like I'm asking for it, but if you want to see little Adelaide, we can do that. Like a role play kind of thing. Would be a shame to waste this lovely room, and all the nice clothes you got me, and if I was in control I don't think it would bother me. Just a bit of fun, right?"

"If you're okay with that, I'm sure it would be fun. In among other, more adult, activities. Right?"

"Yes. Please. I'm sorry about the baby name, I feel guilty there. But that's what I decided. If we did that, I wouldn't be able to take it so seriously, and I might get careless. I don't ever want to be out of control of my life like that. If I told you what the name was, that would mean I was okay with you using it to take my choice away. And that's something I don't think I'll ever want."

"Don't apologise, and don't feel bad. I can't pretend it wasn't fun playing with you like that, but it's also a lot of responsibility. I'm not going to push you, and you should know that as long as I'm with you, whatever we can do will be fine."

"Even lying here when we could be having fun, just talking about all the difficult stuff?"

"Talking about things is sometimes necessary. It comes with being a responsible adult. But you know, you've made your decision now. You've told me about it, and we're both happy with that. So, what else is there that comes with adulthood?"

This time, Adi could take a page out of her girlfriend's book. Sometimes the best answers don't need any words at all.

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