Chapter 393: Confessing

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"I don't think so," Belle answered eventually, with moderate confidence. Jack had made her piss in her pants, and she was sure that by social norms she should have been furious. But somehow she couldn't find any anger in her heart. "Surprised, but you never know until you try something. That's what Adi said to me when she confessed it was all real. And I kind of get what she meant. I never would have said okay to that. But maybe... just maybe it made the day feel more complete. I can't say it's any worse than carrying on with the earlier one. He experimented, and I don't know if the result was good or not. So if you want to do stuff like that again, maybe occasionally, I wouldn't mind being surprised. But!"

"But? Is there something I should have been aware of?"

"I'm not sure how much of that was real. I mean, these kids weren't towering over me like I was a little kid, I'm sure. But they were watching me get changed! That's okay for a little kid, but not–"

"We didn't make you do a handstand," Caitlyn pointed out. And then as if she was wondering whether Belle might dispute the version of events: "You were running and jumping and talking about how you wanted to be a ballerina. That was all you. I did it because I was showing off. I wasn't sure if little Lily would be impressed. I no way expected you to try it."

"You mi–" Jack started, and corrected himself: "We might have encouraged you. But we didn't expect your skirt to ride up that much. I looked away right away."

"Almost right away."

"Yeah, near enough. I was just surprised. But you did it again, and kept on trying. And then you fell down with a skirt tangled around you, showing off your underwear, and you didn't seem to care. No shame, no modesty. Just like a little kid. So we thought you would probably be okay getting some clothes without grass stains, as long as I faced the wall."

"I remember that. But seriously, Garfield? He didn't look away at all. He was helping me get dressed, and he's got no shame."

"I guess I got caught up in the scene. I mean... if you were a little kid, there's nothing to see. I was kind of thinking like you were a real kid. I didn't even notice..."

"You think if I stripped off, you could resist checking me out? You're what, fourteen? Old enough for puberty to kick in. I can't imagine any red-blooded teenage male who'd keep his thoughts–"

"Well, yeah, but Garfield's gay. He's not even remotely interest–"

"Mom!" he practically exploded. Surprised, but not shocked. Maybe it was even true. "You can't say that! What makes you think..." Garfield carried on protesting in breathless sentence fragments, while the others watched with grins of amusement and bemusement on their faces. Belle could tell that they were both finding the denial hilarious. It must be true, then. Belle considered it confirmed then that Jack and Caitlyn were an item despite the years between them. One of Garfield's friends from school, probably, volunteering for babysitting duties together so that they could spend time together outside the supervision of their respective parents.

They didn't snigger quietly while waiting for the end of Garfield's protest, but Belle was sure it was only iron self control that held them back. And when he finally tailed off, his mother had the perfect words to respond: "Well, I'm sure these two already know, you're thick as thieves. And Belle was surely smart enough to figure it out if she spent any amount of time interacting with you. So why not settle the issue right away? He won't be perving at you, I'm pretty sure. If you decide you want to do this again."

"I'm pretty sure I will. We can talk about it over dinner if that's still on offer. How far it's okay to go next time, and if you'd need to stop when I'm embarrassed. But I have to say thank you. All of you. I just hope Adelaide can join us again soon."

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