Chapter 439: Something New

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Caitlyn lifted Lily up onto the potty, which felt strange and cold. It wasn't like any other seat, and the little girl still didn't understand what they were expecting her to do. But she knew now that the grown-ups all knew what this strange white piece of furniture was for, and she was determined to prove that she was one of them. She must know it too, and Jack's words on the whiteboard had made her forget for a moment. So if she could just get the slightest hint, she would be able to remember and prove that she was still smarter than a little bit of Internet hypnosis and the tricks of three teenagers.

Cait had tried to explain what they were doing, but Lily hadn't been able to understand at all. It was like the babysitter was speaking another language. So she'd settled for trying to remember step by step as the babysitter had her – with a little help – pull down her panties and sit on the potty. Then she helped her to lift up her dress, and hold it so that none of the trailing lacy bits might get in the way. Lily felt so proud of being able to follow the instructions. It was like it was second nature, even if her hands were a little too clumsy to do it by herself. So just like eating without making a mess, she could tell that all the knowledge was still in her head. She knew how to do it, even if she wasn't entirely sure what she knew.

She was also squirming a little on the strange, uncomfortable seat. She could feel a tingling in her tummy now, and she knew that she was going to make peepee pretty soon. She could hold it another half hour, or maybe longer because she knew she was an adult really, but that would only be uncomfortable, and she needed to learn what the other option might be. She didn't want to wet herself, even if they'd already brought her to the bathroom ready to clean up if she couldn't figure it out. Especially because they'd brought her here, because their lack of confidence just made Lily even more determined to prove them wrong.

"Are you comfortable now?" Cait asked, and Lily nodded even though she really wasn't. She just wished they would hurry up and explain what she was doing here. "Okay, so do you need more help?"

Lily looked at her, still confused. That expression must have been enough to convey the message 'What am I doing here?', because the older girl started to explain without her needing to ask again.

"Come on, little one. Just make tinkles like a big girl, and then you can go back and play."

"I don't gotta go yet," Lily protested. "I'm a big girl, and I can hold it, and I'm not going to wet my pants."

"That's why you pulled your panties down, isn't it? You can make tinkles now, and it all goes in the potty. No mess, no problem. See, it's not like having an accident if you sit on the potty. That's how big girls do it."

Lily nodded, and she knew this wasn't some kind of trick. Not that Cait would ever be mean anyway, not like the boys. Lily doubted for a moment, but what she was hearing sounded exactly right. She was sure that was her adult memories trying to be heard, telling her that she was on the right track if she wanted to prove how grown up she was. So she smiled and nodded excitedly, and tried to use the potty. If she could do it just this once, she knew she would have access to those memories again and she would have proved herself smarter than all the hypnosis.

She stared straight ahead, focusing on the right muscles, and tried as hard as she could. Just a few minutes passed, and then she realised that she still needed a little help. She wanted to ask, but it took her a minute to find the right words: "I don't know how."

It sounded strange, and she knew that she was too big to have that problem. She knew that the last time she'd been here, she'd started to pee without even meaning to. And she knew that if she'd kept on playing, sooner or later she would need to pee and it would just happen. But that wasn't what a big girl would do, she needed to do it by herself rather than waiting for it to happen, and that part of adulthood was still hiding behind the blur of memories connected to the mysterious message on the whiteboard.

"It's okay, you're only little," Cait teased, and Lily pouted until she couldn't help laughing. There was something so special about needing so much help, and even if it was embarrassing she found that she loved it. One of the oldest girls in her class, she'd never really paid attention to anyone looking down on her, except for the time she'd heard that she wasn't old enough to keep her brother's attention like cheerleader Jeanette did. It was a new experience, and one that she intended to enjoy every minute of.

"Would you like me to help you?" Cait said softly, and Lily nodded, The babysitter moved a little closer. She put her hand on Lily's tummy, just below her navel, and whispered "Can you feel it here? Like a pressure inside you."

Another nod, Lily could still feel that she needed to pee, a little tingle that wasn't quite a need yet. If she just waited it would happen all by itself, but she still wanted to show that she didn't need to wait. So she tried to pay attention as Cait told her again what kind of feelings she should be noticing, all the little sensations that would help her to recognise when she needed to go. For a second, she wondered if this was how a little kid normally learned. She didn't think it was, but she wasn't sure what she was even learning right now, so she couldn't be sure. Then Cait was pressing down harder, and Lily felt that need become just a little more urgent. She whimpered at the unfamiliar sensation, and then the babysitter's fingers started to move in gentle circles. Clockwise on Lily's tummy, and every little circle helped her focus more and more on the weird feeling inside her.

"Just relax," Cait carried on her quiet coaching. "Just let it happen. Release all that pressure inside of you, let it come out. You're such a good girl, I'm sure you'll be able to learn quickly."

And then she stopped speaking, and it took a second for Lily to realise that she'd started to make tinkles in the toilet. She had done it, she was using the toilet like a big girl, all by herself. She giggled and clapped her hands, so proud that she'd managed to remember that little piece of her adult life, and she kept on laughing while all the pee inside her trickled out into the bowl. She laughed and shifted position, and proudly squealed in delight. She was old enough to know how embarrassing that was, getting all overwhelmed by emotions like a baby, but she didn't care. It felt so good to learn like a baby, and right now nothing mattered more than those feelings.

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