Chapter 413: Just Desserts

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"That's pretty impressive," Reg nodded as Belle presented the whiteboard from her bag. It only just fit, even though it was such a small piece of decoration. It was a cheap thing that had come from some craft store, years back before she'd known how useful it would turn out to be. The board itself was a simple rectangle about the size of a school textbook, but the border was made irregular by a pattern of plastic flowers. Some of them, she thought, she and Dean had added to cover up damage or to make the little object somehow more personal. In those days, she would have done anything just to keep her brother's attention, even if it felt painfully childish at the time. The name Lillibel was across the top in paste letters, a more recent addition. And she wondered if Reg would ask about that.

"So you start to regress when someone writes on this?" he asked, fingers tapping a little clip to one side that held a couple of dry-wipe markers. "I think you should probably be careful with it, to make sure it can't be used by accident."

"No, uhh..." she mumbled, and then caught herself. "It's not quite. I regress when I hear my baby name, that's not something I could change. I didn't quite understand how it worked when I started listening to the file. But I understand better now, so I made it so the only baby behaviors I have are whatever's written on the board, and to revert it it's erased or I can't get to it."

"That's a pretty nice way of doing things. So, you say this all comes from a pre-recorded hypnosis file? I haven't heard of that one, and I thought I knew enough people in the community to have everything come across my path once."

"It's not quite that," Belle was picking at her plate with one hand now, finishing off the last few pieces. She knew it was pretty uncouth, but with Vicky being so carefree beside her, it was hard to care so much about conventional table manners. "I mean, the file is pretty flexible. I say what I'd do in my baby headspace, and then when someone says the name it happens. But I didn't want to have so many baby behaviours that I can't control, so I just repeat each time that I'll do what it says on the board, and then go back to acting like an adult when the board is erased. You know, saying the same thing each time to make it easier to remember."

"Sounds like you really thought this through," Reg nodded back after a brief interval while the waiters exchanged empty dinner plates for little dessert menus on tiny silver easels. Belle looked at the list, but decided not to indulge in ice cream. Not when these people had already been so kind, and she hadn't actually asked if she needed to cover her share of the bill. "Can you tell me where you got this file? I would like to know, you see. Just so I can have some idea of its effectiveness if I meet someone else who might be interested. And, do you know what you'd like for dessert?"

"I couldn't. I mean, it's not like I need to diet, but in a place like this it feels like it would be an indulgence. Like, I'd feel guilty even if there's no reason to. And..." Belle paused for a second. Reg wasn't studying his own menu, but had a pen in hand and was writing on the whiteboard. "What are you doing?"

When he'd finished, he turned it around to show her. He'd added a few simple lines: saying that she would be as smart as ever, but feel young enough to do what she wanted without thinking about what people said she 'should' be, or all the rules that existed only to make people behave the same. And the second line that she would get over excited by the build-your-own-dessert menu, and try to get as many of her favourite things as possible into one dish. She couldn't help laughing as she saw it. He could have written whatever he wanted, and said her baby name before she had time to respond. But he'd chosen just two things that she could certainly get away with in the current environment, that nobody else would ever see, and that she knew she would find as a wonderful release after all the nerves that had been building up.

"I think you've been envying Vicky a little," he explained. "Just an idea how I could make sure you're not left out for the whole meal. And I see you're already starting to get into the role on your own, so I didn't think you'd object. If you really want to...?"

She looked him in the eyes, tried to catch him checking out her tits and ass or whatever else a horny guy might be thinking when he offered to satisfy a girl's most wholesome dreams. But there was nothing there but amused honesty, and absolute trust. He looked at his wife, and the genuine love he had for her was evident. All he wanted was to make her happy, and to help bring a smile to other faces as well.

"Please," she nodded. And then, realising she'd only answered one out of the questions he asked, she added: "And it was Adi who found the file, I'm not sure where. She said it's called 'baby name trigger', by someone called Lady Lauren or somebody. I think that was it."

"One of Lars's?" Vicky spoke, much to Belle's surprise. She'd barely said anything for the whole meal, but it seemed she was thinking like a grown-up now. "I think you should be a little more careful. I mean, I'm glad you feel you can trust us enough to share your board, but I hope you wouldn't trust everyone you meet so easily. Those particular files can be a little problematic, and very hard to deal with if you happen to change your mind."

"I know," Belle sighed, thinking of Adi again. The times she'd said she was trying to resist it, and left Belle wondering how much of that was because of the power of the files, and how much because Adi didn't really want to escape. Belle had initially had no doubts, even when Adi begged her not to say her baby name in class, or pretended to explode in rage. She'd known as well as anyone else that hypnosis couldn't make you do something you didn't really want. But then she'd found out how hard it was for Lillibel to resist when someone told her to wet herself, and began to rethink some of her earlier assumptions. "Wait, you know these files? And does your regression only last until dessert?"

"The emergency trigger lasts until I no longer need any help with stress. Or until I see something that worries me. And someone using one of the Lady Larsen files without knowing why they were created is enough to make me worry."

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