Chapter 388: Ascend

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Lily was feeling on top of the world as she ran around the garden. Cait had interrupted her babbling about all the fun things they were going to do to point out the difference between the words 'different' and 'detonate', but she wasn't sure she'd taken it in. She knew the words, they were very dissident and they didn't even sound the same. But when she thought about what the big girl was saying she couldn't remember which was which.

Then they'd set up a swingball thing, and had fun hitting a foam ball on a string with silly bats. And she'd tried to run around the yard as fast as she could, and Cait had shown her how to do cartwheels again. She almost got it this time, and it was so much easier when her skirt wasn't falling up over her head and getting caught on things. After that, she'd tried all kinds of things; running and jumping without caring just because she could. It was a bigger thrill than standing on a human pyramid, or chasing around a basketball court in pursuit of that perfect jump shot. Nobody was counting on her, nobody would care if she failed, but it was all the fun she needed. She could see why real little babies might love to play in the park, and she kept on asking if there was anything more they could do.

There always was. Every time they finished one game, there was another waiting. And even when she knew these boys would never run out of ideas, she was amazed every time by how exciting the new things were. This time, they were putting a climbing frame together. She'd laughed when they said it, thought it was a joke. But then Garth had gone to get the keys for the shed, and pulled out a couple of big metal things with all kinds of clips and folds. It was amazing, nobody had ever built her a climbing frame just for her before. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew that it was just two adjustable folding ladders, being set up and clipped together so they were low to the ground. But as they clipped on a couple of unidentified boards, it looked like a fort with all kids of ways to play, and a million stories she could tell as she clambered over it.

She started climbing, and paused for just a second with her feet on the second and third rungs of a short ladder that came almost up to Jack's chest. She felt a tiny twitch in her tummy as she straightened her leg, but she'd already felt it a couple of times today, and now Lily thought she was starting to know what it meant. She smiled a big smile, thinking maybe she could prove she was a big girl and ignore the whiteboard words, but still have a load of fun doing it. That was the best of both worlds.

Her tummy was saying she needed to go pee, but it wasn't really bad. A second later she couldn't feel it, and she could tell the words were making her not know she had to go. In half an hour or an hour she was going to subtly notice that she needed to pee really bad, and they she'd run to the bathroom as fast as she could and feel super proud of getting there on time. It made her blush so much, in a way that felt so good. But she thought it might be even more fun, and more exciting, if she could beat the magic words this time. She couldn't feel it anymore, but that didn't matter because she knew she needed to go a little bit. So she could climb on this frame, stand on the top and wave, and then go to the bathroom before she could feel it. This was exactly the kind of smart thinking that bookworm Adelaide would never understand.

She put her foot up on the next rung, and then the next. She was five steps off the ground now, and there was a bit of the ladder folded so it went straight across. There was a piece of board up there, maybe an old fence panel or something, to make a platform she could walk on. She looked at the other ladder next to her; it went a little bit higher, but still not high enough to hurt much if she fell onto the soft grass below. She thought about climbing up it next, playing a little bit longer before she had to use the bathroom. But for a second she thought about how easy it was to be carried away now. If she tried to get to one more place in her fort then she'd want to explore another, and then another. It would be an hour before she knew it, and she'd have to run again.

She was determined not to be embarrassed like that again. She was going to prove she could still be a big girl, just as soon as she'd shown them she was big enough to reach the top of the fort too.

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