[Flashback Chapter 453: Exactly as Humiliating as I Intended]

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Adi hesitated, stretching out on her bed. It really did feel like it was her own bed now, after all the weeks she'd thought of herself as a prisoner here. Given time, it was possible to get used to anything. And now she was just a little more comfortable that this was the best place for her. Especially with Dean sitting on a chair in the corner, queueing up a playlist on her laptop. He'd suggested it; looking over her shoulder as she rearranged all the hypno files she'd downloaded. She had put almost all of them into a password-protected folder, to ensure she couldn't listen to them again without thinking it through. Now, he'd set up the playlist with just the files that Chastaine had recommended. The baby name trigger file, and a couple of others that might enhance it, in a sequence that he said would help her to feel the effect as quickly as possible. And just maybe, have a chance that some of the more troublesome baby behaviours would get lost along the way.

"Now, you know what you need to say?" Dean asked, for maybe the tenth time. Adi nodded, not quite sure if the gesture would be visible while she was flat on her back. Answering with a nod and no words was about the only babyish thing she was still doing now, aside from wetting her diaper just a minute or two after she realised she needed to go. Somehow it made her feel small and safe to act a tiny bit childish, in the middle of a chaotic situation that she would have expected to be a nightmare until so recently. She wasn't sure if she should have told Dean about that, but she thought it could only make the current situation more complex. If it was only a little feeling, and something that she was choosing to do to make herself feel better rather than any kind of hypnotic compulsion, then she didn't need to bother him with the thoughts in her head. She certainly didn't want to confuse him now; she didn't want him thinking that she wanted to be a baby again, and letting her sink into some trap she'd never expected.

"Juniperellikins," she rolled the word around in her mouth. It didn't roll off the tongue, and it was a bit of a mouthful. Like she'd tried to cram as many syllables into it as possible, guarding against any possibility of hearing it by chance. And that was exactly the truth, a new baby name that there was no way she could hear by accident. She was ready now, about to be saved from the curse of being Adelaide. This was it, the end of the nightmare. But when she thought about it, it was only the beginning of the end. She didn't know if she could ever forgive her family and friends for pushing her so hard. She didn't want to hear from them again, especially not after that phone call, but the thought of losing Toni for good still filled her with despair.

She could see her bridges burning, and she didn't know if she was scared or relieved. This was the point of no return, and she knew that even once she'd managed to banish all of those baby behaviours, and gone through the ordeal of potty training herself, she would still have to decide which way she wanted to go. Which of her friends she would need to apologise to, who she would have to thank, and who would be cut off completely.

"Right," Dean kept on talking, not seeming to notice all the conflicts and worries in Adi's mind. "Don't let yourself think about it too much. You know this is what you want. So just keep on saying that name. I'll ask you to repeat it a few times before I start the file, and then I'll keep listening. I'll stop it right away if I hear any suggestion of the other name, right?"

Again, Adi nodded, while the unfamiliar name emerged from her lips. She needed to get more used to saying it, if she was going to be repeating it for five minutes while the file took her into trance. Her new baby name. Exactly as humiliating as it needed to be, because nobody would ever name a real child Juniperellikins, and it was too over the top to be a pet name for even the most saccharine, lovey-dovey imbeciles. It was perfect.

"Juniperellikins," she repeated, "Juniperellikins. Juniperellikins."

"Now, I want you to think about your baby name," the voice from the computer started. "You need to focus on that name, so that it can be at the forefront of consciousness for what we are about to do. Can you think of that name?"

"Juniperellikins," Adi repeated, carefully enunciating her humiliating passport out of hell.

"Good. Now let yourself say that name, and remember how you have felt each time you repeat it for the baby name trigger file. Remember how it feels to say that name as your awareness drops like a stone. Let go of any resistance as you say it for me now."

"Ah– Juniperellikins," Adi found herself repeating the word without even meaning to, a little shocked. She hadn't known she was starting to trance, this wasn't even her baby name yet, but she was responding without thinking. This Lady Larsen's files really were as powerful as everyone said.

"And let yourself sink twice as deep as you say it again for me, tell me the name that's starting to control your baby side. Say it now."

Juniper felt her lips move, but she didn't even hear her name this time. It was becoming a part of her, just like it was supposed to. She could just obey the words on the recording without thinking, and let the adults take care of everything else.

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