Chapter 531: Making up for Lost Time

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Adi followed Toni up the steps into the main part of the house. It was still giant, with more hallways than any house should include. Adi didn't know her way around too well, as most of the times she'd been staying here she'd ended up regressed. But still, it felt a little like home. At the top of the stairs, Toni dashed into a side room, and Adi found herself trying to remember what was on the other side of that door. She couldn't recall having been in there before, and she was still thinking about it as she drifted closer, and almost ran straight into Toni coming out.

Toni was quicker to respond. She had a large package in her arms, but she deftly held it in one hand while reaching out with the other to grasp Adi's shoulder. Adi jumped back startled, and might have fallen without the extra support. They froze there for a second that seemed to stretch to eternity.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you, I didn't look where I was going. I didn't mean–"

"Are you okay? I was just getting this. Let's go to the front room, okay?"

Adi nodded, watching Toni's lips shape the words. She could feel the strength of the hand on her shoulder; not hurting, but making it clear that she could easily have supported Adi's weight if she needed to. Then she shook her head, turned, and found a seat in the lounge while still mumbling "Sorry" under her breath.

"You looked shocked there," Toni said a few seconds later, not mentioning the parcel that she had just laid down on the coffee table. "Are you still nervous around me, a little jumpy?"

"No, not at all! It's just I wasn't expecting you to be there, I was following you into the room and you're coming out again. I wasn't paying attention. What were you thinking, right then?"

"Nothing much, just surprised. Same as you."

"Okay then."

"Okay. Well, I got a little present for you. Not entirely a gift, but something I felt I should do for you. To make up for any enjoyment you might have missed over the summer."

"Have you spent a small fortune on me again?"

"Not really. Just something I wanted to get you, and I wasn't organised enough before your birthday. A gift I think you'd really like. But nothing excessive."

"Like, a reasonable price for a present for a friend?" Adi responded without thinking, and then surveyed the sentence again and couldn't see a good way to finish it. Or more suitable for something for your girlfriend? That's why you're hesitating, isn't it? We never really broke up, but you've only called me a friend since I got back. I don't know how you feel now and I don't know how I feel myself. You're nervous to say it because you're not sure where we are, right? But giving me a present is kind of a hint, because the things you buy for friends are usually pretty cheap or funny, and the things you'd get your girlfriend are extravagant and unique. Right? You're nervous that giving me something really nice would make me think you still want me like that. And you think that after all the dumb stuff I said, I might be more offended than I was I could dismiss it as a joke between us. You were wondering if giving me this would be too much, right?"

"Almost," Toni said, blushing almost as much as Adi. "Well... I was wondering if kissing you would be too much. In the hall, I mean. When we were just a couple of inches apart, and I was reminded of you walking around first thing in the morning, in a half-asleep daze. I... I'm sorry, it shouldn't even have been in my mind."

"It's only natural. I mean, when you stopped me like that, I could imagine it happening. You always trusted your instincts, and your lips were right in front of my eyes."

"I've got some self-control. Never want to hurt you, Babe."

"If it feels natural..."

"You want me to?"

"Of cou–" Adi started, and then cut herself off. "I don't know. I don't know if it would feel right or not. But if you tried it, I might know better." There was the briefest flash of a smile at that, and she knew they were on the same wavelength at last.

"Don't think I'd get that close to someone who isn't sure. But if the idea doesn't disturb you, then maybe you're more resilient than I thought. I would still like it if you could... If you could trust me enough to open up again. And nothing's happened to change how much I care about you. It's just a little weird and awkward now. So how about we say this is a fresh start. Okay? We're friends now, getting to know each other again after a break when we might have changed. And if anything else happens, then let it happen. Give it a try at least. Whatever comes naturally, you said. Whatever I want. Are you sure about that?"

"As sure as I can be. I think it wouldn't be fair to say we're like... lovers, after such a long break. But I know I couldn't stand to lose you from my life, so all those feelings could still come back."

"Adi, I took advantage of you. I asked you to be with me when you were scared and vulnerable, and when there was nobody else you could turn to for help with a major life problem. And when you were staying at my house, separated by your family by that same drama. In a situation like that it's hard to say no. I realised it when we were speculating about how you suddenly started defending Dean. Stockholm Syndrome they call it. All the same things apply to the time you spent with me, when I started making decisions for you. I didn't mean to, but I put you in a situation where it's hard to disagree with me. So this time, before I call you my girlfriend again, I want to know that this is something you're choosing for yourself. And freely."

"I don't even... I mean, I can't imagine you not being here, does that mean anything? I just don't know if I'm ready to say..."

"Then carry on being my closest friend. And when it feels natural we can change that. To girlfriend, mistress, toy, or whatever floats your boat. I'm sure we'll find something in the dictionary that we both want. To me it's seeing you happy that's the important part. And you'll always be my friend, whether or not the other stuff works out."

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