Chapter 468: Departure Day

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Toni's heart was racing, and she drummed her fingers on her knees. She knew she would always be the one in control, but the next twelve hours she could do almost nothing but wait. They were taking the train to the airport, as Nyx had been called in to work at the last minute. Belle had asked questions about that, expecting Toni to leave her car parked at the airport's extortionate long-term rates. But she'd explained that even if she had money, she wasn't about to waste it. The number of legs in this journey, as well as their necessarily flexible plans, meant that they'd packed as much of their stuff as possible in carry-on bags. They had one small suitcase between them, so there would have been no problems even if the train was more crowded.

"There'll be someone meeting us?" Belle asked again.

"Ryland's guy. Everything we might need, he said. And a rental car."

"Maybe we should have looked into package holidays years ago. I mean, we've always seen the ads that say they can do the paperwork for you and get everything sorted faster. Dean said it was impossible, there's no way to speed up the visas, but if your guy can get stuff done this fast, and have a car waiting for us... That's pretty incredible."

"It's not exactly a package holiday," Britney smirked. "Mr Ryland is a very well connected man. And I expect his services come at a price most people couldn't afford even if they could find him."

"He works with my dad sometimes, or I'd never have got in his office. You couldn't afford his services, and some of it might not exactly be legal." Toni thought about the passport in her pocket, stamped with previous uncontested visits to Kolechia, and a lot fewer stamps than her real one. Britney was carrying a similarly modified set of documents, which was just the icing on the cake in case the customs officials on the border wanted to try shaking them down. They were being identified as model tourists, the kind of people who were likely to be connected and cause trouble if anyone stood in the way of the senior bureaucrats who had already been properly paid off.

"Let's just say," Britney answered Belle's look of confusion, "there are people in her family who have a lot of experience in getting people and things across borders unchallenged. I'd rather not know any more than that, and I think neither would you."

"If only getting Adi out of that house would be so easy." But then they saw the train was passing between massive parking garages, hotels, and terminal buildings, so the conversation had to end. It was time to go to Kolechia.

* * *

Adi woke up, and right away she knew something was different. The strange room looked different today. She looked over at her laptop in the corner, the time displayed on the screen. It wasn't connected to a nest of cables today. There wasn't a game controller plugged in, or her phone charger. She didn't even have a tiny wireless mouse on the desk next to it, just the laptop and a power cable.

She could have gone over there to play games if she wanted. Childish things, or a couple of Garfield's games that her brother had left installed. She'd tried playing War of Aegis: Shadow Covenant III: Tybalt's Vengeance a few times in an attempt to feel more mature, and found that she could enjoy running around a derelict starship shooting zombie aliens with anachronistic weapons. But the amount of time the game expected you to spend on upgrading equipment and budgeting for ammunition was beyond her.

Right now, she would really have preferred to go on Critical Mass and tell some of her followers about her new life. But she couldn't browse the web; she'd let Dean change all the passwords, and now she only had access to a child account set up with a lot of restrictions. When she thought about that, it let her have a little more confidence. Knowing that he was looking out for her, and keeping her safe. But still, it was frustrating.

When she finally stumbled out of bed, she settled for a couple of minutes matching coloured bunnies until she was properly awake, and then clicked on the 'power off' button. Of course, the computer wanted to install updates before it would let her leave. But she was sure they would be done by the time breakfast was over.

Then she changed her diaper. She was so glad that Dean was letting her do this by herself now, it made the whole day more acceptable. She was wet, of course, and itching a little. She tried to go to use the bathroom like an adult before putting on a clean pullup, but her bladder already seemed to be empty.

Today she decided to wear scruffy jeans, after checking in the mirror to make sure that a medical diaper chosen for discretion wasn't visible. She could have picked a T-shirt, but she still worried about her diaper being visible over the waist of her jeans. So she went for an oversized onesie bearing the slogan 'bad girl' and a pair of devil horns on the front. It would look just like a normal tee to any passer by, but there was no chance of it coming untucked. A perfect compromise. And as much as she didn't want to admit it, sometimes a little childish hint that nobody else could see helped her feel safe and protected. If she was lucky, she might even grow to enjoy it.

"Are you ready?" Dean's voice called up from the kitchen. "Everything ready for today?" Adi found she was holding her breath, half expecting him to call her Adelaide. But she knew that would come later, and Adi forced herself to relax for now.

Adi swallowed nervously. The big day; when Dean's friend Chastaine would be coming to meet them, and her whole lifestyle would change. She was scared, she couldn't deny that. But with Dean doing so much to make her comfortable, she knew it couldn't really be that bad.

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