Chapter 347: I Know All the Right Questions to Ask

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"There's good bits and bad bits. With somebody I trust, as long as I get control back and they follow the rules in my emails. I think I need somebody to push me or I'd never try new things. I guess I shouldn't knock it until I've tried it, that's one thing I learned."

Adi hit send on the message, and hoped it was as clear as it seemed in her mind. So Toni would know she was happy to explore new things, even if she'd felt it necessary to include a reminder about the emails. And if it wasn't Toni, if it was just someone who'd seen her reviews of hypnosis files after chatting with Britney, then her answer was pretty generic. Discussing a hypothetical situation, not opening up about her desires to someone who didn't already know. Without specifics, she didn't need to be embarrassed.

She clicked on the next notification, which was a green one. It would probably take a while longer to read, but might not require a response. While she'd woken up early, it would make sense to get through as many messages as she could. And then maybe people wouldn't think she'd abandoned her account. She might still have a couple of friends, or even a couple of fans, when the last few days of babying were over.

"Good morning, Adelaide!" Toni's voice came from the baby monitor. "Are you awake already?"

"Mommy!" Adi called back. She suddenly felt much more babyish when she heard her name. She might have wet her diaper again, she couldn't even tell now. But she knew that everything was okay, because nothing would please her more than being a good girl and doing what the grown-ups told her.

"You're awake early this morning, aren't you Baby?"

"Uh-huh!" Adi squeaked back, and nodded vigorously. After a few seconds she realised that Mommy probably couldn't see her from the other side of the baby monitor, but her head didn't stop bobbing. She didn't think any more about it, she didn't need to think about a thing.

Mommy came into the room a minute later, a big grin on her face and the rich aroma of good coffee drifting in after her. Adelaide made grabby hands in the air, not quite sure if she was trying to pull Mommy closer or capture the yummy smell. Mommy hugged her close, before setting the keyboard to one side and carefully lowering the crib's bars. She quickly changed Adi out of her overnight diaper, and put her in a pretty pink dress that billowed out whenever she moved. She kept on talking all the time, making jokes with the baby or reassuring her, and the words made Adelaide feel so safe and protected even if she didn't understand all the things Mommy was saying.

When they got down to the kitchen, Adelaide was surprised to see that Dean was sitting at the table already, while Mom was pouring some steaming coffee into a bottle. There was already a stack of pancakes on the table, and the little girl wasn't sure which of those things was making her the most excited. Between all the surprises today, she couldn't stop bouncing up and down once Toni carefully lowered her into her seat.

"Somebody's a happy baby today!" Dean joked. "Guess you're not worried about being a grown-up anymore?"

Adi didn't quite know what he meant, so she just nodded and reached out for the pancakes in front of her. As long as she had pancakes, and two wonderful people to cut them up and feed them to her, she didn't need to think about anything else. She was too little to care, and she knew the grown-ups would make everything turn out fine. They'd already finished breakfast before she started to wonder about what they had planned, or why everyone was here. Even then, she hadn't said anything when Mom and Mommy both reached for their coats and turned to talk to Dean.

"Garfield might be back later," Mom said. "You might have to keep those two from fighting if he's alone."

"I can cope with another kid. I think he kind of respects me, at least."

"I'm sure you'll manage. And he's probably got a date anyhow. He always seems –"

"Mommy!" Adi whimpered, and wrapped her arms around Toni's legs. "You going?"

"Don't worry, baby," she ruffled the little girl's hair, and spoke in a soft voice that always made Adi feel warm inside. "Your Mom's going to talk to my Dad about some things. Maybe it'll be easier for you to stay with me if he understands. And then we've got some paperwork to do, the last details of your college admission. So can you be good for Dean while we're away?"

Adi nodded slowly, and gave a brave smile. She didn't like seeing Mommy go away, but she felt so proud that they trusted her to be good. She didn't want to let them down.

"I thought we'd be gone before you woke up," Mom added. "We need to head out early, but somehow you managed to wake up even earlier. So we got to see you for breakfast, and we'll see you again later. You're a lucky girl, aren't you?"

Adi smiled and nodded, and held tight onto Dean's hand as they walked outside. Dean stepped forward and asked Mom something else, in a lower voice, but Adi couldn't hear or understand what he was saying. She didn't mind, as long as there was a grown-up there to take care of her. And less than a minute after the door closed, she was laughing so hard at the babysitter's jokes that it didn't cross her mind to wonder what they were actually planning.

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