Chapter 465: Adults Talking

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Belle ran out to the taco van on the corner and pick up something for Toni and herself. She figured that would be easier, so the others could talk about the money without her having to think too hard about the amounts. She knew it would only stress her out, and that she would be able to pay it back when her own life was a little more organised. By the time she got back, Toni and Vicky were laughing like old friends.

"Looks like you're going to the beach for a weekend," Vicky started with the good news. "If you want to, that is. It's a long weekend, as some of the little ones have other things on their schedule. You can come up as a day trip and spend most of the day having seaside fun. Or if you'd rather travel with Reg and I, we can go up Friday morning, that's the twenty-sixth, and come back Tuesday after we make sure that everything is tidy."

Belle nodded. She knew that it would be easier if she could travel with her friends. But she was also worried about putting an extra burden on them, and quite aware that staying for four nights, no matter what the kind of accommodation, was likely to cost more than Toni had assumed for a day on the east coast. She looked up to the biker, wondering if there was anything she could say to justify borrowing the extra cash.

"It's up to you," the answer came before she'd even asked the question. "You're helping us out big time, and I know it's going to be hard going against your brother. Don't worry about the money for now."

"Then... I'd like to go with you. There's somewhere to stay? I think somebody said tents, I've got one in the attic but don't know what condition it's in. Maybe–"

"All you have to say is that you want to go, dear. Everything else, we'll find a way to make it work and you don't worry your head about it. Toni tells me that you've ended up helping them with some rather serious problems. Now, is that something you'd like to share? Because I might have advice and experience that can make your lives easier, so long as I'm not poking my nose into someone else's business."

"We'd better talk," Toni affirmed after a brief nod from Belle. "There's been some drama, between my girlfriend and Belle's big brother. And we'd appreciate the input of someone who's been active in a particular community a little longer. Like, Belle mentioned you had a friend who helped make sure she was safe when she last visited. I think your friend is someone we could talk to."

"Is this about..." Vicky's eyes darted around the park, suddenly not so confident about talking in a public place. "That audio she's been listening to? Your girl has a copy of that one as well, right?"

"Yeah. And Dean Carter might have found a way to use it against her. I'm sure she isn't even sure what she wants now. And I'm sure she won't be comfortable with me any more when she finds out all the facts. But I want her to have a fair choice, so she needs to be thinking clearly. Can your friend..."

"I think I'd like to know more about this. I'm not in the business of handing out other people's contact details, and I barely know you. If you can tell me what's happened I'll try to help, but I need to know you're someone I can trust. I want to help Belle's friends, but I need to see more of you first."

"Right. Let's go to bean2brew, there's never anybody in the back room at this time. We can talk for a while without worrying about being overheard."

"I was going to suggest we adjourn to my office. I suspect it's more comfortable there, and we won't have to wait for our coffee. Can I trust you two to be respectful to other people in the building? They don't know I'm into any of this stuff, but you look like you're capable of being discreet."

Toni just nodded, and they followed as Vicky led them towards one of the largest buildings in town.

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