[Flashback Chapter 461: Enthusiastically Ready for My Training]

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Juniper giggled. It felt weird, hearing someone else say her name. She knew there was a reason she'd been nervous about it, but right now she wasn't quite sure what it might be. She listened to her own voice, the soft laughter, and decided that if she was giggling so much she must be happy. She certainly felt happy, and it was hard to think how anyone else's opinion could matter. She sounded happy, so she was happy, and she didn't need to think about anything else. She was dimly aware there might be some flaw in that logic, but right now she didn't know for sure what it was. And why should she waste time worrying, when she was having so much fun?

A few seconds later, she wasn't even thinking about it. Dean could still worry, leaping forward to catch her last piece of toast before she splashed sauce across the kitchen tabletop. But he was a grown-up, he could do all the thinking for her. Like now, Juniper thought, as she leaned forward to take a bite out of the dropped fragment of her breakfast between the babysitter's fingers.

"Enjoying yourself?" he asked, and Juniper nodded. Already she was losing all the worries from the past few weeks. She didn't know how long it had been since she could properly stop thinking, but it was so easy now that she didn't even try. Dean was going to find something fun for her to do, and she was going to enjoy it. That was all the plan she needed. She nodded excitedly, and only realised when her head stopped bobbing that Dean had said something else as well. She wanted to ask him to repeat, but right now the words weren't coming, so she looked up at him instead. If it was important he'd say it again.

"Can you understand me?" he asked, and when she nodded to that he repeated "So do you think you've got all your baby behaviours?"

She thought about it, and tried to find an answer. She knew vaguely what he was asking. She was a baby, and she knew how to behave, but she knew the words meant something else as well. All the things that she had to do when she turned into a baby, that her special name made her do. She thought for a second and tried to remember what those were, before she came to a conclusion that was very easy to think of.

"I dunno," she answered, and wiggled against the table to push her chair out so that she could go and play.

"We need to check, Juniper," Dean continued, patient and not angry. That made her feel safe even if she wasn't really sure why. "Let's see, did you wet your diaper?"

"No!" she answered indignantly, sure that she would be able to prove she was a big girl. It had been less than an hour since she put this diaper on, and she was sure she could at least hold it that long. But as Dean raised an eyebrow, she had second thoughts. She reached one hand down under the hem of her dress, and pressed it against the front of her diaper. There was no noticeable bulge there, the thick padding wasn't swelling yet, but she could feel the warmth already. It would have been so easy to keep it a secret, like all her instincts were screaming she should, but she was determined to make Dean happy this time. "Umm... maybe."

"You didn't feel it?" He asked, and the baby just shook her head. "Well, that's still not conclusive. It's only natural you can't hold it, after so long as a baby. You'll need to start potty training all over again. Would you like to do that this morning?"

"Yeah!" Juniper gave a huge grin. She didn't know quite what he meant, but she already knew that whatever the babysitter suggested would be a whole bunch of fun. That said, she started to kick her legs again in the hope of getting her chair away from the table. Only a few minutes before she'd been able to sit down by herself, but now it seemed like she couldn't move it at all. And as the chair started to rock, there was a real risk that she would fall off it. At least until Dean put his hands on her waist to steady her, and helped her to stand.

"Don't worry, Juniperellikins," he reassured her. "Even if you were a baby, you'd be able to walk around as long as there's an adult helping you. And you could easily follow me into the lounge for some fun."

She nodded, and hopped off the chair as he pulled it out for her. She was so grateful, he seemed to know exactly what she needed. Her legs were wobbly again when she hit the ground, and she was sure that wasn't just the thick diaper between her legs making her waddle. But when he took her hands, she found that she could focus more on her feet and carefully put them where she needed to go. She wasn't grown-up yet, and she still needed help, but she didn't need to worry about that as long as Dean was there to protect her. She loved him, and she could see the day was going to be a whole lot of fun as he helped her move towards her future.

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