[Flashback Chapter 466: Some Things Aren't Worth Fighting Over]

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Juniper and Dean were both sitting on the couch in the lounge, while one of the larger plushies propped the door closed. Adi might have protested about that, knowing that she was a big girl now; too sensible to run off without adult supervision. But somewhere in the middle of her mind she knew that she couldn't trust herself to behave rationally as long as she was still a child. She didn't know how Juniper might respond; and closer to the surface of their thoughts, Juniper wasn't thinking about anything but the brightly coloured shapes dancing around on the TV screen. After a little experimentation they'd managed to find a game that could update itself enough to be played without overtaxing the slow and unreliable broadband connection out here in the sticks.

The game was Aegis Conflict: Super Deformed Cartoon Carnage Squad, which seemed to be a child-friendly version of some of the games Garfield was so addicted to. The soldiers were recognisable, including the amazonesque hologram lady who'd given them badges on their trip to K-World, but the same figures were represented in cartoony forms with the uniforms swapped to bright colours and their heads almost as large as their bodies. And when Mikochama bopped a soldier on the head with her exorcism staff, any realistic sign of violence was replaced by a cloud of tiny birds flying around the injured party's head. It was adorable, but also surprisingly hard.

Juniper noticed once that her tongue was sticking out of the corner of her mouth, and put it away before the babysitter could see how childish she was acting. The lapse in concentration cost her a life, but she was sure that she would be able to even the score just as soon as she could fill up the rainbow bar again.

That confidence lasted about a second before something else demanded her attention. There was a feeling of urgency that she couldn't understand for a few seconds, until she thought back and tried to remember what Dean had told her today. He'd said some important things, she was sure, when he was helping her to turn into a baby again. A few seconds, a lot of thought, and another lost life was all it took. Juniper grinned and jumped to her feet, the game controller tumbling to the floor beside her. She needed to use the bathroom, and she was sure that now Dean had told her the right magic words, she would find it easier to act like a big girl.

She ran towards the door, stumbling just a little as she realised her legs were still thinking she was a toddler. She hoped that opening the door wouldn't slow her down too much, because the feeling in her tummy was really, really urgent now. She was struggling to hold it, even after an adult gave her permission to try, and she'd been trying for a few weeks now. Dean looked in her direction, and he must have known where she was going. Maybe she could have told him, and asked for help, but she felt that she really didn't have time to say a word. He was running closer, grabbing at the soft doorstop and opening the door ahead of her.

Adi clenched hard, telling herself that she only needed five or six more steps. But it was already too late. As she saw the door swing aside in front of her, her heel hit the ground and she couldn't stop a short spurt of pee starting to warm her diaper. Her mouth opened to protest as she tried to force those muscles to close again, but now she was thinking about too many things at once. She toppled forward onto her knees, and the impact made her forget everything else for a second. Long enough for her to let go and her protesting bladder to empty completely.

"No!" she whimpered, and found that it was just as hard to keep from crying as the warmth spread around her crotch. But before she could upset herself any further, Dean was right there helping her to her feet.

"Don't worry about it, Juniperellikins. If you're a baby then you won't be too upset about wetting yourself, because you know that it will be easier next time. You almost got to the door, didn't you? So you managed to hold it for nearly a minute, and next time you'll manage a bit longer. You'll be a big girl again in no time."

"Big?" Juniper whimpered, and looked up with pleading eyes. It was so much fun being little, and she enjoyed playing with the cartoony figurers on the screen even if she could never win. But she knew that on some level deep down she really wanted to be a big girl. "Change?"

"Okay, baby. Would you like me to change you, or can you do it yourself? And then are you ready to be a big girl again?" He took her hand and helped her to walk back upstairs. Juniper was content now. She knew that a wet diaper should start to be uncomfortable, but after the whole summer she barely noticed. And as long as there was a babysitter who cared there to change her, she could leave all the worrying to the adults.

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