Chapter 508: I Know There Are Some Things I Need to Say

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"So you knew something was wrong then. Don't tell me you just let him go along with it anyway?"

"Wait," Nyx interrupted Toni. "He realised what you were doing and stopped you? I thought that was going to be the email you wrote us, about how you're enjoying the holiday but can't wait for Mommy to join you."

Adi blushed a little, looking down at her hands. She couldn't believe that she was still embarrassed by writing a childish message, after all the things she'd been through over the summer. But she pushed those feelings to the back of her mind, and forced herself to answer.

"Yeah. I was still thinking kind of babyish, even if I thought I was getting over it. It takes time to wear off."

"No, it's not that –"

"How did we see that email?" Britney jumped in as soon as she realised the confusion. "Like, if Dean saw what you were doing and didn't connect you to the Internet, it shouldn't have gone through. Did he let us get it anyway?"

"I don't know," Adi answered with a shrug. "Sorry, that's all I can say. Maybe he read it some time without me realising, and decided it was safe enough to let you know I was with him. Or he could have... Is there a way you could send it by mistake?"

"He put your laptop online later," Chastaine pointed out. "He said he was letting you play games, but only with him watching. He didn't mention the email, so he might have been thinking more about what you might try to do. If the mail client was still running in the background, with the message waiting in the outbox, it would have sent as soon as he let you connect to the Internet."

"That sounds more likely," Britney nodded. "Dean's a smart guy, but he's still got to think about sending email or using his computer. Like it's not second nature to him. Almost the previous generation. I guess sports science at uni involves less sitting in front of a screen, and more standing in a field watching people run around. Very manual course to study, I mean."

"Could be," Toni nodded. "But we should get back on topic. Adi was worried, she'd worked out what was really going on. How could he change your mind after that, Babe? If it's not some kind of manipulation or trickery, he must be the king of persuasion. Did he use more files?"

"No," Adi smiled and shook her head confidently. "Nothing like that at all. But I think... I have a kind of confession to make. When I thought about that, I wanted to upset him. I tried really hard to make his life harder, and some of the things I did..."

"He deserved it all. Don't worry, Babe."

"He didn't. And it's not just that. It's that... I think I might have shot myself in the foot a little. If I'd gone along with his plans, just trusted him, then I wouldn't have had to be so babyish over summer. Maybe I could have got a few adult days out, if I'd not been so intent on acting like a problem child."

"You can't blame yourself for–"

"Yes I can. Now, this isn't telling you anything about why Dean had me there, but I think you need to hear about me misbehaving as well. So you can understand his reactions, and so you'll know why the trip had a last minute extension. That was my fault, for real. And more than that, I need to tell someone what I did. It was pretty dumb really, but I can't keep on hiding my mistakes, and waiting for you all to get the wrong idea. I have to say it, get it off my chest."

"Feel free. Seriously, nobody's going to judge you. You've been under so many suggestions, it's no surprise there were mistakes. Even if you thought you were feeling better. We won't judge you, dear."

"Thanks. I mean, it was more of a big deal after he took my phone. I was really bad then. But in a way, some of it started in the week after I first started having crazy fears about being turned into a hypnotised slave girl...

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