Chapter 448: DEONTOLOGY

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Britney froze for a second. She was used to seeing emails with the subject line in all capitals, but they normally wanted her to make money fast from home, or wanted her to look at outrageous nude pictures of celebs. A single word, and one with a relatively obscure meaning in philosophy, was a new one to her. But with just a moment to think about it, she thought she could see where the word might have come from. And clicking frantically on the notification before it vanished proved her right.

"This is an automated message from the Graduation Exam Automated Results Service," she read, and immediately knew why she was receiving it. Still she kept on reading all the boilerplate text aloud, because it seemed more real that way. When she could hear her own voice, she knew this couldn't be a dream. "You have not been subscribed to any list, and you will not receive any further messages. We are sending you this email to inform you that your close friend or family member Adelaide J. N. Spenser has completed her standard certificate and university admissions examination, and has requested that you receive an automated notification of her final results. The results will continue, beneath a personal message."

She was breathing too fast as she read those words, almost hyperventilating. This must be what Adi had meant when she said there was an automatic email on the way. Not some trick of technical wizardry, which had worried Britney because she wasn't confident in her genius friend's ability to make something like that work on the first try, but an email that the school would send out in any case.

Britney had used hers simply to tell her grandparents and numerous great uncles that she had passed, and that she would be going to Moistville in a couple of months. But Adi had found a way to use the email for an unintended purpose. That was the mark of a truly great thinker, turning a problem into its own solution. If she was stressing out while she waited for the exam results, then it would help her to feel a little more babyish. And in that case, she would want to be adult enough to process her results as soon as they came out, so that she could complete her enrollment at Moistville or start looking into alternative options for her entry into academia. So using the results email ensured the timing was perfect, even if the results were early, or if they were delayed.

Britney wanted to know that Adi would be able to go to Moistville, and that the plans they'd made there wouldn't all be wasted. She doubted her friend could have failed the exams, but hadn't been able to completely rule it out. So first she skipped over the personal message, which seemed to be quite a large wall of text from Adi. She went straight to the end of the message to see the results.

Adi had done well. It didn't say how well, just that the results were above Adelaide's expectations. Britney knew that Adi could have selected up to five summary sentences, to be picked by the system depending on how good her results were. So that probably meant a high pass. Her actual results weren't included, which they could have been if she'd requested it. But there was a confirmation that Adi's results had met the criteria to be accepted for her first choice college placement, studying a custom course through the arts and literature faculty at Moistville University. It was the best outcome she could have hoped for, and Britney felt so proud of her friend.

Then, at last, she could look at the email and see if Adi wanted to be released from babyhood now, or just to have it toned down. Maybe she would even ask them to make her more babyish, although it was hard to imagine any way to act littler than the way Adelaide had been when this message was written. In a way, Britney wasn't sure she even wanted to read the email. Whatever Adi asked for, there was no way she could help to grant it while she was trapped in the former-Russian plains with an out-of-control babysitter. And when she came back, Toni and Nyx had already agreed exactly what they wanted to do with Adi. they had no intention of obeying this email when it had arrived so late in the summer, giving them so long to weave their own plans in the interim. But at least, seeing the email, she hoped that both Mom and Mommy would have a clearer idea what their daughter actually wanted.

"Mom," she read the words aloud again, still trying to convince herself that this was really happening. "Britney. Mommy. Everyone. I've been wanting to say this, but I couldn't upset you with the stress of the exams coming up. I think I'd like to spend less time feeling childish once I've got my exam results. I won't have anything hanging over my head then, so I should be aiming for a summer of complete adulthood to help me prepare for Moistville."

Britney sighed, wondering how the two of them could have such different definitions of adulthood. Adi had known all along that being a baby for a month would leave her with no bladder or bowel control for a considerable time after, so even if the situation hadn't turned to madness she would have had no chance of being completely adult before the new academic year. She'd confirmed her desires several times when Toni and Belle had asked, only to gloss over that detail completely when she came to write this email. That was classic Adelaide, and Britney again wondered how well she could manage to avoid thinking about such a big deal.

Before she could think any deeper, she was interrupted in her reading by her phone skittering across the desktop, the vibration turned into a dull roar as the whole surface acted as an amplifier.

"Hello?" she gasped, swiping across before she'd even looked who was calling. There were few enough people who would call at this time.

"Brit!" Toni's voice came through immediately, slightly breathless. "I just got this email, you got to see–"

"I'm just reading it. And yeah, we need to talk. As soon as possible."

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