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○5 months and a bit later (aka, 1 week before Iron Man 2)○

Christina was happily walking around with Roxy following her around, until she realised Tony has literally eaten all of her food
"I can't literally wait to move out" Christina grumbled, closing the fridge again before turning to her dog
"Looks like I gotta go out now, yay" Christina laughed as she petted the dogs head, getting a howl in response. Christina smiled as she then walked her way into the lounge where she saw Pepper

"Afternoon, Christina... are you okay?" Pepper asked

"Yeah, just gonna go out for a hour to get some food... mind watching Roxy for me?" Chris asked as she heard the Husky barking
"When she does that, about 90% of the time it is at a bird or squirrel and the other 10% is at her toys" Christina added

"Are you sure I can't go out for you?" Pepper offered

"No no, I want the headspace... feels like I have been locked up in here for a fair few days" Chris smiled as Pepper agreed to watch Roxy. Christina snuck down to the garage and grabbed her keys and started to drive to a store.

A hour later she finally got enough food for a while to bring home, seeing she also now had an incoming call from Fury

"Do I ever get a break?" Christina asked as she answered it

"What is with that attitude?" Fury asked her back

"Just needing and wanting some me time... but I forget I don't get that because if it isn't related to my brother it is you. What do you want?" Christina asked as she put it on hands free setting as she got into her car

"I just wanted a check in and we will hopefully have a great idea for what we are gonna do for you soon, also you might see Romanoff around one day" Fury explained as Christina started her drive home

"Uh, sure... sounds fun, hey can I look through some of dads things again soon? I think there was this cool design dad had for my weapon and I could happily use an upgrade" Christina explained

"I suppose so... what kinda upgrade?" Fury asked

"A cool electricity feature" Christina laughed as she turned down this street, which was nice and empty

"I swear you and Romanoff just love to have the same weapons" Fury grumbled

"Well, we have both known eachother long enough and she has been one of my very few fa-" Christina got cut off as a huge truck slammed into the side of her car.

"Christina? Are you okay?"


"Hey Tony, has Christina arrived home yet?" Pepper asked as she walked down to the garage

"She went out?" Tony questioned her, unaware that Chris even left

"Yeah to buy some groceries... she left me incharge of Roxy but she has been gone for an hour and a bit" Pepper explained

"Probably got lost again, JARVIS pull up the tracker on her car" Tony instructed

"You track her car?" Pepper asked

"I am sorry Sir, I can't find the tracker... however, I can pull up this live feed news" JARVIS announced as he pulled up a livestream

"Today we are here to see a unfortunate accident involving Christina Maria Stark. She was a part of a hit and run accident and has been taken to hospital, no news has been released to the public on what her state is"

"I..." Tony just about said as he saw a tiny clip on the news of the truck hitting her car and then it got cut off. He ran upstairs with Pepper and found Happy just pulling up

"Let's go" Pepper said as they all got back into the car and drove to the hospital.
"Is there a place we can see her, or wait?" Pepper asked the receptionist as her and Tony walked in

"Go through there and I'm sure those agents will help you" The receptionist answered. They ran through and saw Phil Coulson and a few SHIELD agents around the area

"Mr Stark, Miss Potts... she is... well, she is alive" Coulson told them

"Why are all of you here?" Tony asked, not really paying much attention as he was more focused on trying to see if he could see Chris through a door or window

"The hit and run, she will be under our protection until they find whoever's done it" Coulson explained

"Can I go see her? Please?" Tony begged

"Okay, she isn't awake just yet" Coulson said as he took him to the doorway and opened it for Tony. Tony carefully walked over to the side of the bed, seeing his sister in a pale-ish state and a fair few tiny cuts on her cheek and neck. He sat down and grabbed her left hand

"Don't you leave me either, not like this" Tony whispered ever so faintly, trying to stop his voice from breaking.

☆2 days later☆

"Morning" Phil smiled as Christina woke up

"Are you here to bust me out? I really can't stand the smell of hospitals, I always want to gag and I don't know why" Christina stated as she rubbed her eyes a little.

"Well, to me it's a relief but to you... it is just annoying, you are being moved home but Tony wants you on bed rest for a few days still" Phil explained as he sat down

"Can't I just go to a safe house?" Christina asked

"Sadly not, but Fury said he will be around to talk to you soon... but until then you are off of work for recovery" Phil sighed

"Really? It was a tiny accident" Christina grumbled

"Tiny? You have 2 broken ribs, a fractured hand, your left calf was damaged and you hit your head really badly' Phil argued

"Yet I can go on missions and be tortured for 2 days and no body worries" Christina sighed

"That was once and Fury made you take 2 weeks off for recovery" Phil reminded her

"Whatever" She grumbled
"Did they see he was my last contacted person?" Christina asked

"No, we got rid of that log so he doesn't become anywhere close to the local authorities... we still have no leads on that truck driver, are you sure you saw nothing?" Phil asked

"I didn't... I remember talking to Fury about Nat and my weapons then just this truck hit the car, I don't even know where it came from" Chris explained

"Alright... let's get you home" Phil smiled

Christina Stark ~ Tony's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now