Chapter 44: The Goodbye [END]

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3rd POV:

The last week between Aizawa and All Might coming to ask if they were going to be returning and the move-in day for UA has passed. Izuku had been communicating with his bosses back in America and had set up the enrollment for Hitoshi and Stella so that they could start right when the semester started. Izuku has also been communicating with his father and Stella's parents about the move. Izuku remembered back to the phone call and how it went since he was honest with his intentions. "Vermillions and dad... I want to be honest in our return. I don't want to move back in with you, dad. I would like your help in finding a new home in New York, NY for Hitoshi, Stella, and myself. I think the three of us have grown to being by ourselves in our own home and caring for Hitoshi as our son so it would be a bit weird to move back in with you. I also... I also plan to ask Stella to marry me once she graduates from hero school as well so I would like to already be in our own home by then anyway." Izuku stated and they were silent for a while but agreed in the end. They did ask what Izuku wanted to do about the home that was owned in Japan and Izuku thought about it.

"We could throw it into a separate business for an investment property or something and rent it out here in Japan since honestly it's a lovely home and could bring rental income in so that they could recuperate the money spent purchasing it," Izuku stated and they all thought about ti and Izuku also suggested that it would be a useful way of having a vacation home in Japan If the house wasn't rented out to vacationers then the family could stay at the house instead of going to a hotel while they were in Japan which they agreed on as it was a solid plan. After talking a bit longer they started to search for a new home and soon found one which Izuku looked at the images for and agreed it would be a good place to live in so he asked Stella and Hitoshi if they wanted to see the images but they told him that they trusted his ability to purchase a home since he helped find the one they were currently living in and it was amazing.

Soon, the last day in Japan arrived and Izuku had the private plane from his father come to Japan. It would be ready to leave roughly after they were done with their goodbyes. After talking a bit longer they made their way into the car and had all of their bags packed. They weren't going to be transferring everything to America since they could just rebuy everything so the main things they packed were more personal effects and clothing they really liked that they didn't think they could find in America. Everything else was packed up and donated to charities that would need them instead of them just being thrown away in the garbage. 

After they were all done with that they drove off to UA to say their final goodbyes to everyone. The drive was nice and relaxing as Izuku played some relaxing music on the drive to UA. "You guys ready for this?" Izuku asked and they shrugged. "Are you ready for the Yagi's to likely say something about you leaving for a second time?" Hitoshi asked and Izuku rolled his eyes. "They can't stop me but even if they do it is done and final. We will be going to America by the end of this afternoon so it doesn't matter regardless of what they do." Izuku stated and Hitoshi nodded his head. Stella just reminded Izuku to not allow his anger to control him which he nodded at. 

Soon, they arrived at UA and got out of the car and walked towards the dorms, and saw that the students from 1-A had just arrived and were setting their luggage down on the ground. Izuku also saw the staff walking up to the 1-A dorms as well. The students that had no idea what was going on asked why all of the teachers were there. Aizawa looked and saw Izuku and his family and then looked at the students. "First, let's talk about your stupid actions in regards to the Kamino ward incident. As some of you know, a portion of your class was going to perform a rescue operation and try to save Bakugo but as you could all see through the events, that would have likely led to their death. I also know that a good portion of you knew about these actions and didn't decide to tell us about them. Luckily Hitoshi Midoriya and Stella Vermillion were smart enough to alert UA so we could stop it or we would have dead students on our hands. I want you to know that the only reason you aren't being kicked out of the hero course if you knew or were going to do the operation is the fact of All Might's retirement and Japan needing more future heroes in the next few years. UNDERSTOOD!?" He said while yelling the last part and glaring and they all nodded their heads at him. He then looked at Nezu who spoke up.

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