Chapter 28: Student Hunting

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3rd POV:

Izuku finished having lunch with Stella. Their lunch went without much fanfare as much of 1-A was too scare to go near Izuku currently and only Stella's friends had the courage to go near them and sit down at their table. They didn't feel scared going around Izuku since they met him for a brief time before and they knew Stella would stop him from doing anything to them. As such, the lunch went by without interruption even though Izuku could see his former sister and her friends were looking at him most of the time and wanted to try and talk to him. However, Izuku had no intentions of getting involved with his past so easily or forgiving her either. As such, once the lunch came to an end, Izuku decided it was time to go hunting for a personal student! 

First, Izuku made a stop at Nezu's office to confirm that he would have no issues taking the student on as a personal student and that he wasn't violating any school rules since he was now an employee. Nezu thought it over and shook his head and said that it was completely fine for Izuku to take on the student. "Okay good. Well, I'm going to go kidnap him from his classes then." Izuku said as he got up to leave and Nezu just rolled his eyes at Izuku's antics and wished him good luck on getting the student to agree. As such, you could find Izuku walking down the hallways searching for the homeroom that Shinso was apart of. After some searching, Izuku found the classroom and knocked on the door, and was called in.

Everyone in the classroom froze at who appeared at the door. Even the homeroom teacher Present Mic was frozen. "Um... Hello, Hunter. What do you need?" Present Mic asked as he was going over the details for the sports festival. Izuku looked at him and then looked around the classroom until he found who he was looking for. Izuku then walked over to Shinso and Present Mic paled. 'What did you do Shinso to catch his attention!' Present Mic thought as he just watched. Shinso tensed up and thought he pissed the new teacher off due to earlier actions during the day. "Mic... moving forward until after the sports festival is over... Shinso will not be coming to class. He's my new personal student since I am going to train him for the Sports Festival." Izuku said as he grabbed Shinso things and smiled under his mask. Mic just paled a bit since Izuku was far stronger than All Might and somehow got interested in his student. "Please... please just return him alive after the festival... I don't need to do the paperwork for a dead student." Present Mic stated and everyone in the room including Shinso paled at his words. Izuku walked away with Shinso things and turned back to him. "Are you coming or not? I won't offer personal training for the sports festival a second time so if you decline then that's it." Izuku stated and Shinso was still frozen in shock but snapped out of his thoughts when Present Mic tapped him on this shoulder and leaned down. "I suggest you go. You will increase your odds of succeeding in the festival if you learn from him." Present Mic whispered and SHinso bolted up and to Izuku at that statement from Present Mic.

As such, Izuku led Shinso away to a gym that Izuku asked Nezu for personal use. Shinso kept silent the entire way and was confused about where they were going but knew he was still on campus. They entered some forest area and walked for about 5 minutes until they reached a building that was separated from most of the campus. They walked into it to find an older style gym and training equipment. 


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