Chapter 29: Suspicions & Truth

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3rd POV:

Izuku Midoriya hated child abusers, he hated people that neglected children, he hated people that harmed those that couldn't really defend themselves, and he really hated it when adults that are meant to care for a child end up taking advantage of the said child. Izuku's blood boiled for anyone in those categories and he was ruthless in dealing with those types of peoples. As the training went on with Shinso for about a week now, Izuku decided to call the detective and have him start looking into Shinso's caretakers without raising any flags and the information that Izuku gained was troubling. The caretakers would take in children with what people would deem as 'villainous' quirks and yet nearly all of them have run away from the caretakers and it didn't paint a pretty picture. It was as if the children couldn't handle living in the home anymore and decided to run away. 

Izuku applied for a search warrant on suspicion of child neglect and the fact that so many children had run away from their homes which painted them as either just horrible caretakers or that the children just were bad. It was barely enough but with him flashing his special agent license the judges gave in and allowed him to get his warrents to start searching in deeper. Izuku would go out while Shinso slept or rather tried to sleep since it turns out he had insomina which Izuku thought he was like a miniature version of his uncle in all honesty. Izuku decided to go look at the address for Shinso's caretakers and slipped into the house via his shadows. He knew the caretakers were out currently at their jobs so Izuku had a good chance to look around the house and he didn't like what he found.

As Izuku looked around he noticed the place was worn down and it looked like a place hard to live in. Izuku saw some mold as well and took pictures as evidence. If anything, Izuku thought he could get them on poor living conditions and revoke their ability to foster children since they received enough money to live in a slightly better place due to taking care of Shinso. As Izuku looked around the rest of the home he came upon Shinso's room which was bare! It had a mattress on the floor and barely anything in the room except some clothing and a spare UA uniform. Izuku took pictures of it and he was really wanting to find out what his caretakers were thinking. 

As he moved around the home and looked everything over he noticed that the parent's room was far better in maintenance and living conditions than Shinso's room and the rest of the house. Izuku though noticed that there was a door that leads to somewhere else. Izuku opened it and he was pissed! It led to an entirely separate apartment area that was far better in condition. Izuku took pictures of everything and how the door led into the other apartment area and that there was evidence of the parents living in it but no signs of Shinso being allowed in it. He texted everything to the detective who said he would go arrest the foster parents and that Shinso was removed from their custody moving forward and would be moved to a new home but Izuku didn't allow that to happen.

He called the detective after seeing that. "Detective, I am taking custody of Shinso. I will foster him or even adopt him if I need to." Izuku stated and the detective said it wasn't possible due to age limits. "Detective, do I need to remind you that I have a special agent license, it allows me to get around many laws that restrict me on age and I doubt this will stop me either. Don't make me take drastic measures." Izuku stated and the detective was silent and said he would see what he could do and ended the call but Izuku just called the family lawyer up and asked for legal advice. "Seth... are you able to practice law in Japan?" Izuku asked Seth King on the phone and Seth confirmed he could. "Good, I need to foster a child in Japan that is the same age as me. He's a kid in general studies of UA that I am training for the sports festival and I just had him removed from his foster parents but the detective on the case is a bit resistant to me taking Shinso due to the age requirements to foster." Izuku stated to Seth King and Seth was silent before speaking.

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