Chapter 40: Raid Start!

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3rd POV:

Izuku got the move on and was outside of the bar location as the raid team had arrived. Izuku started to manipulate the shadows the best he could. He was going for a killing blow on Shigaraki if he was in the bar and the doctor wasn't. If the doctor was then he would be killed first but Izuku didn't want the heroes to see him doing it since it would cause some confusion since only he received the kill on sight orders for Shigaraki and the Doctor. That was the thing with being a Special Agent Hero, they killed far more than normal heroes do who likely had a harder time bringing themselves to kill while Special Agents trained themselves to kill without much hesitation. Now, Special Agents aren't mindless killing drones and the UN knows it. They know they need to provide their agents good reasons for the kill on sight orders or the agents might reject doing it since the UN didn't have 100% control over them and the agents could defer back to their own governments but the UN has always been good on providing the reasons and evidence to back of their orders and the Special Agents haven't ever rejected an order so far. 

As such, Izuku was looking for a perfect chance to end Shigarki or the doctor's lives if it presented itself. He would rather not kill on live TV but he would do what he needs to do to ensure future peace. Izuku waited and waited until All Might knocked the wall down. Izuku used a crow to get a visual inside the building by having a few flies in when the dust was going on and they hid near the ceiling. Once the dust settled and everyone could see they saw Bakugo standing up being cornered by the League members. Within seconds, Kamui wood has his branches capturing them all. Dabi the fire user as they learned was about to light the place on fire but Gran Torno burst in knocking him out cold. Izuku saw a perfect chance to prepare his killing strike on Shigarki as Izuku used the wood branches from Kamui woods to hide his shadows. 'Sorry, Kamui Woods but you presented me a perfect chance.' Izuku thought as he sent the shadows from Kamui Woods's feet up to his body and through his wood branches which only strengthen his shadows since there were shadows hidden in the branches. Izuku had enough shadows under his control and had them placed over Shigaraki's heart area waiting for the perfect chance to cover the kill up since that was how Izuku operated most of the time on the kill orders. Izuku would cover up the kills by making it look like accidents happened or something else during a battle with another hero went wrong and the villain just died.

Izuku's wish for a good chance to hide the kill happened as All Might was asking where the doctor was, Shigarki broke into laugher and a voice was heard from the TV on the wall. Nomu's started to appear which didn't make sense due to the Nomu Factory being taken out but then Izuku realized there was the other factory as well that they had no idea about. 'Of Course... he would bring Nomu's from there.' Izuku thought as he watched the Nomu Factory raid go south as the doctor made an appearance with a lot of powerful Nomu's that caused a lot of destruction. As the heroes were dealing with the Nomu's sludge came out of the villains and Bakugo's mouths as they started to teleport and it was right at that moment that Izuku landed the killing blow and killed Shigaraki by puncturing his chest and destroy his heart using his shadows. If a doctor or someone looked they would be hard-pressed to find the small hole his shadows made but if they looked at the heart it would appear as if his internals caused a heart rupture killing him since that is how Izuku made it appear.

Within a seconds, Shigaraki bled out internally and had died due to how large the rupture Izuku made and Shigarki laid on the ground at the warehouse dead but the others just thought he got knocked out which wasn't true. All Might though back at the bar cursed as the villains and Bakugo escaped and then they heard about the raid team at the factory and the detective sent them to go deal with it. As such, All Might and Gran Torino blasted off to go to the second raid site as Izuku used his crows to teleport to the area around the warehouse. As Izuku arrived he saw the destruction that was caused and cursed the doctor. 'The doctor's likely killed a large number of people with those Nomu's. I'm going to have to get involved directly which limits my ability to kill him without people seeing it happen.' Izuku thought as he looked for a chance to get involved and make an impact on the tide of the battle as the heroes were getting pushed back. It was then he saw Best Jeanist about to be killed when he jumped in and grabbed the Nomu with his shadows and tossed it across the field.

"You alright!?" He asked the hero who nodded his head and got up to fight again. Izuku looked around and created some shadow clones and ordered them to help the other heroes or evacuate people from the fight if they were civilians or injured too much. After a few moments, All Might arrived on sight and blasted into the main Nomu's that stood guard around the doctor. 'Idiot... shouldn't have gone straight for them and worked with others to get rid of the other Nomu's before we all worked on the main Nomu's.' Izuku thought since he could see that the four main Nomu's were packed with a shit ton of quirks that were likely the source of most of the damage in this area. 

As Izuku helped the other heroes defeat the Nomu, they all started to push further into the zone and saw All Might getting his ass handed to him. "This is why I call him an idiot..." Izuku muttered and the other heroes looked at him confused and a bit shock that he called All Might an idiot. "Okay, split into four separate squads centered around my shadow clones. I will switch between the squads with my main body when I see any squad struggling. We need to get All Might from out of those attacks since he is about to be defeated like the idiot he is for going in alone against a big threat like this." Izuku stated and some heroes looked unconvinced but Best Jeanist saw how Izuku worked and remembered he was a Special Agent and ordered everyone to follow his commands which they agreed to do.

Soon, the squads all pushed forward and heard the conversation between the Doctor and All Might who was on his knees from the fight. Bakugo and all of the villains including the dead Shigaraki were near the doctor being protected by the Nomu. Bakugo didn't have an escape route but that wasn't going to matter for Izuku who had an idea of how to get him.  "Did you know All Might that Shigaraki is actually your master's grandson? His real name is Tenko Shimura!" The doctor stated and All Might paled at the new information and struggled to get back up as people were yelling for him to stand up and fight. Izuku ordered the heroes to attack and right as they caught the attention of the doctor, Izuku used his crows to teleport right in the center of the villains and grabbed Bakugo, and teleported out towards Best Jeanist. "Best Jeanist take Bakugo and get him out of here since I need to help deal with the Nomu!" Izuku said and everyone was shocked at how quickly Izuku had grabbed Bakugo. The doctor was in shock at seeing his hostage being taken and cursed Izuku.

"You! You're the pro hero Hunter who's been causing me issues!" yelled out the doctor and the cameras from the news helicopter were now on Izuku. Izuku just chuckled as he spoke. "Indeed that is me! Now, how about you just give up and surrender already. It's time for this all to come to an end don't you agree?" Izuku asked and the doctor looked pissed. "Indeed, it's time to end this but with yours and All Might's deaths! Nomu! KILL ALL MIGHT!" The doctor yelled out as he stated at Izuku. Izuku cursed under his breath and jumped towards All Might and tanked the shot that would have killed All Might who was without a doubt at his limit.

"All Might, you're already at your limit so get the hell out of here!" Izuku could be heard saying and All Might frown as he stood up. "I still got some fight left in me!" He yelled out and punched one Nomu who was about to kill a hero. Izuku just rolled his eyes. 'idiot! If you stay your damn form is going to be revealed... I hate your guts but that isn't something we need going on right in the middle of the battle!' Izuku thought as he charged at the main Nomu he was fighting. Izuku would land blows on it but what others didn't know was that he was ripping the quirks from the Nomu's out which failed but destroyed the said quirks instead which just weakened the Nomu overall. 

The fight kept moving forward when it happened. One of the Nomu's raised its fist and blasted All Might which sent him flying back and as the dust cleared the world was in shock as they saw his skinny form. The battle came to a standstill as the doctor orders his Nomu to stop attacking since the doctor wanted the world to enjoy the sight of their so-called symbol of peace. "Look at your pathetic state All Might! It's such a shame that you've been reduced to this state but what are you going to do now that you can barely stand anymore? You would likely die to the next attack now wouldn't you, All Might?" The doctor stated and Izuku didn't like the implications of those words and Izuku was right. He hated it when he was right when things looked horrible because that meant things typically were going to go from bad to downright shit! 

"Nomu #3, land the killing blow on All Might!" The Doctor ordered out and all the heroes tried to get to All Might but they were all too far since All Might and the Nomu were a bit off from the last blow that sent them away from the main group. Izuku was pissed... "This is why I told you to leave damn it!" Izuku said as he coughed blood up and out of his mask. Izuku looked down and saw it... he saw the claw of the Nomu going right into his stomach and piecing out from behind him a bit. Now you might wonder how this happened... well, Izuku teleported right in front of All Might and took the blow head-on but the claw was sharp enough and had enough power behind it to break through some of his quirks that would have deflected it. 

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