Chapter 16: Relaxing or not!

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Izuku Midoriya who was 14 now was spending time with his girlfriend for almost two years now. Izuku was so happy that he had followed the scream that day all those years ago and had found her. She has made him start loving himself more and decreased his self-hatred issues. Izuku even after years of being with his father, still had self-hatred issues due to his green hair and green eyes that reminded him of his mother but after a while with Stella's help, Izuku's issues had decreased due to her positive reinforcement. There are some days where they make reappearances but Izuku was doing much better and Stella always made sure to support him whenever she knew he was having issues. Most of his mental issues had been addressed since Izuku had made his appearance in Hisashi's life at the age of 9 and Izuku knew he would never replace his father ever. Izuku could see the light and day differences between All Might and Hisashi. Even when he was busy, Hisashi always made time for Izuku when he asked for it. 

Izuku has also spent time helping Stella train and Hisashi has even helped her. This caused Stella's experience and skills to skyrocket. Her quirk overall was a complex one but also an extremely powerful one after being put through the wringer by Izuku and Hisashi. Stella's quirk Phoenix Queen had evolved somewhat under the pressure that the Midoriya's put her through. Her quirk evolved from controlling fire, providing a healing aspect, and materializing a sword to the point that Stella could now control the fire enough that she could materializing wings of fire that allowed her to fly, increased the healing aspect, and allowed the to materialize the sword quicker. It also allowed her to boost her strength and speed past her natural limits for a period of time. She also could make any fire be put out at will as well even if it was caused naturally or via another person's quirk. Overall, it was about double the power that she had before she started training with Izuku and Hisashi. They were proud of her accomplishments that she has gained in half of a year's worth of training.

Months passed and Izuku had decided to take Stella out for a night on the town since they had a small break from her school. They were currently sitting on a hillside and were watching the city life pass by them. "So Stella, you have about a year or so left before you attend a hero school. Have you decided where you want to go?" Izuku asked her. She thought about it and honestly, she didn't know where she wanted to go. "Honestly, if you end up with any long-term missions in another country I would likely transfer to wherever you are stationed so we can spend time together. I don't really care about what hero school I go to. I just want to be near you so as long as you are in the new york area I will just attend the hero school near here which is a highly rated school as well." Stella stated and Izuku nodded his head at that and understood her desire. He as well wanted to be around her as well and didn't want to separate from her for a long period of time either. A week was reasonable and all but anything longer than that would be annoying to Izuku. 

As they were just laying there, Stella decided to ask Izuku how his work was going in the business and in hero work. "Oh... overall for the actual business it's done well. We expanded into more foreign markets and have capitalized on several deals. We've also pushed your parent's businesses to a new height as well and they gained traction in the American market at a faster pace than expected when the first deals were made between our families. They are expected to make a profit overall on all the American branches from their initial investments by the end of the year instead of in the next 3 years like projected." Izuku stated and Stella nodded her head since she knew about that and was happy for her parents. Once they recuperate all of their investments then it will be working in the black from now on which will make things easier overall for their American branch. 

Izuku then started to talk about his hero work. "There are limits on what I can tell you due to laws. Overall, I'm doing quite well in the cases I've been handling. I've had to deal with some special agent cases and... I have killed. It was disturbing. I felt sick with myself and disgusted but coming home to you after the mission made it easy to push down and move forward." Izuku stated as he hugged Stella. Stella had moved into the Midoriya's home halfway into their relationship since the amount of time she spent with Izuku. The parents agreed to it but warned them not to make any children which caused them to blush. It honestly helped Izuku improve overall with his girlfriend of almost two years being around more when he had to come back from those nastier missions. On those days, Izuku knew he wasn't a monster for dirtying his hands for the sake of peace. Izuku had found some interesting quirks as well but kept them hidden for emergencies since they were a bit more destructive and Izuku could see why they ended up being targeted for permanent removal due to how many people they killed with the quirks.

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