Chapter 30: Training & New Adoption!?

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3rd POV:

Izuku sent Shinso straight to the gym to start training and told him that he would be there as soon as he can since he needed to update the staff on his situation and then the case he was working on as well. As such, Izuku found himself in the staff room and they were all surprised to see him since he only stopped training with his personal student to eat lunch, go home, or do his office hours as the quirk specialist. "Why hello Hunter. What brings you out of your training spree?" Nezu asked in a joking tone. "Multiple things. First, need to update you on the case since I found some clues during patrols. There has been some word around that the League is recruiting more experienced members for another attack one day so we need to be careful moving forward in the future but I don't know how long it will take for them to recruit but I don't expect any attacks to happen until maybe closer to the end of the semester. I've also localized the areas that they might be into a list of prefectures based on some information that I got from Shirakumo. A lot of information he lost since the doctor always used someone with a mind-wiping quirk but there was enough to exclude some prefectures out based on what he remembered. I do know that the doctor has a second location that may be outside of the listed zones though since Shirakumo said that he's gone to a separate location once before but that the doctor uses a different teleportation quirk to move around sometimes instead of using him." Izuku informed everyone and they nodded their heads. Izuku then was silent for a few moments before deciding on how to phase the next topic.

"So about the second thing... I am a father now?" Izuku said and anyone that was drinking anything was choking or had spit their drink out. All Might and Inko who had just walked in right at that both fell over in shock and were out cold. "Oh... nice! I just killed them! FUCK YES!" Izuku said and Aizawa shook his head. "They aren't dead... only out cold from shock. Now explain how you are now a father!?" Aizawa said with glaring red eyes and had his quirk on. "You know that does nothing to a person with as many quirks as me right? You only turn off like one or two from what I can feel." Izuku aked and Aizawa grumbled. "Anyway, I did not get Stella pregnant. We haven't hit that stage and likely won't for a while since we let our relationship just flow as it goes which we are happy with. However, I've gotten foster custody of Shinso... I had his foster parents arrested for neglect and mental abuse. So Nezu you need to update his file to my information since he lives with me from now on." Izuku stated and Nezu nodded his head and Aizawa sat down in his chair and sighed in relief. "Thank god... I didn't want to be a grand-uncle this soon... Okay... that is fine with you taking care of him since you can without a doubt afford it. Does your father know though?" Aizawa asked and Izuku shrugged. "Most likely since I had warned the family lawyer who likely told him and speak of the devil and he will call!" Izuku said as his phone went off and it was Hisashi calling.

Hisashi asked what the situation was with Shinso and Izuku explained everything and Hisashi said to bring the kid around sooner or later so he could meet him. Izuku agreed and hanged the phone up after they were done and the Yagi's had woken up a bit after that and asked what he meant by him being a father. "If you want details then go ask Nezu," Izuku said as he walked away and they turned and got the details from Nezu. "So no grandbabies?" Inko said and Aizawa rolled his eyes. "Even if he had a kid that was his or younger then you wouldn't be grandparents since he doesn't see you like family," Aizawa said as he walked by to go to his classroom for homeroom before dismissing his class for them to go train. Soon, Izuku himself arrived back at the gym that he and Shinso were training in and found him working out.

 Soon, Izuku himself arrived back at the gym that he and Shinso were training in and found him working out

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