Chapter 26: Aizawa's Wish

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3rd POV:

After Izuku left them all, Aizawa returned to the meeting room to find All Might and Green Tornado down in their spirits. Aizawa though decided to kick them while they were down. "So Inko, you decided to not only to sleep with the former number one villain but to sleep with the number one hero. Any other number ones you going for or is that it?" Aizawa asked with a wave of his hand. Inko rolled her eyes at her adoptive brother who she's on bad terms with now due to her neglect of Izuku. All Might though spoke up... "I still can't come to grasp that Izuku's is the son of that man... like of all people it had to be... the man that killed my master is the father of my step-son..." All Might stated still somewhat in denial of everything. Nezu just drank his tea as he watched the entire thing go down. Gran Torino just spoke up though. "I don't like the fact either but guess what, from the looks of things he was a better father than you were to Izuku so we should just be glad Izuku still became a hero instead of seeking revenge on your asses for his childhood because let's be honest it was a real strong possibility." Gran Torino stated and everyone else nodded their heads even though they didn't like the All For One issue. They were just glad to have Izuku back for the time being.

 Nezu looked at Aizawa and saw the paper in his hand. "Aizawa, what's the paper?" Nezu asked wondering what it was since he didn't leave with a paper in his hand. "Ah, this is their residence. Don't even ask you two. I promised him that I wouldn't tell you two and for everyone else, I'll ask him if he doesn't mind you knowing but that means keeping it from these two or the three idiotic brats." Aizawa stated and everyone nodded their heads at that statement and Aizawa told them that Izuku had some sort of surprise for me at their house so in the next hour or so he was going to head to their home. They all talked a bit longer before Aizawa decided to head out while the Yagi's went to find their daughter. Endeavor followed along to grab Shouto and to take him home.

All three of them arrived at the classroom to find all of the students there still. "What are you all still doing here?" All Might asked in his buff form since he was moving about where people could see him. Everyone said they wanted to try and find more out about Izuku Midoriya. "Well, your out of luck since Izuku and Stella both left already so I suggest for you all to go home." Endeavor stated and they nodded their heads as everyone but Yagi, Bakugo, and Todoroki left. Izumi then looked at her parents and asked about her brother. "Sweetie... let's talk about it when we get home because that's a complex topic... We've learned a lot of things that we didn't know beforehand like some secrets about your brother's biological father being a villain which I didn't know when I had married him all that time ago." Inko said and Izumi and the two other boys were shocked since they didn't know about Izuku being from a different father! The parents realized they didn't know but agreed to tell them when they got home but Endeavor stopped them. 

"You know... that Izuku told you not to spread the information since it was apart of the case. This would be considered breaching it you know?" Endeavor stated and the two adult yagi's tensed up at that fact. All Might said something on the lines of surely Izuku wouldn't mind his sister learning of it but Endeavor shook his head. "If you even think of telling them and actually do it, I will inform him and you two will be in legal trouble. You would be breaking numerous hero laws if you tell them since Izuku deemed it need to know at his approval only and remember he has more authority than you both." Endeavor stated and they nodded their heads in defeat while the three kids were confused about what was going on. "Izumi... we will say what we can but a lot of information we are blocked from talking about without your brother's approval." All Might stated and Izumi wanted answers but had to accept it based on the look Endeavor was giving her parents. 

Now, outside of those individuals, Aizawa was arriving at the address that Izuku had provided him. He pressed the buzzer and the gate before him opened up. He drove his older car up the driveway and soon was shocked at the house he found. 'Damn... the kid is being taken care of quite well if this is the house his father is providing for him here in Japan.' Aizawa thought. 

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