Chapter 43: The Decision

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3rd POV:

Izuku was sitting in his living room as he stared at All Might. Izuku hated the fact that that man was inside of his home but he knew he needed to keep silent since he was here as a representative from UA to inquire if Stella and Hitoshi would be still attending UA and if so would they be moving onto the campus. Izuku sat there and thought back to the conversations that he has had with Stella and Hitoshi over the past few days in regards to the matter and he was honestly happy with what was decided. Now, it was time for the decision to come out. The room was still tense though as no one wanted to speak so Aziawa got tired of it and decided to just break the silence and spoke up first. "Okay... to break this silence and get this talk going, Izuku, you know why we are here. Have you all come to a decision?" Aizawa asked as he looked at Izuku who just sighed. Izuku then looked at Hitoshi and then to Stella who both nodded their heads. 

"Yes, we have," Izuku stated as he took a drink of his tea and looked at Aizawa. "Sorry to say but we've decided to return to America and I will have Hitoshi and Stella transferred to a school in America. This is based on many reasons and just not my distaste for being near All Might and his pathetic excuse of a family. First, is for that reason of course. Second, UA's repeated mistakes in allowing the attacks to continue on the school. 3. UA ignored the warning I gave them and still held the trip off campus thinking it would be safer when it only endangered the students more. 4. UA's failure to properly certificate their staff, I know All Might doesn't have a teaching certificate yet he is allowed to teach a class which has a dangerous element involved in it. That is the height of stupidity in my view. Fifth, UA's glaring quirkest behavior via their entrance exam and their training as the school is training them all to be geared towards spotlight heroes which aren't a reality for Hitoshi and quite a few others in the first years. Sixth, UA not proving a way for students seeking the underground hero path to really get visible experience since internship offers to depend on showing off in the sports festival which is counterproductive for underground heroes. Seventh, the lack of mental education and professional help. As you have seen via this semester that 1-A has undergone a lot of traumatic attacks yet I've heard zero talks of requiring them to get therapy. Eighth and the last one is that UA has shown a disregard for the health and wellbeing of their students throughout this entire semester and honestly if my bosses didn't want me to keep quiet and not destabilize Japan I would take UA and All Might over the coals but it's Uncle's school and I'm not willing to cost people lives when I can just transfer my girlfriend and son to a far better school in America which will offer better training and help. The school they will transfer to will actually have an underground hero first-year class which Hitoshi is being placed into since his training will be completely different from a limelight hero. Stella is being placed into an advanced class since she already has more experience due to previous training so she will be placed with other students that can help push her forward. Overall, Japan's UA hero course has failures on many fronts that have made this decision to return to America easier since we would like to see our families and have them meet Hitoshi as well." Izuku stated as he grabbed his tea and drank more of it after having talked for so long. Aizawa and All Might were devastated, they had just been told that they will be losing two of their students from 1-A. This meant the class numbers would go from 20 to 18 students and they were losing some powerful students as well.

Stella was overall just a completely dominating powerhouse but Hitoshi was a powerhouse himself in regards to quirkless combat and battle plans due to Izuku teaching him. Hitoshi would have been a major player in the underground hero scene but not anymore since he would be going to America instead so they would benefit from him instead of Japan. They would also be losing Izuku which he himself was a stronger powerhouse than All Might even though he tended to avoid the cameras. He still could have helped keep Japan in peace but now they would be losing him back to America. 

Aizawa sighed and looked at Izuku. "I take it there is no way of changing this decision?" He asked and Izuku shook his head no. "No, it's time we return to our family in America and this is the perfect time to go back since it's the middle of the summer so the next semester hasn't started in America yet either which gives us time to adjust back in America and for Hitoshi to start getting familiar with the sights before entering school. I do know that the students go to the dorms at the end of the next week so we plan to go say goodbye to everyone there before leaving. I ask you to inform Nezu to start the paperwork for the transfer. I'll text him the next of the school they will be transferring to." Izuku stated and Aizawa nodded his head and moved to Izuku and hugged him. "Don't be a stranger and make sure to call me and the others when you have time. If you are ever back in Japan then come see Nezu and us alright?" Aizawa stated and Izuku nodded his head. Aizawa then turned around and told All Might to get up and leave with him. However, All Might seemed to be in shock and Izuku rolled his eyes. Aizawa then used his capture gear and lifted All Might skinny form out of the home and it was when they were standing outside that All Might snapped out of his shock and asked what happened.

"I'm assuming you went into mental shock at learning that they won't be returning to UA. They will show up to the move-in day at the dorms to say goodbye to everyone but then they are returning to America. It's not honestly surprising and Nezu anticipated this to be honest when he mentioned it the last time." Aizawa stated and All Might wanted to go back in and try to convince Izuku to stay but Aizawa stopped him. "Don't even dare! It's done and decided on. There is nothing to do to change this decision." Aizawa said with a glare. He hated to admit it but he was going to miss his nephew but the Yagi family screwed it up too much that Izuku doesn't have many fond memories of Japan itself. Soon All Might gave up and went into the car and they drove off to UA.

Soon they arrived back at the school and Inko with the rest of the staff saw that All Might and Aizawa looked saddened. Nezu asked if those who he thought would reject returning to UA did indeed reject. "You were right on the money, sir," Aizawa stated as he sat down at his desk and took some headache medicine. Everyone looked confused until snipe spoke up. "You're talking about the Midoriya's aren't you. Izuku isn't going to let Hitoshi or Stella return to UA is he?" Snipe stated and everyone looked shocked and then to Aizawa and All Might. "More or less but it isn't really him himself that isn't allowing them to return. Maybe in the sense of Hitoshi Midoriya but in regards to Stella, we all know she has control in the relationship when she wants to. If she wanted to stay without a doubt they would be staying but Izuku gave many reasons on why it's illogical for them to stay and if I was in their position I would make the same decision as well." Aizawa stated and Nezu asked for the reasons even though he had a good idea on a handful of them.

Aizawa then summarized the reasons and Nezu nodded his head as he knew of some of the reasons but the others did come out of the left-field a bit but he had to agree with them. "He's right... we should have done far more in regards to the student's mental health. Starting next semester I want all students to start undergoing several sessions with hound dog to make sure we catch anything. Though, that won't change their decision to leave." Nezu stated and Aizawa nodded his head since he agreed that it wouldn't change Izuku's decision. "We can only wait for them to say goodbye next week. They will likely be better-taken care of in America. Especially Hitoshi Midoriya since getting an underground hero section would be hard to do with our board of directors since I must admit our school is quirkest in how we operate even though I hate to admit it." Nezu stated and the staff was shocked to hear him say it but Aizawa wasn't since he suffered due to the school's policies since he had to go through the sports festival as well as Hitoshi did. 

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