Chapter 32: Sports Festival Pt. 2

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Izuku arrived in the food court and soon found Stella and Hitoshi sitting at a table together with a spare plate of food. "Is this food mine?" Izuku asked and Stella nodded her head. "Thank you, love," Izuku stated and Stella smiled and said it was no problem. "Good job Hitoshi in placing second in the first round and 10th in the second. You also haven't had to use your quirk either which is amazing since it shows the school that you aren't reliant on your quirk." Izuku stated as he ate and Hitoshi thanked him for the training and Izuku nodded his head. Stella then informed Izuku what his past abusers tried to do in the waiting room of 1-A and Izuku was annoyed with them. "I see they still treat me as an object they can do as they please with," Izuku stated as he shook his head and just kept eating his food. Hitoshi was also annoyed but put it outside of his mind since he knew his adoptive father could easily handle himself with the three people from his past without problems.

After a while, Endeavor walked over to the group and Izuku waved at him. "Hello, Uncle," Izuku said and Hitoshi looked at the man. "So the number two hero is my Grand-Uncle or something now?" he asked and Endeavor looked confused as hell since he's never met this kid. Izuku chuckled and confirmed that he was indeed his grand-uncle and Endeavor was even more confused. "What the... explain?" He asked Izuku and Stella decided to speak up first and explained how it all happened and Endeavor just shook his head. "I should expect nothing less from you honestly... just don't get Stella pregnant before graduation and it's all fine." Endeavor said as he made small time before he said he needed to return to his seat since it was getting close to the time for the rounds to start. They all said their goodbyes as Endeavor just walked away rubbing his head from the migraine he just received and Izuku was just smirking the entire time.

They all decided to go back to their seating areas since the rounds would start soon as Endeavor pointed out. Izuku went back to the staff room while Hitoshi went to the general education section and Stella went towards 1-A. Stella walked into the 1-A section to see Yagi, Bakugo, and Todoroki staring at her and she just rolled her eyes at them which annoyed them. 'They really don't learn do they.' She thought as she sat down with her friends. "So Stella, did you enjoy lunch with your sexy man?" Mina asked her and Stella easily confirmed it. "Indeed we did enjoy our time together and yes he is sexy as hell. It's amazing to wake up in the morning with him at my side." Stella stated without blushing but the other girls were all blushing hard at the mental image and Yagi was pissed about what she was hearing since she had a brother complex. 

They just sat there talking for a bit longer until the first round was called. The first people fighting was going to be Kaminari versus the vine girl in 1-B. Let's just say that it didn't go as people would think as Kaminari short-circuited himself quite easily. Izuku was sitting in the staff booth and was wondering how he even got in the hero course and decided to ask Nezu. "Nezu... how did he even make it into the hero course?" Izuku asked and Nezu pulled up the video of the exam showing him directly touching and shocking the robots which only required him to put off the electrical current for a very brief period. "An example of why the exam is so biased..." Izuku stated as he rolled his eyes. They kept watching the battles as they moved forward and forward. Soon it was Stella vs Bakugo and Izuku knew how that was going to go. "Stella won't need to use much effort to win this," Izuku stated and everyone looked at him but then heard the fight start and saw Stella use her quirk to cut off the fire from Bakugo's quirk which made him fall out of the air and onto the ground. He looked confused but realized what she did as Present Mic spoke out. "Ladies and Gent's, Vermillion's quirk allows her to control all fire even from her enemies meaning she can stop Bakugo's explosions as they happen which he needs to use his quirk! Means he is quirkless in this fight!" Mic yelled out and everyone cheered as Stella sent a wave of fire at Bakugo forcing him to donate since he couldn't ignite his sweat on his own and the explosion sent him out of the ring with burns on him.

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