Chapter 13: Confession & Exam

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3rd POV:

About a month after the talk with his father, Izuku was waiting for Stella to show up at the park. He decided that he wanted to take her to the ice skating ring first since it was in session now since it was starting to get colder out. After waiting for a bit longer Stella showed up and Izuku was having trouble controlling himself from blushing really hard as she walked up to him with a bounce in her step. 'DEAR GOD GET CONTROL OF YOURSELF MAN! YOU ARE A WALKING ARSAEL OF QUIRKS AND YOU CAN'T CONTROL YOURSELF AROUND THE GIRL YOU LOVE' Izuku thought in his mind but realized he had thought of the words love instead of like and realized how bad he had fallen for Stella. 'Dear god... I hope she doesn't reject it.' Izuku thought and Stella asked him what would she reject and he felt like he jumped out of his skin since he muttered it out loud. "Um, you will find out later. First, I wanted to take you to the ice skating ring." Izuku said and she nodded her head. Soon they spent about 2 hours skating before Izuku had decided to take her back to where they first met.

There was a bit of light snow on the ground but Izuku didn't care. Stella had asked him why they were back here where they met and Izuku nodded his head to himself and she looked at him worried that he was going insane. "Stella, I wanted to bring you here to ask you something. Will you become my girlfriend!?" Izuku asked as he presented a rose to her. Stella's eyes widen as she saw Izuku with the rose and the look in his eyes. She was frozen for a bit which made his confidence drop and start thinking that he had just destroyed their friendship because of one-sided love. "I'm sorry... I had hoped you had some feels for me... guess I was wrong... um... is there any way we --" He was saying as she leaned in and kissed him on the lips. "Yes, you idiot I will be your girlfriend. Sorry, it took me so long. I was shocked that you finally asked since I've been hoping you would ask for the past year now you big idiot." Stella said as she smacked the back of his head lightly. It was Izuku's turn to widen his eyes. "Oh... so that's what dad meant when he said our parents were waiting for us to get together after our tango around each other... I see." Izuku stated and that just caused her to blush even more. They both broke out into laugher at the situation and how their parents have been watching them for the past year or so dancing around each other on the issue. 

Izuku decided to take Stella to a restaurant that was near the park since it was just slightly after lunchtime. They spent the day with each other and Izuku texted their parents in a group chat that Stella accepted his confession and that they were dating now. The parents all sent back congratulations while Stella's father sent threats that Izuku better treat her right or he was going to hunt him down through Stella's mother seemed to have taken his phone away from him and apologized for her idiot husband and Izuku said it was fine and that he expected the threats. Hisashi had invited the Vermillions over for dinner and had planned to tell the entire family the family secret since Stella deserved to know if she was going to be involved with them on the family level. Izuku was nervous about it but Hisashi said it was fine and was doubtful that they would shun them. As such, that is how they all found themselves at the Midoriya's home eating dinner that Hisashi had made.

"So, Vermillions we have a confession to make about our family that you need to know if Stella and you two plan to be connected in-depth with us," Hisashi said as he set his silverware down and stopped eating. The Vermillions looked at Hisashi while Stella looked at Izuku who was nervous. She put her hand on Izuku's hand to help him calm down which did help a bit. The parents asked what he meant. "Do you remember when we told you Izuku's quirk was a 'copy' quirk?" He stated and they nodded their heads. "Well, that isn't exactly accurate. It has that function but it's an advanced feature of what Izuku's and my quirk does. Our quirks are called All For One. Ever hear anything about that name?" Hisashi asked and Francis's eyes widen which meant he did. "I have... it's a story passed by my side of the family since we had a family member that was in Japan during the dawn of quirks... are you telling me you are connected to that man?" Francis asked and Hisashi shook his head. "I am that man," Hisashi said and Francis's eyes widen and Hisashi could see the fear in it while the woman was just confused. "Don't worry Francis. I'm not threatening you or your family. I gave up that life about 12 years ago when Izuku was born. Though I had an accident that forced me out of his life and I only reunited with my son when he was 9 when I took him away from his disgusting mother." Hisashi stated and Francis calmed down a bit but was still tense. Stella noticing the tension asked Izuku to explain.

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