Chapter 39: Conversations Before The Raid

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3rd POV:

Izuku was currently sitting on a building edge. He had received news from Stella that Aizawa had indeed gotten the idiot classmates of hers that wanted to go and do an illegal rescue raid and likely get themselves kill. 'They are stupid thinking they could do anything here when this is the same league that had created a weapon that was strong enough to take All Might on. Bunch of idiots.' Izuku thought as he sat there on the ledge. The raid on the bar and warehouse would be going on in a few more hours and he could only wait for it to happen. Izuku's main goal was the doctor above everything else and he would be leaving the other heroes and All Might to go after Bakugo since Izuku wanted to bring the entire League to an end here and now.

As Izuku was waiting on the edge of the building he heard someone come behind him and he turned around to find the one and only All Might. "What do you want All Might?" Izuku asked in a monotone voice. All Might in his skinny form walked to the edge and sat near Izuku. "I wanted to talk about several things. First, I wanted to apologize for not listening to you about the training camp though hindsight is always 20/20." All Might stated and Izuku just rolled his eyes. "If you think this will stop me from coming after you, your wife, and the school after all of this are over then you are wrong. UA has kept making ridiculous mistakes since they believed they were untouchable and have been proven wrong again and again." Izuku stated and All Might shook his head and said it wasn't to stop that and it was Izuku's right to go after them since he was Hitoshi's parent. "Second, I wanted to apologize for your childhood and how badly your mother and myself screwed up in not seeing what Izumi was doing. In screwing up in how we treated you even though I was quirkless myself. We shouldn't have treated you like that." All Might stated and Izuku tensed. He was not planning to have this conversation any time soon and here All Might was having it and Izuku's past anger was boiling. 

"Fine... you want to have this conversation then let's have this conversation. Did you know dad made me promise him something." Izuku stated and All Might was silent and just looked at Izuku. "He made me promise to not repeat his mistakes and to not come to hunt you and your family down for the anger and pain I held against you all. He made me promise not to kill your daughter for all the pain and suffering she put me through. He made me promise I wouldn't lay a hand on all of you in anger and I'm finding it really hard to keep that promise because I want you three to SUFFER!" Izuku stated as he stood up and glared at All Might who flinched back a bit. "I WANT YOU TO SUFFER FOR ALL THE AGONY I HAD TO GO THROUGH. FROM GOING TO BED AT NIGHT FOR YEARS WONDERING WHY THE PERSON I SAW AS MY FATHER HATED ME! WHY MY OWN MOTHER HATED ME! WHY MY OWN SISTER HATED ME! I WANTED YOU ALL TO SUFFER AND UNDERSTAND HOW IT WAS FOR ME TO BE BANGING MY OWN WOUNDS UP SINCE YOU ALL REFUSED TO GET ME MEDICAL CARE! THAT I HAD TO LIVE WITH HATING MY SELF FOR YEARS EVEN AFTER MY DAD FOUND ME! GOD THE ONLY REASON I KEEP THE GREEN HAIR AND EYES IS BECAUSE STELLA LOVES THEM AND WANTS ME TO LOVE MYSELF. I'D RATHER TURN IT ALL WHITE BUT SHE KEEPS ME HELD DOWN OUT OF MY ANGER AND SUFFERING. I WANTED YOU ALL TO FEEL WHAT IT WAS LIKE TO WONDER WOULD IT BE BETTER TO GO OVER THE EDGE OF THE ROOF AND FINALLY END IT! I WANTED YOU ALL TO FEEL AND UNDERSTAND THAT I WAS SO BROKEN DUE TO ALL OF YOU THAT I RESTORED TO HARMING MYSELF FOR SOME SENSE OF CONTROL! I WANTED YOU ALL TO FEEL AND UNDERSTAND WHAT IT WAS LIKE TO HAVE EVERYTHING TAKEN FROM YOU BECAUSE EVEN AFTER THE 7TH'S DEATH YOU STILL HAD GRAN TORINO AND THE OTHERS TO HELP YOU WHILE I HAD NO ONE. I HAD NO ONE TO TURN TO. I HAD NO ONE TO HELP ME FROM BREAKING. I HAD NO ONE TO CARE FOR BECAUSE YOU ALL KEPT THEM AWAY WITH YOUR LIES. I FUCKING HATE YOU ALL!" Izuku stated in a loud angered voice as he was starting to lose control of himself as the shadows were reacting to his anger and gathering up to him and Izuku so badly wanted to kill All Might where he stood but the fucking damn memories from before he was four kept him from doing it. 'Those damn memories... I really hate them yet they stop me from going down the path that dad didn't want me to go down on.' Izuku thought as he calmed his emotions down and breathed in and out. 

All Might just sat there in shock and silence at Izuku's outburst. "Leave All Might while I've regained control of my emotions... bringing these topics up without Stella or my father nearby to stop me isn't a wise thing to do," Izuku stated in a calm voice but All Might could tell it was strained. He got up and walked away a bit before turning his head. "I am sorry... I am so sorry for what we did to you. One day... one day I wish we can sit down and enjoy each other's company but I don't know if I can ever make it up to you to reach that point. I am sorry my boy..." All Might stated as he transformed and jumped away from Izuku. Izuku though only broke down once All Might left and broke into tears. "God... I hate them. I really hope you are happy with your 8th user of One For All Uncle because I find him annoying." Izuku muttered as he recomposed himself. He needed to focus on the task at hand and it was the raid that would happen in about an hour so he decided to head to the location of the bar raid team since he wanted to see if the Doctor was at that location first. Though Izuku did have crows flying or sitting in the area of the warehouse and waiting to see what happens with that team as well.

As Izuku was waiting for the remaining time to come to an end, he received a message from the UN. His orders changed slightly as they wanted anyone with the League of Villains killed off if they can't be captured with priority kill on sight orders being on the doctor and Shigarkai. Izuku confirmed the orders and wondered if All Might would hate him after this. Now you might be wondering why he would hate him and it's simple... Shigaraki is Tenko Shimura and Izuku knows that full well after researching where Shigaraki came from. It was hard but a family died years ago in a similar accident to how the gate was destroyed at UA. Izuku was looking to find Shigaraki's identity since he didn't think the name was real and came across the case and found that the son was never confirmed dead and the rest of the family's quirks were confirmed which meant that Tenko Shimura had become Shigaraki at the doctor's hand. 'The doctor likely did it to fuck with All Might since he turned All Might's master's grandson into a villain.' Izuku thought. The UN was aware of Shigaraki's true identity but it didn't matter, they had connected so many deaths to the man and he was so unstable that they didn't see it possible for him to ever be redeemed. They also didn't want the League to continue after that night and continue to undermine heroes in Japan since the UN was already investigating Japan's commission for corruption. 

Izuku decided to call Stella and have her help him calm down a bit more from his talk with All Might. As he was on the phone with her, she reassured him that he had all the rights to be angry at what they did and that she was proud of him for controlling his anger and not lashing out at All Might. Izuku thanked her and realized what time it was and told her he needed to go since the raid would be starting any moment. Stella just told him to be careful and to come home safe at the end of it which he said he would. "I love you, Stella. When you graduate I am putting a ring on that finger!" Izuku said with a chuckle and heard her let out a shocked tone at what he said as he hanged it up. He received a text message a few moments later from her calling him an idiot but her lovable idiot. Hitoshi sent a text saying that she had broken several dishes since they had gotten discharged and had walked in only moments before he called as Stella was doing dishes. Izuku chuckled at the result he got and told Hitoshi to stay in the house with Stella since the night would get chaotic and Hitoshi said they would.

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