Chapter 19: UA Entrance Exam

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3rd POV:

Over the next 10 months before the UA entrance exam, Izuku had spent a lot of time helping Stella train while he did his work on the special agent case at night. However, he was honestly astonished by the display of her abilities and combat learning speed which has only gotten better over time. Izuku had realized that even with all of his quirks that she was one of the best people capable of fighting him or his father in a battle. The reason he believed this was due to how fast she always improved and the fact that her quirk provided her multiple benefits that could disable them. Both Hisashi and Izuku relied on their healing quirks to get them back up and going but she is capable of producing fire hot enough to cauterizing their cells quickly. She's a close combat person but also a long-range combat individual which provides her the ability to fight them in multiple different ways and her quirk also provides her a healing aspect that would make her last against them. 

Though, Izuku said capable of fighting them in a battle and not defeating them in a battle. Izuku and Hisashi both have a large number of quirks that would allow them to get out of sticky situations as long as they didn't underestimate their opponents and Hisashi had taught Izuku that again and again. Hisashi had reminded Izuku that even though he was stronger than All Might, he suffered a defeat at his hands since he had let his guard down and underestimated his opponent. As such, Izuku knew to be careful against even the weakest person that he fought and to always approach them as if they could kill him if they were lucky enough and fate smiled upon them.

As the months passed away, Izuku also saw an increase in the activity of those that used to be related to him. He could see them looking around the city where he was on the day of the sludge attack. 'They must have heard my voice when walking by with Stella... they shouldn't know who we are though. They are just blindly searching since I have seen Uncle Aizawa, Uncle Endeavor, Grandpa Torino, Uncle Sir Nighteye, and whoever his little helper is.' Izuku thought that he realized that he called them with titles as if they were family and Izuku honestly didn't know how to feel about that. He did it out of instinct and that is how he found himself on the couch in the living room with his head on Stella's lap asking her for her thoughts about that. "From what you told me, they weren't there in your life. So they didn't really harm you as your former parents did nor sister and her friends did. It's possible you don't really blame them as much as you first thought. The question is, did they know about your treatment before you disappeared. If they did then it's a whole separate issue but if they didn't and were lied to by the Yagi's then it's okay for you to still want to be associated with them." Stella stated and Izuku nodded his head. Right now he just didn't want to deal with them but knew he would have to sooner or later and the number of times he keeps running into them keeps increasing slowly and slowly.

The last few months passed and it was now time for the UA entrance Exam. Izuku drove Stella to the UA gates and dropped her off. People looked at the car but let it go as it wasn't really shown off-ish. As such, they just ignored it for the most part but Stella herself did get looks from perverted males which annoyed Izuku which Stella just giggled at him and put a kiss on his lips before walking away. A lot of boys wanted to glare at Izuku but he already drove off and parked the car far away from UA before he changed into his hero outfit and teleported by using one of his crows to get a visual of the inside of UA. Izuku blended in with the shadows quickly before the alarms and sensors could pick him up. Izuku had no issues with Nezu finding out about him being there but he didn't want to cause an issue so he just hid and made his way into the school. Izuku wanted to spy on the exams because he personally wanted to see what they were like on the day of the exam. Call it an old childhood dream of his that he never got to live so this was the next best thing. 

Izuku has also been debating on revealing himself to his Uncle Nezu. Izuku is highly doubtful that Nezu would have allowed Izuku to be treated like he was due to Nezu's past. Nezu would have taken Izuku away if he knew and Izuku believed he just trusted All Might's and Green Tornado's words because of how long he knew them and trusted them to not lie to him. As such, Izuku had already asked the UN and the American's commission president for permission to read Nezu in on the case if Izuku decided to bring him in on the case since he would involve Nezu most likely even if he didn't fully reveal himself. 

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