Chapter 15: Hunter's Debut

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Izuku decided to take more quirks from his father to help him survive with being up almost all day since he would spend time at the business working, then part of his afternoon with Stella since he refused to cut time with her, and then he had hero work in the late afternoon early morning. 

New additions:

Energy Siphon: This allows the user to siphon off energy from living things to replenish the user's own energy. 

Power-Nap: The user can reap the benefits of a full night's rest in 30 minutes of sleep. The user can share this ability with someone if they maintain contact with them while both parties are asleep.

Memory Recall: The user is able to recall anything that they have experienced. This allows them to never forget anything and they only need to think of the topic to recall the memories.

Visual Teleportation: This allows the user to teleport to any place that is within his visual range and he can clearly see. This costs the user's stamina to teleport and requires more stamina if he teleports others with him. (He combines this with his crow's sight to help him to travel to more complex places or further distances.) 

In all honestly, Izuku thinks that the three new quirks that Izuku found from shifting through the 200 years' worth of quirks are how his father has survived so long since they were so powerful. These quirks could help fuel his hyper regeneration quirk and allow him to be effective in investigations. As such, with these new quirks, Izuku was no longer feeling the drain of pulling all-nighters after spending the day at the business or with Stella since he could use Power-Nap to sleep for 30 minutes and get refreshed on his energy and stamina. As the months had passed Izuku had now turned 13 and he had handled a lot of small-time criminals that he had encountered throughout the city since becoming a hero. However, it seemed like today was going to be a troublesome day in Izuku's opinion. As he was moving throughout the city he had sent all of the crows that he controlled out to scout all the areas around him.

About 3 hours into his patrol and it was now 4 A.M. Izuku was alerted by one of his crows that some weird creature was spotted attacking in the area around times square. Izuku quickly headed off in that direction because the person or thing that was fighting the other heroes and police was not going down easily even though they were hitting it hard with quirks and bullets. It had easily lifted a tour bus and tossed it into a building damaging it. Izuku arrived on sight via visual teleportation and landed on one of the shorter buildings in the area. Izuku watched the movements of the creature and could observe that it had a brain sticking out. However, that isn't what freaked Izuku out the most. A feature of All For One is more or less gaining a quirk vision view where they could see quirks inside of a person if they switch to that visual view. It turns everything black except the said quirks and Izuku saw around 10 quirks all mangled together inside of the creature and couldn't tell what they were. 

Izuku dropped down and landed on a stoplight behind the heroes and police. An officer turned around and saw him and was about to ask who the hell he was since Izuku wasn't really known even in the underground heroes eyes but before he could, Izuku gathered all the shadows in the areas and created a vortex of whips to surround the creature locking it into position. Even though it was locked down it kept struggling and trying to break free of his grasp. Everyone was shocked that the creature had just gotten stopped and looked at where the officer was talking to and saw Izuku in his outfit with his fox mask on.

 Everyone was shocked that the creature had just gotten stopped and looked at where the officer was talking to and saw Izuku in his outfit with his fox mask on

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