|RESTORATION| Chapter: 38 Recruitment

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You had just found out from Kayla that Clementine and Gabe had kissed. You were flooded with anger and rage. Towards Gabe albeit. You knew Clem wouldn't even think about doing something like that to you. Especially after the conversation the two of you had at the coffee shop earlier that day. So you knew it happened against her will.
"Woah, Y/N. Calm down man. We can take care of this. Alright?" Cedric said, trying to calm you down. It didn't work. You just growled even more.
"Y/N?" Kayla cooed with worry.
"IM GONNA KILL HIM!" You shouted with pure rage. AJ's door then swung opened. He ran into the room full of worry.
"What's going on? Why are you mad, Y/N?" AJ asked with concern. At this point you were trying your absolute best not to lose control, as Clem taught you to have more self control. You weren't quite in your berserk state. Your eyes were still the same. But you were damn close.
You then dashed out of the apartment and outside with incredible speed to look for Gabe.

[Kayla's POV]
"Wait, Y/N!" Cedric shouted to him as he ran out.
"Dammit. You, what's your name?" Cedric asked you.
"Uhh, Kayla." You nervously replied, still a little shaken up from Y/N's fit of rage.
"Where did you see them last?" He asked.
"Uhh, they were in an alley between the old bakery and a post office. It was near the park I think." You explained.
"Get all of your friends together and head to the alley. I'll go after him and try to make sure he doesn't do anything he'll regret." Cedric ordered to you before running out after Y/N. You looked down with worry.
"What happened?" AJ asked you.
"Well, AJ. I saw Clem and Gabe in an alley. He was kissing her, or she was kissing him? I couldn't tell. He had her pinned to the wall though." You explained.
"What? Why? Her and Y/N love each other." AJ asked with anger.
"I don't know, AJ. I heard that he still has a crush on her. Maybe he did it against her will. Or maybe he talked her into it. I don't know. Let's go get the others and find them." You replied, grabbing his hand and running out of the apartment.

[Flashback to moments prior. Clem's POV]
You had just finished helping Kate with coming up with a name for her and Javi's baby, as well as helping her set up a room for the baby. You were now walking back home, with Gabe accompanying you.
"You know, you didn't have to come with me. I know my way back." You explained to Gabe.
"I know, just wanted to make sure you got back safe." Gabe replied.
"I can take care of myself." You exclaimed.
"I'm sure you can. I just wanted to come with." Gabe responded, defensively.
"Whatever." You shot back, looking away from him.
"Look, I know you probably don't like me very much. But I'm being completely honest when I say, I missed you, Clem." Gabe explained, looking over to you. You just rolled your eyes in response.
"Look, Gabe. I don't know what you're trying to pull here. But it's not gonna work, so just drop it." You replied with annoyance. The two of you started walking past an old bakery and post office. You noticed Gabe looking strangely around. You noticed that no one was around.
"What's your problem?" You asked him with worry. He then grabbed your hand and pulled you into the alley next to you.
"What the fuck!" You shouted with shock. Once in the alleyway, Gabe spoke up.
"Please, Clem. I just want to talk." Gabe pleaded to you.
"The fuck is this, Gabe?! What are you pulling?" You asked with anger.
"I just want to talk. Listen, I really like you, Clem. Always have. I know you're with Y/N, but I really want you to know how I feel." Gabe explained to you.
"Yeah, I fucking know, Gabe. It's quite obvious. And yes, I am with Y/N, and I love him with all my heart. So I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to deal with that. I don't care if you like me, because I don't feel the same way back. Now leave me alone. I'm going home, to the love of my life." You replied with anger and impatience, straitened your jacket and turning around.
"Please, Clem!" Gabe shouted before grabbing your arm and pinning you to the wall.
"The fuck, Gabe!" You shouted. He then quickly leaned in and kissed you, against your will. You were trying to break free, but he had you pinned pretty good. Unbeknownst to you, Kayla was watching from behind the corner. She then ran away to go tell Y/N what she saw. You then kneed Gabe in the nuts, pushing him off of you. You then sent a mean right hook to his face, knocking him on his ass.
"WHAT THE HELL, GABE!" You shouted with pure rage.
"Clem, please. I- I'm sorry. Holy, shit. I don't know what came over me." Gabe replied, struggling to get on his feet.
"Fuck you! You just kissed me, against my will. Knowing full well that my boyfriend is the strongest man in the world. When I tell him what you did, you better hope he doesn't kill you." You said, walking away, wiping your lips in disgust. Gabe then grabbed your arm again, keeping you from leaving.
"Clem, please." Gabe desperately pleaded.
"Let go of me, you piece of shit!" You shouted, trying to pull away from him. He seemed to be over the edge. It seems that your comment, angered him.
"Please don't tell him, I'm sorry." He replied pulling on your arm harder.
"Too bad. Now let go!" You shouted back, trying to kick his face. Your foot connected with his face, but he kept his grip on your arm.

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