|RESTORATION| Chapter: 39 Hallucinations

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[Y/N's POV]
While you and the others were about to wrap up recruiting for the day, walkers have breached through the east wall.
"Holy shit." Cedric commented in shock.
"T-there's so many." Kayla said with fear.
"How'd that even happen?" Scott questioned.
"Pull yourselves together. This could be a good thing." You said.
"A good thing? What do you mean?" Clementine asked with uncertainty.
"We could use this a an opportunity." You replied. The others just skeptically stared at you, waiting for you to continue.
"To show these people what The Battle Hardened is made of." You added, looking back to the others and grinning, confidently.
"Alright! Clem, Kayla, and Cedric. I want you all to make sure the people get to safety. That goes for AJ and Nia as well." You ordered.
"Got it!" Clementine replied with the others nodding.
"Scott, Kirk, you're with me. Let's gear up!" You ordered.
"Yes sir!" They replied. You then ran over to some guards attacking the walkers that were getting closer.
"Guards! I want as many of you as possible to form a firing line here! Don't let any of them get past this point." You ordered to them.
"We've got this covered. We have our own procedures for this sort of thing. Don't try and order us around." One of the guards replied in a snarky manner. Some walkers approached him and grabbed his back.
"Shit!" The guards shouted. You then grabbed the walker and threw it off of him before round house kicking its head off. Three more then approached. But you just ran at them, jumped in the air and kicked their heads off, simultaneously. Another then tried to grab you, but you performed an upwards ax kick to its chin, knocking its head off. You then looked back towards the guards with a serious expression before elbowing another walker in the face, killing it. The guards just looked at you in shock.
"So uhh... firing line here, right?" He asked, pointing to the spot at his feet. You nodded before running back to Scott and Kirk. The three of you then ran to your apartments to grab your gear.

[Clementine's POV]
You had just helped a mother and her daughter to safety while Kayla took AJ and Nia to one of the nearby balcony's in an alley. You thought they would be safe there. You then saw Cedric directing people to the plaza where they would then lock the doors and barricade them. Cedric and Kayla then ran back to you.
"Alright, got as many people in the plaza as I could. Are the kids safe?" He asked.
"Yeah, they're up on that balcony over there." Kayla replied, pointing to the balcony in the alley.
"Good. Now we just need to wait for Y/N and they boys." You said. You all heard many gunshots coming from the firing line that the guards were posted up at. They were fending off the walkers, but more just kept coming.
"Dammit. Why are there so many?" One of the guards ask in a panic.
"They're gonna get overwhelmed." Cedric said.
"We can't let that happen." Kayla replied. She then pulled out her gun and went over to the guards to assist them.
"Dammit, my gun is still in our apartment." I hope Y/N grabs it." You said while looking over to the hoard of walkers.
"This is bad. It's almost as if this was planned. That wall looked really sturdy before. And now it's just a pile of rubble. How can that be?" You asked with concern.
"I don't know. But those walkers are getting a lot closer." Cedric replied.
"C'mon Y/N. Hurry up." You pleaded before you heard a sniper going off. You looked in the direction of the sniper and saw Y/N standing at the top of the plaza in his armor, shooting his sniper into the hoard. He managed to keep them at bay a little longer, before jumping down and landing in front of the plaza. He then walked over with Scott and Kirk at his side with there weapons and gear as well.
"Woah." Cedric commented in amazement. Y\N then unequipped his sniper and pulled out his pistols. He looked to you and winked through his mask before charging into the hoard. Scott and Kirk posted up at the firing line to give Y/N some backup, not that he needed it.

~The Will to Survive~ (Super soldier) Male reader x Clementine.Where stories live. Discover now