|RESTORATION| Chapter: 46 Familiar Surroundings

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Hey everyone! Glad to be a bit sooner than normal working on a chapter for once lol. As I mentioned in the last chapter, I plan on wrapping things up for this arc in the span of about two more chapters. After that, I'm not sure what I'll do. I might take a hiatus from this story and start another. But there will definitely be more from this story don't you worry. So I've got a few designs for some characters.
Here's Nia.

And heres Aubrey

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And heres Aubrey. Dr. Hurbs assistant.

I've been a little on the fence about how to make her character

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I've been a little on the fence about how to make her character. I originally thought I wanted her to be older. But the more I thought about it, I decided to make her relatively younger. I'd say around 30 or so. That way I can put her in a relationship with Scott or Kirk. I'm thinking Scott. Idk, let me know what you think.
Also, here's a better closeup of Clem's newest design from the cover of the story.

 Also, here's a better closeup of Clem's newest design from the cover of the story

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Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

[Clem's POV]
It was the day after Y/N started training his recruits. The time was about 1:23pm. You were walking through the woods on a hunting run with AJ, Victor, and strangely enough, Aubrey joined you all as well. The sun beamed down on the four of you, relinquishing some of the cold winter temperatures that filled the air. The leaves that remained on the trees turned different shades of brown and auburn. You believed that the real winter weather would soon come, which gave you an uneasy feeling. Winter was a bit easier for survival when it came to the walkers, seeing as they moved slower. But hunting and gathering food, became harder as well.
"Hey Aubrey, you mind if a ask you something?" You asked her.
"Sure thing. Ask away." She replied.
"I was just wondering how long you've known Hurb? You must've met him a while ago seeing as you're his assistant." You said.
"Well, I'd say about five years now. I got bit on my left arm a while back and was left for dead. Until the doctor showed up and helped me. He drove me back to his place and patched me up. Managed to amputate my arm in time before the infection spread. This was a while before we found Hampton. He saved my life so since then, I've stuck by his side." Aubrey explained.
"Wow! I guess you lucked out. Y/N got bit a while ago too. Just after the incident with Delta." You replied.
"So I've heard. Hurb told me all about what Y\N told him. How he survived the boat exploding, almost drowning, and performing the supposed impossible. Surviving a walker bite. Just another upside to that serum." Aubrey responded.
"Definitely. I'm in Hurbs debt too. Just like you. If not for him, I wouldn't have Y/N. And I probably would be dead too. Because Y/N's saved me and AJ's lives numerous times. What a butterfly effect, huh?" You said with a giggle.
"Heh. I guess so." Aubrey responded with a giggle as well.
"Hahahh. That Y/N truly is amazing. Man like him was made for a world like this. And he has the power to change it, not to mention change other peoples lives. Don't every let him go, Clementine." Victor said.
"Don't plan to, ever." You replied with a grin.
"Shh, up ahead." AJ said, looking at some deer.
"Bingo. Let's get 'em." Aubrey said.
You then pulled out Marlons bow and loaded an arrow while Victor raised his rifle and Aubrey aimed her crossbow.
"Ready... fire." You commended as you and the other two fired your weapons and shot all three deer, effectively dropping them.
"Alright, move in." You ordered. The four of you then made your way over to the deer and examined them. Two of them were dead, but one was still alive and wailing.
"I'll do it." AJ said, pulling out a knife.
"Remember where?" You asked him.
"He smiled and nodded before plunging the knife into the deer, putting it out of its misery.
"Good job kiddo. Now, let's get these back to camp." You praised before the four of you collected the deer and walked them back to the truck you all used. Once you made it to the truck, Victor loaded the deer in the bed while Aubrey and you scanned the area to be safe.
"Alright. They're loaded up. Should we head back?" Victor asked.
"Yeah, let's go. We've still gotta-." You said before you saw a walker a ways away.
"Shit, walker ahead." Aubrey said while aiming her Crossbow.
"Wait." You said, holding your arm out in front of her. You got a better look at the walker and noticed something off. It wasn't making any noise. And it was walking normal. Like a person. Then it just stopped.
"Shit!" You said before aiming your bow at it.
"Hands up, now!" You ordered.
"What the fuck is that thing. Walkers don't do tha... oh shit." Aubrey said before aiming her crossbow at it.
"Hands up!." You ordered again.
"What is a whisperer doing all the way out here, alone?" Aubrey questioned. The whisperer then raised their arms, put their hands behind their head, and kneeled down.
"Huh, that was easy." You commented before walking slowly towered them. Once you got a closer look, you could tell they were female, but not how old she might be due to her walker skin.
"What are you doing out here? Were you spying on us?" You asked. She simply nodded.
"Are there more of your people out there somewhere?" Victor asked.
"She rapidly shook her head no as she looked up at you.
"She's being oddly compliant for a whisperer." You commented.
"Why were you spying on us?" AJ asked. She looked like she wanted to answer, but seemed like she supposedly couldn't, which you and AJ took notice of.
"Answer him you scum!" Victor shouted as he aimed his rifle at her. She jumped with fear as she looked at Victor, seeming terrified.
"Hang on, Victor. Don't be rash." Aubrey said, lowering his rifle.
"Why won't you speak?" Aubrey asked her." She just looked up at Aubrey then slowly lowered her head.
"Because she can't." You replied.
"You can't talk?" AJ asked. She shook her head no then attempted using ASL to talk to you all. Unfortunately, none of you knew sign language.
"Ohhh, I see now." Victor commented.
"I'm sorry, none of us know sign." You said with some regret. She just sunk her head and nodded.
"Are you here with ill intent?" You asked her.
She again rapidly shook her head no.
"Alright. Well we can't just take your word for it. But we won't hurt you." You assured her.
"What should we do with her?" AJ asked.
"I say we take her to camp, hand her over to Y\N. Hell know what to do." Aubrey replied.
"Yeah, that's probably the best move. Maybe he knows sign." You agreed.
"Alright. We're taking you back to our camp. Don't try and make any moves. Got it?" You asked.
She looked up at you and nodded.
"Alright then. Tie her hands and let's move." You ordered. The four of you took your new hostage and entered the truck.
"Once we get there we'll hand you over to Y/N. He's our leader, not to mention the Reaper of The Battle Hardened as well. Im sure you're familiar with him." You explained. She simply nodded and looked out the window of the truck.
"Why's she here? She hasn't caused any problems yet. So weird." You thought to yourself.

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