Chapter: 26 Give them Back

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"It's you're choice, Lilly. Leave, or die." You said to Lilly, pulling back the hammer of your colt.
"Just leave and you'll keep your lives. Go look for soldiers somewhere else. This place is off limits." Clementine said to Lilly, her bow still aimed at her.
"You've changed." Lilly replied to Clem.
"I grew up." Clem replied back.
"I can see that." Lilly shot back.
"God, you are just like him. Lee would've been heartbroken, knowing he taught you all the wrong things." Lilly said to Clem.
"I don't think you get to decide whether or not what Lee taught her was right or wrong. Know your place." You said to Lilly.
"Stay out of this, Reaper! I'll get to you later." Lilly replied to you.
"You're right, Lilly. I am just like him. And if he saw me now, he'd be proud of who I am." Clementine said to Lilly.
"Why? Because you pick fights you can't win? Right, I'm sure that made all the sacrifices worth it." Lilly replied.
During the conversation, Mitch and Willy started placing the bombs in the wagons connected to the horses.
"Now, Reaper. Tell me, do you want to know where your old Battle Hardened friends are?" Lilly asked. Your eyes widened from hearing this. How could she possibly know where they were. There's now way she could. If your friends really did survive out there, they would remain secluded and secret from other factions. They knew better than to get involved with any groups out here. Especially the one Lilly is with.
"You're bluffing, Lilly. There's no way in hell you really know where they are. And even if you do, I don't want your help. I'll find them on my own. Now, last chance. Leave now, or die." You replied to her.
"Get out!" Clementine shouted to Lilly.
"If you won't help me find the others, I'll find someone who will. We've recruited from this school before." Lilly explained.
You and Clem gave her a death stare.
"Minnie wanted to come along tonight. To tell you how well she's adjusted to our life. How happy she is. She said she had a girlfriend back here. Friends she missed. One guy, he could always make her laugh, no matter what. And her little brother. She missed him the most." Lilly said out loud.
You saw Tenn looking at you and Clem with a worried expression. You both shook your head to him, telling him not to come out of cover. But Tenn stood up and walked out from cover.
"Dammit!" You thought to yourself.
"Where are they?" Tenn asked Lilly.
"Let me take you to them." Lilly replied.
"Fat chance! Tenn, get behind me." You said, pointing your colt at Lilly.
"I can't. I just want them back. Please." Tenn replied to Lilly. Lilly started walking towards Tenn.
"Not a fucking step closer!" You shouted to Lilly.
"Don't listen to her, Tenn, you know she's lying!" Clem shouted to Tenn.
"She stole your sisters! She took them away from you, from their home." Clementine added. Lilly then grabbed Tenn and pointed her knife to his head.
"Don't you do it, Lilly! I'll make sure you all suffer if you so much as put a scratch on him!" You shouted to her.
Mitch and Willy then lit the bombs and they exploded. This caused the horses to freak out and Lilly to fall over.
"Shit! Shit!" Lilly shouted. Some of the horses then fled away. Everyone got behind cover in the outer halls of the school and readied their bows. You fanned your colt, killing three of Lilly's men. But there were still quite a few left.
"Damn. How many men did she bring?" You asked yourself.
Clementine went for a shot on Lilly, but Lilly moved at the last second. One of the raiders then aimed her gun at Clem. Clem rolled out of the way, avoiding the shot. Mitch then ran at Lilly while she was down.
"Mitch, NO!" You shouted to him. Lilly grabbed her knife and stabbed Mitch right in the neck.
"NO!" You shouted in horror as Mitch died to Lilly's hands.
"Goddammit!" Lilly shouted in anger. She then stabbed him in the head, stopping him from turning.
"Mitch? Mitch!" Willy shouted, trying to run over to Mitch, but Aasim help him back.
"You're gonna pay for that!" You shouted to Lilly, running at her. But one of the raiders started shooting at you. His bullets bounced off of your armor. You then shot him in the head, killing him.
"Kill who you have to. Take the rest." Lilly ordered to her men.
"Dammit! I have to protect the others." You said to yourself, running to the others and assisting them. The raiders started shooting at them, but you swooped in and stopped them. You grabbed one of the raiders by his arm and broke it, exposing his bone. You then threw him into a nearby spike in the ground. It impaled him in the chest and killed him. You then jumped to another raider and punched her in the spine, severing it. She fell over screaming and you stabbed her in the head. Another raider shot at you but you blocked the bullets with your arm guards. You then lunged at her and roundhouse kicked her in the head, snapping her neck. She fell the the ground, dead. Clem shot an arrow into a raiders leg. Lilly looked over in horror.
"Now! Go back!" Clem shouted to the others.
"Head inside the admin building. Hold up in there. I'll stay out here and pick em off." You ordered to them. Clem nodded and took everyone inside the admin building. Once inside, they all got to cover. Aasim stayed by the traps, ready to use them. Abel then burst through the door with a few other raiders, they had their guns ready.
Clem then cut a rope to one of the brick filled duffel bags. It fell on one of the raiders, killing him.
"No!" Another raider shouted in horror.
Clem and AJ then ran upstairs.
Outside, you shot two more raiders, killing them. You kept Lilly at bay, knowing she would go after Clementine.
"Should've just left, Lilly. Now you have to die for killing Mitch!" You shouted to her.
"Nobody would've had to die if you would've just handed them over!" Lilly replied. She was behind cover, knowing she couldn't take you.
"What? So they could've died fighting in your war? I don't think so." You replied back. Another raider tried leaving cover and aiming at you, but you shot him square in the eyeball, killing him.
"Shit!" Lilly shouted.
"You're running out of men, Lilly. Just give up and except your fate." You said to her. You then ran over to where she was taking cover. When all the sudden you heard a bunch of commotion coming from the admin building balcony. Abel and Clementine were fighting each other and it looked like she was losing. You noticed that Louis and Violet were still outside with you.
"You two find cover and keep Lilly at bay. I'm gonna help Clementine." You explained to them.
"Go, we've got you!" Violet replied.
You then shot your grappling hook to the balcony and zipped yourself up to it.
Clem was punched in the face by Abel.
"You're tough, girl, I'll give you that. But not tough enough." Abel said to Clementine while grabbing her throat and choking her. Clem struggled for breath, but it was no use. You finally landed in on the balcony and bursted through the doors to the office.
"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF HER!" You shouted to Abel. Abel looked over at you with horror. You dashed over to him and punched him so hard in the gut, he coughed up blood. You then punched him in the face, breaking his cheekbone. You then broke his leg, his arm, and then his ribs with continuous punches. You then grabbed him and lifted him over your head. You then walked over to the edge of the balcony.
"RaaaAAAHHH!" You shouted, throwing him over the balcony. He screamed all the way down until he hit the ground. You looked down at him with wrathful eyes, gritting your teeth.
"Y/N." Clementine called to you. You regained your senses and looked over to her. She looked hurt and struggling for air. You ran over to her and embraced her.
"I should've been up her with you." You said to her, holding her close.
"Never mind that. We need to get to the others." Clem replied. You nodded and ran back outside. Once you got outside, Lilly knocked Clementine down and aimed her gun to her head. You pulled out your colt and was about to aim it at her.
"I wouldn't, Reaper. Unless you want her death on your hands." Lilly said to you, putting the barrel of her gun to Clems head. But she struggled to do so. Her face said it all. She didn't want to kill Clem. Or maybe, she couldn't.
"Shit, this should be easy." Lilly said to herself.
"You won't kill me. I know you won't." Clementine said to her.
"Why?" Lilly asked.
"We were like family once. You won't hurt family." Clementine replied to Lilly.
While she was distracted, you kicked her away from Clementine. You then helped Clem up and saw that Louis was now fighting with Lilly. He was using his combat training that you taught him to his advantage. He got a few good hits in, but ultimately lost and got grabbed. You saw that Violet was also being taken away. Along with Omar, Aasim, and Willy. You went after Aasim, Omar, and Willy. You killed the raiders that were taking them with your dual pistols. You turned back to Clem who was trying to help Violet and Louis. But she didn't have any luck.
"No!" Clementine shouted as Violet and Louis were being taken.
"Clem! Y/N! Help!" Louis called for the both of you.
"Help us!" Violet shouted. You ran to your motorcycle and rode it over to Clem.
"Stay with the others. I'll get them." You ordered to her. You then rode after Lilly and the few remaining raiders that look Violet and Louis. You were gaining on them and rode to the side of the horses and tried shooting at Lilly and the raiders.
"Give them back!" You shouted to Lilly.
"Go to hell!" She replied, throwing a Molotov at you. You weren't expecting it and blocked it with your arm. It broke and engulfed you in flames.
"Shit!" You shouted. You then lost control of your bike and fell off of it. You struggled to extinguish the flames. But after a while, you managed to put them out. You were a little burnt, but nothing you couldn't handle. You looked around for the raiders but they were gone. Out of sight.
"No! I won't lose them." You shouted. You got back on your bike and was about to go after them. But you realized that Clem was alone with AJ, Willy, Aasim, Ruby, Omar, and Tenn. You couldn't afford to leave them. You were filled with anger, thinking about how you let Mitch get killed and Violet and Louis get taken away.
"AaaaAAAAAHHHHH!" You screamed with pure rage.

~The Will to Survive~ (Super soldier) Male reader x Clementine.Where stories live. Discover now