Chapter: 12 The battle at Virginia Beach Pt:1

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You all take your seats with Clementine sitting to the right of you, AJ to her right, Marlon across from Clementine, and Ruby to Marlons right. Louis then walked up, holding his bowl as all of you already have yours.
"Lady's and gentlemen. Dinner, is served." He said, setting his bowl down and sitting at the end of the table.
"Thanks." Clementine said to Louis with a thankful expression.
"Looks good." You said to him.
"Well make sure to let Omar know how it is." Marlon replied to you. You weren't hungry because you ate a decent amount yesterday and because of the serum in your cells you didn't get hungry too often. But you ultimately decided to eat some as to not seem rude. Clem, AJ and the others then followed suit and started eating the stew.
"Wow. I can't remember the last time we had a hot meal. Mmm, this is really good." Clementine said after tasting the food.
"Mm, yeah . You said it. Yo, Omar. This is good stuff!" You said to Omar across to one of the other tables. Omar then looked at you and gave you a thankful nod. You then look over to AJ who is eating the stew with the bowl and not using his silverware. Clementine was also watching him as he ate this way. Ruby was giving him an eye, clearly not liking AJ's table manners.
You looked over to Louis revealing that the burp came from him.
"Ugh. Come on!" Ruby said to Louis in a disappointed tone.
"Burp!" You heard looking over to AJ who has stew all over his face.
You then look at Clem holding in laughter. She then gives you a cocky smile.
"Burrrp!" You heard come from Clem. You couldn't hold in the laughter anymore and started laughing hysterically. You then give her the same look and decide to give off your own burp.
"BUURrrp!" They all heard coming from you. Everyone was either surprised or impressed from your burp before they all started laughing at it, except for Ruby.
"Oh good lord." Ruby commented, still not amused.
"Enough!" Marlon said to everyone.
"Thank you." Ruby replied to Marlon.
Marlon the looked over to Ruby, smirked and then burped himself.
"Burrrrrp!" You heard come from Marlon. Now everyone was laughing except for Ruby as you noticed her get up and walk away in disgust.
"Goodnight, Rubyyyy." Louis said to her as she walked away, flipping him off. AJ then looked down at his empty bowl then looked at Clementine.
"Clem." AJ said in a saddened tone. Clementine notices why he's upset and then speaks.
"I'm sorry, buddy. I'm sure they shared as much as they could. Clementine replied to AJ.
You then look down at your bowl and notice you only took a few bites. But of course you weren't really hungry, still being satiated by yesterday's meals. You then decided to give AJ your almost full bowl.
"Heads up, little man." You said to AJ while sliding your bowl over to him. He looked at you with excitement and thanks. You then give him a wink then look to Clementine who is giving you a worried expression.
"Y/N. That's really sweet of you, but. Are you sure?" Clementine asked you.
"Of course Clem. Remember, I don't get hungry easily. You know. Because of the serum?" You said to her, trying to jog her memory of when you told her and AJ the effects the serum gave you. Her expression then changes to one of realization.
"Oh, right. I totally forgot. But still, thank you Y\N." Clem said to you with a soft and thankful expression.
"All done." AJ stated, referring to the bowl you gave him, now empty.
"Yep. Me too." Clementine replied, looking down at her empty bowl.
"Wait. What about a serum? What are you talking about?" Louis said, looking at you with confusion.
"Yeah, Y/N. What are you talking about?" Marlon asked you. You then shoot Clementine a worried look as she does the same to you. You then decided that you might as well tell them your story.
"Alright. I'll explain to you guys my story. And how I'm able to do the crazy things you've seen today." You said to Marlon and Louis. They then give you a look of surprise and it soon changes to one of interest.
"You might as well get everyone else over here to hear it." You said to them with a serious look. Marlon then looked to Louis and nodded his head.
"Hey everyone, come over here. Y/N is about to tell a story." Marlon ordered to everyone in the courtyard. Everyone then walks over to you guys.
"So what's the story about?" Violet asked you with a raised eyebrow.
"It's the story about me. And my crazy past." You replied with a serious look and tone.
Violet then gives you a worried look but then nods her head then sits down, getting ready to listen. Everyone else then huddled around to listen as well.
"Now everyone please bare with me. This isn't an easy story for me to tell. As it is full of sadness, death, and some happiness." You explained to them. They all nodded in response. You then looked over to Clementine who was giving you a worried expression. Seeing as she already knows most of what your about to say. She knows it's gonna be painful for you. You then shoot her a reassuring look then proceeded to tell your story.
"So. It starts, like this." You said to everyone around you.

~The Will to Survive~ (Super soldier) Male reader x Clementine.Where stories live. Discover now