Chapter: 6 The Reaper

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Hey everyone, so this is the chapter where the promotion occurs in. I've been trying to think of a name for the promotion rank, but unfortunately could not think of a more unique one than I chose. But this rank is one that can only be achieved by someone as skilled as Y/N, so I'm just calling the rank (Reaper). Idk, it seems intimidating enough for Y/N in my opinion. Lmk what you think.

You have been with The Battle hardened for about a year now. It has been hard and boring at times. But ultimately, you are proud to be fighting for them. Their goal is something you completely agree with. They are trying to better the world, attempting to heal some of the scars it's gained from the apocalypse. And they still stick by there motto "protect and serve" mainly meaning protect the people out there who either need it or want it. It's been a welcome change here at The Battle Hardened military base. And you think you could probably spend the rest of your life here. The base is located in West Virginia, inside the mountain ranges. So it was extremely well hidden and protected. There is a dirt path leading to the entrance. But the entrance is guarded by 4 guards and two sentries at all times. The entrance leads to a car elevator that leads down into the garage. Inside the mountains is also where some of the training rooms are. But most of the base is outside, surrounded by a wall of mountain and barb wired concrete walls that reach about 20ft in height . Absolutely nothing was getting in or out without authorization. There was also helicopters coming in and out of base usually either going to or coming back from supply ops. You were sitting at your post that you were assigned for that day which was weapons inspection and repairs, which you didn't really mind doing since you were pretty good at it. When they trained you on how to do most things there, it took you no time at all to learn and memorize all that they thought you. It's like you could attain and retain information with no problem at all, probably another effect of the serum you were given. Speaking of which, during the time that you had been there, you told everyone about your past and the lab. You explained to them how you were tested on and injected almost every day and you explained how the last serum permanently gave you enhanced and new abilities. You even showed the commanding officer of the base, General Reed, the folder containing your information on the tests and studies that you picked up on your way out of the facility 3 years ago. You were now 14 and were already rumored to be getting promoted here soon.
"I'm telling you, Y/N. You're gonna be getting promoted here soon. I know it." Kirk said to you trying to convince you.
"I don't know man. I was already given the rank of Sergeant when I arrived here and that's already a high-ish rank. I don't think they're gonna promote me to anything higher than that after only being here for a year." You stated to him.
"Dude, don't sell yourself short. Remember when you single handedly rescued alpha squad from that group of 20 raiders a month ago, and when you successfully protected your squad by taking on a heard of 300 of the undead alone? With just your fists?" He asked you, still trying to convince you.
"Okay to be fair, there were 250 of them. Not 300." You corrected him.
"Are you kidding me, who cares what the fucking number was. You still killed an entire hoard of the dead with just your combat skills." He stated back to you.
"If that doesn't scream promotion, then I don't know what does." He said while flailing his arms in the air and spinning in his chair.
"Kirk, seriously, it's not happening." You replied back to him with an annoyed tone. You both then hear the intercoms activate as the sound of General Reeds voice can be heard.
"Will all members and personal please come to the yard within the next 15 minutes. We have a little ceremony taking place." General Reed says through the intercom.
"See what'd I tell ya?!" Kirk says while nudging you with him elbow.
"Kirk relax. It's probably just another person getting promoted or the announcement of a new improvement being made to the base. Come on, let's go." You say to Kirk practically dragging him out with you.
You both make it out to the yard to see what the ceremony is about. People start flooding the area, wondering the same thing as you were. There is a large wooden stage that had been set up in the yard, and on it being a bunch of high ranking officers, including the General himself, stepping up to the podium. He then starts tapping the mic to see if it's on, then he clears his throat.
"Ladies and gentlemen. If I could have all of your attention please." He says to the crowd. Everyone then quiets down and starts listening.
"I have gathered you all here to celebrate and compensate a certain individual today. Now I know we've had quite a few promotions this week, but this one is exceptionally unique." He stated into the mic."
"Oh so it is a promotion." You thought.
"This person has shown strength, determination, and skill beyond comprehension during their time here." He proudly said into the mic.
"Hm wonder who it could be." You thought.
"And they've only been here for 1 year." He stated pontine a finger in the air.
"Oh no." You thought, knowing who it was now.
"Would you please step up onto the stage Y/N." He said, calling out for you. At this point people were surprised at this and were whispering to each other.
"Shiiiit!" You cursed in your head.
You then comply to his request by stepping up to the stage and standing next to him. At this point you had now broke 6ft and your muscle mass has exceptionally increased because of the amount of training you did here. General Reed then looks at you with a proud expression.
"For your courageous and selfless acts of heroism, saving alpha squad from those 20 raiders, and not to mention protecting your squad by not just taking on, but killing a horde of 250 of the undead, me and the other high ranking officers only thought is was right to provide you with a promotion. So from this point forward you are bestowed with the rank of Reaper." He said thunderously in the mic. Everyone in the crowd started clapping and whistling for you.
"The rank of Reaper is the highest rank I am able to give to a soldier, the rank being just under my own. This rank will allow you to undergo your own operations with who you choose. Also, I think it's important for you all to know that this rank is especially unique to an Individual with the right amount of skill, combat prowess, leadership, and not to mention wisdom. Also bestowing your new rank, we are giving you this unique set of armor, only accessible to the Reaper themself." He says into the mic, ushering some others to bring the armor over. Two men then start bringing a mannequin wearing the armor over to you.

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