|RESTORATION| Chapter: 41 Reunion

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Hey everyone, I'm back! I know I've been inactive for a while and I apologize. But it's for a good reason. But here I am with another chapter. And a design for the new unnamed Super soldier from the end of the previous chapter. Using some DIGITAL ART!!!

Just fyi, that's not a robotic arm

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Just fyi, that's not a robotic arm. It's just a brace with armored plating, as you can tell from the straps holding it together. There is a flesh and bone arm under that.

[No ones POV]
Y/N and the others were heading down the road, on their way to Hampton Virginia to recruit some new members for his army. On their way there, Y/N was doing his best to stay alert, whilst trying to fend off his hallucinations.

[Y/N's POV]
"*Bzzzt* Y/N? It's Clem. You holding up alright?" Clementine asked you over the walky, for the tenth or twentieth time.
"*Bzzzt* Yeah babe. I told you, I'm fine. Y'know, you don't have to ask every five minutes. I'll let y'all know if I start feeling off and we'll pull over." You replied as politely as possible, seeing as you were getting tired of her asking.
"*Bzzzt* I know, I'm just worried is all. Love you." Clementine responded.
"*Bzzzt* Its alright Clem, I love you, too." You said before putting your walky back on your belt. You then decided to pull over to the side, slow down, and pull up beside Cedric in his Camero. He then rolled down his window.
"Yo! Holding up alright?" You asked him.
"Yeah, man. Just sharing stories and enjoying the ride." Cedric replied.
"Gotta say, you look pretty slick behind the wheel of that thing." You complimented him.
"And you look unstoppable riding that miniature tank right there." He replied, referring to your armored motorcycle. You then looked back to Nia in the backseat who looked pretty bored.
"She alright?" You asked Cedric.
"Ehh, not really. She's been kinda grumpy. Kayla thinks it's because AJ's in the jeep." Cedric replied.
"Am I wrong? They seem to have some sort of crush on each other." Kayla said in defense.
"Do not!" Nia shouted from the back. You all then shared a laugh.
"Well, imma head back up to the front. Talk to y'all soon." You said.
"Alright, man. See ya." Cedric replied.
"Talk to you later, Y/N!" Kayla shouted pretty enthusiastically which caught you and Cedric off guard.
"Uhh, yeah. See ya." You replied before returning to the front.

[Cedrics POV]
You watched as Y/N rode back to the front. You then looked over to Kayla with a raised eyebrow. She still had her eyes locked on Y/N as she was smiling with a blush.
"Uhhh... what was that about?" You asked her.
"H-huh. What?" Kayla asked, breaking from her trance.
"Why do you seem so fixated on Y/N?" You asked her more seriously.
"W-what? I'm not fixated on him. What're you talking about?" She replied in defense.
"You seemed pretty enthusiastic when you said bye to Y/N before he went back to the front. Is there something going on between you two?" You asked her.
"N-no. Not at all." Kayla replied while looking away.
"You stuttered. And you're blushing." You added.
"Am not!" She shot back while turning her head towards you. This time her face was completely red.
"Y'know. It's useless to lie to me. Besides, I think I already know what's going on." You replied. Kayla seemed to be consumed with shock and worry after what you said.
"It's not like I blame you or anything. Just, you're too late is all. He seems happier than possibly imaginable with Clementine. Things like this happen. You just gotta move on." You explained. Kayla then sighed with some relief, knowing that you understood.
"I don't know. He saved me from these awful people I used to run with. He gave me a second chance. I know he's happy with Clementine, and I know that I have no chance. But I really do like him, Cedric. I just don't know what to do." Kayla explained.
"Have you thought about talking to him about it?" You asked her.
"What?! Absolutely not!" Kayla replied.
"Why not? He'll understand. Maybe getting it off your chest will help. He won't take it badly. Not like you can control your feelings for him. He'll probably find a way to help you move on. The dude is an expert at helping people. Take me for instance. I used to be a good for nothing asshole that bullied others to make a point. Now I'm trying to walk in his shoes." You explained to Kayla.
"I don't know. Maybe I could try. But I wouldn't know what to say." Kayla replied.
"Just be honest with him. I'm sure he'll really appreciate it. He's a pretty honest guy, so he'll understand and work with you on it." You replied.
"Maybe... maybe you're right. Thanks Cedric. I've gotta say, you're pretty cool." Kayla responded with a warm smile. You smiled back and nodded.
"Just trying to be the best me I can be. Just like him." You replied as you looked to Y/N in the front.

~The Will to Survive~ (Super soldier) Male reader x Clementine.Where stories live. Discover now