Chapter: 25 They're Here

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It had been a few weeks since you let go of Sadie. You had been helping the others train and hone their skills. You even started spending more time with Clementine. Whether it had been training her, or just hanging out. It felt good having the guilt of Sadie's death off of your back. You felt as if you owned your feelings again. Mitch even started gradually warming up to you, finally.
"Hey, Y/N?" Mitch called to you.
"What's up?" You replied, walking over to him sitting at one of the picnic tables.
"I can't seem to get this bomb to work right. Do you have any experience with bombs?" He asked you.
"Hmm. Well for starters, this part here is too loose. You're letting too much gas leak out. I'd try tightening it more and wrapping some duct tape around it to keep the gas in." You explained.
"Shit. You're totally right. How could I have missed that?" Mitch cursed to himself.
"Don't worry, I'll run inside and fine some more duct tape." You replied, turning around and walking away.
"Thanks." Mitch said.
"No problem, I'll be back." You replied. You entered the school dorm and walked into your room. You looked under the bed and pulled out a tool box. Inside you grabbed some duct tape and put the tool box back under the bed.
You then heard someone knock on the door frame. You looked over so see Violet leaning against the frame.
"Oh, hey, Vi. What's up?" You asked, standing up.
"Hey, Y/N. Can we talk?" Violet asked.
"Sure, is everything alright?" You asked back.
"Yeah, I just wanted to talk to you about something." Violet replied, closing the door behind her.
"Alright, I'm all ears." You said to her. She walked over and sat down on the bed.
"How would you feel about becoming the leader?" She asked. This originally shocked you, not expecting a question like that.
"Me? I thought you were the leader." You replied.
"I don't think I'm cut out for it. Plus, you're much more suited for the role seeing as you've been a leader before and have way more experience with it." She explained.
"I don't know. I haven't had a responsibility like that in a long time." You replied.
"Please, Y/N. It would really help us out having you to guid us and tell us what to do and what not to do." She said, standing up. You pondered on the idea for a while, but ultimately decided to accept it.
"Alright, Vi. I'll do it." You said to her.
"Great! Thanks, Y/N. This means a lot to me." She replied.
"No problem. Just so you know, there's gonna be changes around here. Even more than I've already made." You explained with a chuckle.
"I'm sure they'll help." Violet replied with a giggle. You then walked out of the room with Violet, holding the duct tape for Mitch.
"What's the tape for?" Violet asked.
"It's for Mitch and his bomb." You replied.
"Ah, cool. You two have been getting along better lately." Violet pointed out.
"Yeah, I guess we have. About time he calmed down." You replied. Violet giggled and looked down at the floor, seemingly thinking about something.
"What's on your mind?" You asked.
"I was just thinking about back at the train station when I asked if you liked Clementine." Violet replied.
"Oh, okay. What about it?" You asked.
"Well, it was because I liked her at the time. But I now see that you two have feelings for each other. It's pretty obvious. I just wanted to let you know is all." Violet replied.
"Oh. I see. Well, thanks for letting me know. I'm sorry if I upset you about it." You said.
"No, don't be. I'm not upset. I'm happy for you two. But you need to get a move on and ask her out already." Violet replied, nudging your shoulder.
"I know I know. It's not that easy though. Besides, we are practically in a war right now. I don't think it would be right to start anything yet." You explained.
"I understand. But still, don't wait too long. I might take her from you." Violet jokingly replied.
"Like hell you will." You said, lightly pushing her.
The two of you made it out to the courtyard.
"We should let everyone know about your new position." Violet said to you.
"Alright, let me give the tape to Mitch then I'll meet you by the flag." You replied. Violet nodded her head and walked off. You walked over to Mitch and gave him the tape.
"Thanks, Y/N." He said to you.
"No problem. Now, come on over to the flag. I have something to tell everyone." You explained.
"Oh no. Please don't tell me you're taking us to another dangerous place." Mitch replied.
"No you big baby. I'm just making an announcement." You replied.
Mitch gave you a look of confusion and walked over with you to the flag.
"Everyone! Please come over here for a second. I have an announcement." You shouted to everyone in the yard. Everyone made their way to the flag. Clem and AJ being the first ones there.
"What's up?" Aasim asked.
"Yeah, what's going on, Y/N." Clementine asked. Violet stood next to you.
"Earlier I asked Y/N if he would be up for being the leader. And he accepted." Violet said to everyone.
"Woah, really?" Aasim asked.
"Makes sense." Mitch replied.
"So I'm guessing we can expect some changes?" Louis asked.
"That's right. As your new leader, I'm gonna make some new rules and guidelines to follow to ensure the upmost safety and productivity of our settlement." You explained.
"What would those be?" Omar asked.
"Well for one, there will be no more than one group outside the walls at a time. And that group will consist of no more or no less than three people. Unless I'm with the group. Also, there will still be no safe zone restrictions. And, all hunting operations will involve me until you've all proven yourselves to be experienced hunters. Don't worry, me, Aasim, and Clem will teach you how to become hunting experts." You explained to everyone.
"That seems pretty reasonable." Ruby commented.
"Hell yeah, that means you have to do as I say Louis." Aasim said to Louis.
"Dammit." Louis cursed to himself. You lightly chuckled from this.
"I'm also appointing a secondary leader for when I'm not around." You said.
"Who?" Clementine asked.
"Well, that would be you, Clem." You replied.
"Me? Really?" She asked.
"Well, yeah. Out of everyone here, you're the second most experienced right after me. It's only fitting." You explained to her.
"Alright. I'll do my best." Clem replied. You nodded and winked at her, causing her to blush.
"As for today, I want everyone to work on some last minute defense checks. That means all the boarders, entrances, walls, traps etc. Aasim, Willy, I want you two to work on some indoor traps." You said to the both of them.
They both nodded their heads.
"I'll also appoint Ruby to teach you all about medical work. Don't worry, Ruby. I'll help out with that as well since I'm pretty good with it myself." You explained to her.
"Sounds good." Ruby replied.
"Alright, anyone have any problems with the new rules and positions I've set in place?" You asked everyone. Everyone stayed silent. You then saw AJ raise his hand.
"Yes, AJ?" You said to him.
"What will I be doing. Can I have a job?" AJ asked.
"Hmm. Well, how would you like to be in charge of inventory?" You asked him.
"Inventory?" AJ asked, confused at what it meant.
"Inventory is all of our resources and gear that the community owns. We need someone to make sure nothing is missing or taken. Can I trust you with that, AJ?" You asked him.
"Oh, okay! I can do that." AJ replied. You then gave him a fist bump.
"Good! I'm trusting you with this job, AJ." You said.
"I promise I'll do good." AJ replied.
You nodded and look to Clementine, who was giving you that signature head tilted look. You looked away, blushing slightly.
"Alright, you all can go back to what you were doing. We still have some prepping to do." You said to everyone.
They all walked away, leaving you, Clem, AJ, and Violet.
"So, Mr, leader. I guess this means you'll be moving out of our room and into the office." Clementine said to you.
"I mean, I guess so. Unless you don't want me to." You replied with a cocky grin. Clementines face lit up red after hearing this.
"No! I mean, it's fine. I just... Now you get your own room. So, that's good. Right?" Clementine asked you.
"I don't know. Might get a little lonely for me." You replied, stepping closer to her.
"Well, not saying it has to be me. But maybe I could come visit you now and then." She said, giving you a seductive grin.
"I wouldn't mind that." You replied, giving the same grin.
"Ehem." You heard from Violet behind you. You turned around to see Violet, smiling.
"Why don't you move in with him, Clem?" Violet suggested to Clementine.
"What?!" You and Clem replied in unison.
"I mean, you are the secondary leader, Clem. Why don't you both share the office and give AJ the old room all to himself?" She asked.
You and Clem looked at each other then back to Violet.
"I don't know. Leaving AJ alone? I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that." Clementine said.
"Oh come on. Tenn has his own room. Plus, this way Tenn and AJ can have sleep overs. Does that sound cool, AJ?" Violet asked him.
"Like, me and Tenn hanging out and playing with toys and drawing in my room? Sure!" AJ replied.
"Well? AJ likes the idea." Violet said to Clem.
Clementine sighed and bent down to AJ.
"Alright, AJ. You can have the room. But, you have to be responsible with it, okay? Make sure your door is locked every night. Always keep your gun and knife by your pillow. Got it?" Clementine asked AJ.
"Got it." AJ replied.
"Alright. Well, let's move into the office then." You said while walking to the doors and to your old room to grab your things. Clementine followed close behind while AJ went to go tell Tenn the news.
"You know he's probably gonna stay up late." You said to Clem.
"Not if I tell him otherwise." She replied.
"I don't know. This sudden taste of freedom might get to his head." You said with a chuckle.
"Oh don't you worry, I'll make sure it doesn't." Clem replied, walking next to you.
"So, last time I remembered there only being one bed in the office. Are we gonna umm, continue sharing a bed?" Clementine asked you.
"Oh, uhh. Sure, if that's alright with you." You replied, nervously.
"Yeah! I mean, yeah that's fine with me. As long as you don't mind it." Clementine said, blushing.
"Of course not. I mean, we shared a bed in the old room." You replied.
"True." Clem said.
You both entered your old room and grabbed your things. You then headed to the office and dropped off your things. You placed your map of the school as well as other maps you've drawn and collected over the years on the office desk. You placed your armor on a coat rack in the corner. You put your spare clothes in the cabinet by the door. You looked over at Clementine who was placing her things in her respective places.
"Settling in well?" You asked her.
"I guess so. You?" She asked.
"Yep. All set up and ready to "lead"." You replied sarcastically.
"You'll do great. I mean, it's just a bunch of kids here. How hard can it be?" She pointed out.
"True. I mean, I'm sure nobody will step out of line or anything. They've seen my dark side, unfortunately." You said in a slightly depressed tone. Clementine looked over to you with a worried expression.
"Hey, don't blame yourself for that. Everyone out there knows that you're willing to do anything to protect them. Nobody is scared of you. We all care about you. Especially me." Clem explained.
"Especially you?" You asked.
"Well, yeah. You've done so much for me. I'd do anything for you, Y/N. Because I know you'd do anything for me." Clementine replied while walking closer.
"R-really?" You asked, heavily blushing.
"Really." She replied. She then embraced you in a passionate hug and you returned the favor.
"You forgot about AJ. I'd do anything for you and AJ." You said, looking into her eyes.
"I know. That's why you're amazing. Well, there are plenty other reasons as well. But you know what I mean." She replied.
"Sure." You replied with a chuckle. The two of you were still holding each other without realizing it. Clem then starting to lean in closer. You did the same, closing your eyes. She closed her eyes as well and when your lips were just mere inches away, there was a knock at the door. You and Clem parted and released your embrace. You were both blushing and looking away.
"I'll get it." You said, walking over to the door. You opened it to reveal Louis standing there.
"Did I interrupt anything?" He asked, sarcastically.
"Shut up. What'd you need?" You asked.
"Well, I came by to give you these." He replied, handing you some kids shirts.
"What are these for?" You asked.
"They're for AJ, duh. I noticed he had a huge hole in his shirt. I'm assuming from when he got shot. So I found some of Tenns old shirts and decided to give them to you. Surprise AJ with them." Louis explained.
"That's sweet of you Louis, thanks." Clementine thanked Louis, walking up behind you.
"No worries. Oh and, Clem? AJ was asking for you." Louis replied.
"Alright, let him know I'll be out soon, I want to have a quick word with Y/N." Clementine said.
"You got it." Louis replied before heading back outside.
You shut the door and turned to Clem who had a slightly worried look.
"Hey, you alright, Clem?" You asked her, placing a hand in her shoulder.
"I-I've been having these nightmares. About when I rescued AJ from McCarroll ranch a few years ago." Clementine replied.
"Oh. For how long?" You asked.
"A while." She replied.
"I've also been having nightmares about the upcoming battle with the raiders. What if we lose. What if some of the kids get taken? Or worse?" Clementine asked, holding your hand.
"That's not gonna happen. We won't lose. I'll make sure of it." You replied.
"But what if you can't help it? What if it's out of your power. You have to consider this Y/N. You can't do everything. I thought I've told you this." She said, gripping your hand tighter.
"I know, Clem. But I care about these kids. All of them. And I will make sure that none of them get taken. Or die. Got it?" You asked, placing a hand on her cheek. She slowly reached up and placed her hand on yours.
"Okay. I believe you. I'll also do my best to protect everyone here." She replied with a smile.
"Good." You said, smiling back. You then embraced her one last time before she broke the hug.
"Alright, I gotta go see AJ. Come find me later, okay?" She said, winking at you.
"Uhh, yeah. Sure thing." You replied, blushing. She giggled and then walked out of the door and back out to the yard. You just stood there for a moment and collected your thoughts.
"She's amazing." You thought to yourself before heading back outside as well.
Once you got out there, you saw Violet and Louis arguing.
"I've got more important things to do." Louis said to Violet.
"Goddammit, Louis, take this seriously, for once in your life!" Violet replied.
"I've been taking this seriously for fucking days! Almost two weeks!" Louis shot back.
"So has everyone. Get over yourself!" Violet replied. Louis then scoffed and walked away. You looked back to Violet and walked up to her.
"What was that all about?" You asked her.
"Ugh, just stupid Louis, not wanting to do work again." She replied.
"Ahh, I see." You said, crossing your arms."
"The raiders could be here any minute now and he's spending all his time fucking around." Violet explained.
"Speaking of the raiders, I thought Lilly and Abel would've shown up days ago. It's seems rather odd that they're taking their sweet time." You explained.
"Don't know. All I wanted was more time to prepare, but now this waiting sucks, and everyone's on edge." Violet replied.
"Well, we seem prepared well enough as it is. Plus everyone's been practicing their combat. So, maybe things won't be so bad when they get here." You said, trying to boost her spirits.
"Yeah, I guess so." She replied.
"So, need any help?" You asked.
"Well, actually. I was gonna check on everyone. But that doesn't really seem like the best thing for me to do right now." Violet replied.
"Don't worry, I'll handle it. I am the leader now after all. It's my job to make sure we all stay within good sanity. And to make sure some people aren't slacking off." You explained to Violet, looking over at Louis.
"Thanks, Y/N. I should go check the barricades at the back hallway. Just to be safe." Violet replied. She then walked away and you looked over at Louis. You walked over to him and tapped his shoulder from behind.
"Oh, hey, Y/N. What's up?" He asked.
"Look man. You promised me you would help out around here. And Violet said you weren't willing to check the back hallway. What gives?" You asked him.
Louis shot an arrow from Marlons bow, completely missing the target.
"Shit! Look man, I've been helping out for days now. I just want a break." Louis replied.
He shot another arrow and it hit the ground.
"Ugh, shit." He cursed.
"Everyone wants a break, Louis. But we can't afford to have anyone fucking around right now. We need to stay on task. And that means you especially." You explained.
"In a few weeks, or days, or hours, the raiders will be here, burn down our place, and steal or kill us. Then it won't matter how good I am at this or how much prepping we've done." Louis replied. This pissed you off a bit, seeing as everyone has worked hard to prepare for the raiders and Louis is convinced it won't matter.
You grabbed him by the collar and pulled him closer.
"Hey, what the hell man!" He shouted to you.
"How dare you say something like that. We've all been working our asses off to make sure we are prepared for this battle coming up. You need to look at the bigger picture here. It does matter, because we won't lose. Alright?!" You explained to him.
"How do you know?" He asked.
"Because we are a team. And we all care for one another." You replied. Louis's expression changed to one of realization after hearing this.
"Y-you're right. I'm sorry, Y/N. I'll do what I can around here." Louis said to you.
"Good. Now, let me see you try and hit that target again." You replied, letting go of him.
"Alright." Louis said, picking up Marlons bow. He pulled back the arrow and shot, missing the target completely.
"Dammit. You sounded like Marlon by the way. When you had me by the collar. Not about fighting, but, when he was trying to cheer us all up. For years I sat around making stupid jokes, playing stupid games, while my best friend was left with all the responsibility." He explained, missing another arrow.
"All the tough calls." He added, missing again.
"All the sleepless nights." He said, hitting the target this time.
"And, eventually, a bullet in the head. And I didn't do a damn thing about it." Louis added, walking over and retrieving his arrows.
"And then when you and Clem tried to tell us what he was really like, and AJ shot him, I blamed you. All three of you. And then said something about Sadie. If I could take it back, I would." Louis explained, a sense of guilt being felt from his words.
"It's alright, Louis. I forgive you. And I'm sure AJ and Clem do too. I'm ready to forgive you now. We just need to stick together. Be a family. That way, we'll survive out here. In this fucked up world." You replied, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"T-thanks, Y/N. That really means a lot." Louis said with a smile. You returned the smile.
"Hey you two. What's up?" You heard Clementine ask, behind you.
"Oh nothing, just getting some target practice in." You replied.
"And I'm doing pretty trash at it. Here you take it, Y/N. You should have it." Louis said, handing you the bow.
"Nah, it's really not my style. How about you Clem? Wanna give it a shot?" You asked her.
"Sure, why not." She replied, taking the bow and aiming at the target. She shot an arrow and hit the bullseye.
"Wow, Clem! Nice shot." You said in astonishment. She turned to you and gave you a thankful smile.
"You should have it. You look good with it." You said to Clem.
"I don't know. It was Marlons." She replied.
"Yeah, it was. And he used it to defend the school, before... before he stopped." Louis explained.
"Go ahead, it's yours now." Louis said to her.
"Alright. Thanks Louis." She thanked him. Louis nodded his head and walked off.
"Hey, Y/N?" Clementine said to you.
"Hm?" You replied.
"I was wondering, could you help me with something tonight?" She asked.
"Of course. Whatever you need." You replied.
"Thank you, it's just, I haven't done it in a while and it's about time I do it." She said.
"Uhh, what would that be?" You asked, full of confusion.
"Well, I need my hair trimmed. It's getting a little crazy." She replied.
"Oh, okay. No problem." You said.
"Also, you should probably get one too, you know? You're hair is pretty long." Clementine said.
"Ohh no. You're not touching this hair. It stays." You replied, covering your head.
"Come on, Y/N. It's dangerous to have it that long." Clementine replied.
"Tell that to Louis. Have you seen his hair. Besides, I'm an expert at protecting this hair." You explained.
"Ugh, fine. You win." Clementine said in defeat.
"Look, when it gets too long, I'll let you cut it. Deal?" You asked her.
"Deal." She replied with a smile.
"Now come on. Let's go check on Violet by the steps." You said, walking over to Violet. Clementine fallowed close behind.
"Hey, Vi." You greeted her.
"Hey. How's everyone doing?" She asked.
"They seem fine. We're ready." You replied.
"Really?" Violet asked.
"Really. The school is defended, and everyone's eager to get the fight over with." Clementine replied. Violet smiled and nodded her head.
"Because you're boring and you're idea is stupid!" Willy shouted to Aasim.
"Oh, I'm being stupid? You're the one who can't think straight. If you could hear yourself-." Aasim replied to Willy.
"Guys! What the fuck?" Violet shouted to the both of them.
"What's going on here?" You asked them.
Everyone else started walking over.
"Y/N told us to work on the traps together, but Aasim won't listen to anything I say!" Willy explained.
"That doesn't mean you have to scream at each other." Louis said.
"Stay out of this." Aasim replied to Louis.
"I have an idea for duffel bags filled with bricks. We drop them on the raiders, if they get to the admin building. Willy here wants to use a giant, idiotic swinging log to take out one raider at most. It's completely stupid." Aasim said to Willy in his face.
"You're stupid!" Willy shot back.
"You're being childish." Aasim replied.
"Am not! I'm trying to help." Willy shouted to Aasim.
"ENOUGH!" You shouted to both of them, punching a hole in the concrete next to you. This immediately shut them both up and earned a surprised look from everyone, even Clem.
"You're both being childish. Stop fucking whining and take this seriously. Aasim, set up your brick traps in the admin building. Willy, set up your log trap facing the side of the log so it can hit more than one raider. Am I clear?!" You shouted to both of them.
"Y-yes sir." They both replied in unison.
"Good. Now get to it." You said to them. They walked off to go set up their traps. You sighed and shook your head with disappointment.
"Just don't get in my way and ruin everything, Willy." Aasim said to Willy. Willy then out of nowhere punched Aasim in the gut.
"What the fuck?!" Violet shouted. Willy stepped away and gave a worried look. He then ran off into the admin building.
"Dude, you okay?" Louis asked Aasim.
"I'm fine, shit." Aasim replied, wobbling over to the fireplace and sitting on the couch.
"You handled that well. Kinda." Violet said.
"Yeah, you even scared me a bit." Clem added.
"Sorry Clem." You replied.
"No no. It's okay. I was just surprised is all." Clem replied in reassurance.
"I guess all those years in The Battle Hardened really paid off." Violet said.
"Yeah, well. I was leading adults then. Not children." You replied.
"Hey, we're all not children you know." Violet said.
"Ain't that the truth. It seems that you, Clem and maybe a few others are a cut above the rest when it comes to maturity." You replied to Violet.
"I wasn't expecting Willy to do that." Louis said, butting in on the conversation.
"If I didn't yell at them, I'm sure it would've been worse. I could tell he wanted to hit him from the start." You replied.
"We'll all kill each other before the raiders even get fuckin' chance." Violet said.
"What we need, is something to break the tension." Louis said, walking over to the fire place.
"Hey, buddy, how's it hanging?" Louis sarcastically asked Aasim.
"Dude, fuck off." Aasim replied.
Everyone started taking their seats around the fire place.
"Sulking in the corner isn't gonna help us fight off those raiders. Or turn that frown upside down." Louis said to Aasim.
"You get more annoying, every day." Aasim replied.
"Regardless, I've come up with a plan to make everybody feel better." Louis explained.
"And that plan is a game." Louis added, pulling out his deck of cards.
"Oh no." You said, slumping your head.
"Don't worry, it's not war this time. We're playing truth or dare." Louis explained.
"That's even worse!" You replied. This earned a laugh from everyone.
"We haven't played a game in weeks. Not since that night with Marlon." Violet said.
"I mean, if you want to go ask Ruby to come play, I don't mind waiting." Louis said to Aasim.
"Shut up, dude! I swear to God." Aasim replied.
"You've got a crush on Ruby?" Violet asked Aasim.
Aasim just looked away.
"What're we playing?" AJ asked, walking over with Tenn.
"Truth or dare." Louis replied.
"Wait, you don't use cards in truth or dare." Violet pointed out.
"You do in this version. Everyone draws. Highest card gets to ask. Lowest card has to answer." Louis explained.
Everyone took some cards and then Clem handed you some.
"Alright. But I swear to god if any of you ask or dare me to do anything super outlandish, you'll pay for it." You said, taking the cards and pulling up a seat next to Clem.
Everyone drew a card. Violet got the highest and Clem got the lowest.
"This should be good. Truth. Marry-Fuck-kill." Violet said to her.
"Vi!" Tenn said to her.
"Fine. Marry-Flip-Kill. Ruby Aasim, or Y/N." Violet asked Clem. You then face palmed and looked over to Clem.
"Oh my god." Clementine said, shaking her head.
"You gotta answer. Them's the rules." Louis said to Clem.
"Well, I guess I would marry Y/N and flip Ruby." Clementine answered. You went wide eyed from this. You were just happy she didn't say she would fuck Aasim.
"So that means." Louis said.
"Oh damn. Sorry Aasim, looks like you're getting killed." Violet said to Aasim.
"Oh thank god." Aasim replied.
"What?! You'd rather die than marry or flip Clem?" Louis asked.
"I uh, n-no! I didn't mean it like that!" Aasim replied in defense.
"This is great. We're laughing, we're bonding. It's a nice break from thinking about homicidal assholes sneaking into our homes to kidnap us."Louis said.
"Not if you bring it up." Violet replied.
"Clem? Are you sure you wouldn't rather Flip Y\N?" Louis asked. This causes Clementine to blush heavily, as well as you.
"Alright, next round!" You shouted to everyone.
Everyone flipped a card. Clem got the highest card and Aasim got the lowest.
"I win." Clem said.
"And poor Aasim loses." Louis added.
"Definitely a dare." Clem said to Aasim.
"Okay, do your worst." Aasim replied.
"You have to ask Ruby... for a kiss." Clem said to Aasim.
"Seriously?!" Aasim replied.
"The most legitimate of dares." Louis said.
"Come on, Aasim. Don't puss out now." You said to him. Aasim reluctantly stood up and walked over to Ruby. You all watched as Ruby smacked Aasim, presumably after he asked for a kiss.
"Oh damn." Violet said while laughing. You and the others were laughing as well.
"Well, I think we all learned something about our good friend Aasim today. Mainly that he has no romantic charm whatsoever." Louis said.
"Shut up." Aasim replied.
"Look sharp, y'all, it's time for round three!" Louis said to everyone.
Everyone flipped a card. Louis got the highest and Clem got the lowest.
"I got it." Louis said.
"We've been pretty hard on poor Aasim here, teasing him about sweet Ruby. Seems only fair we mercilessly tease someone else about unrequited love. So, Clem. Anyone here you like-like?" Louis asked Clem. You face palmed again.
"Seriously? "Like-like?" What are you six?" Violet asked Louis.
"Seven, thank you." Louis replied.
"Yeah, I've definitely got feelings for someone." Clem answered, staring at the ground.
"Oh ho! Who is it?" Louis asked.
"Nope. Not telling." Clem replied.
"That's fine. I'm sure we all know who it is anyway." Violet said, looking at you. This caused you and Clem to go wide eyed and blush.
"Next round!" You shouted."
Everyone flipped a card. You got the lowest and Clem got the highest.
"Oh you better get ready for a dare." Clem said to you with a cocky grin.
"Bring it!" You replied.
"I dare you to lift that couch over your head. With all of us on it." Clementine said to you.
"Really! Come on, Clem. That's too easy." You replied.
"Gotta do it." She said.
"Alright, everyone pile up on the couch." You said to everyone. They all scrunched together in the couch and you got behind it.
"Everyone ready?" You asked.
"Hell yeah." Violet replied.
You then lifted the couch over year head with seemingly no difficulty.
"Woah!" Louis shouted.
"Holy shit!" Aasim yelled.
"Haha. This is great!" Violet laughed.
"Okay you can put us down now." Clementine said.
You then set the couch down gently and everyone went back to their seats.
"That was awesome." AJ said to you.
"You should've seem Aasims face. Haha." Violet said, laughing.
"Told you it would be too easy." You said to Clem.
"I know, I just wanted to see you do it." Clem replied.
"Alright everyone, final round." Louis said. Everyone flipped a card. Aasim got the highest and Tenn got the lowest.
"What's something you've never told anyone, because you were afraid they'd make fun of you?" Aasim asked Tenn.
"You got this." Louis said to Tenn, encouraging him.
"I, um... I think... I think walkers won't always be around. They'll go away, someday. 'Cause the world goes in cycles, right. Ice age, Stone age, um, some other ages. So it's like that. This age'll end, and another one will start." Tenn explained.
"An age without walkers. Like it used to be." Clementine replied.
"It'll be better. Why's everyone looking at me like that?" Tenn asked everyone.
"That's... really beautiful. I never thought of it that way." Clementine replied.
"Yeah, Tenn, that's a great way of looking at it. Whether it be true or not, it could give people hope." You added. Tenn smiled from this.
You then noticed AJ looking at the ground, seemingly deep in thought.
"What's wrong, AJ?" Tenn asked him.
"I... I just don't know what it's like. All of you do, but I don't. I don't remember a time before monsters." AJ replied.
"You know what, little dude? It's okay that you don't. Believe me, the world before this one was pretty shitty." Louis explained.
You looked at Louis and nodded with appreciation. Clem did the same. Louis nodded back.
"And that feels like a good place to end it." Louis said, putting his deck of cards away.
"We should finish up our work, anyway. It's getting dark." Violet said.
Ruby then walked over.
"You're on lookout?" Violet asked Ruby.
"Yep. Clementine's got it after me." Ruby replied.
"Alright everyone. Let's get to it then." You said to the group.
"Can I be on watch with you?" AJ asked Ruby.
"Of course you can, little guy." Ruby replied. AJ then looked up at Clem for permission. Clem nodded her head. AJ then went with Ruby, leaving you, Clem, Louis, and Violet by the bonfire. You all watched as Aasim walked over to Willy.
"Hey." Aasim greeted Willy.
"Hey." Willy replied.
"You maybe want to help me with the brick trap?" Aasim asked Willy.
"Yeah, I've got some ideas." Willy replied.
"Cool, I'm sure they'll help. I'll help you with your log trap as well." Aasim replied back.
"Sorry I punched you." Willy apologized to Aasim.
"It's okay. It was a pretty good punch." Aasim replied. They both walked into the admin building together.
"I think I'll head to the bell tower. I want to check out our defenses on the back wall before bed." Violet said.
"Need any help?" You asked her.
"Sure. If you want." Violet replied.
"Or you could always help me instead. I'm on piano duty." Louis said, standing up.
"No offense, Louis. But the piano should be the least of your worries right now." Clementine replied.
"Besides, Y/N is supposed to help me with something tonight. Remember?" Clementine asked you.
"Oh, right. Sorry guys, you're on you're own tonight." You replied.
"No worries, have fun you two." Violet sarcastically said.
"Fine. I'll handle it myself." Louis replied in defeat. They both then went their separate ways, leaving you and Clem.
"So, you ready to cut my hair?" She asked you.
"Of course. Just try and sit still." You replied.
"Just try not to cut it too short, okay?" Clementine asked.
"Sure thing." You replied. She then handed you some scissors that she found in the office.
You grabbed them and Clem sat down in the chair.
"So... do you want it in any specific way?" You asked.
"Hmm, maybe shorter than Vi's. Oh, and I want one side to be shorter and the top and other side to be flipped over." Clementine replied.
*kinda like this but more frizzy like Clem's hair is. I don't own this picture.*

~The Will to Survive~ (Super soldier) Male reader x Clementine.Where stories live. Discover now