Chapter: 16 The Truth

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Clementines POV:
You wake up to the sound of what seems to be two people arguing. You then realize that Y/N isn't beside you in the bed. You notice him holding his ear to the wall, probably trying to listen to what they are saying.
"Y/N? What's going on?" You ask him whilst rubbing your eyes.
"Oh, Clem. You're up. Good. It sounds like Marlon and Brody arguing again. But this time Brody seems much more distressed." He replied to you.
"How can you tell?" You asked him.
"Enhanced hearing." He replied while pointing to his ear.
"I'm not exactly sure what they are saying. But whatever it is, it doesn't sound good." He added.
"What do we do?" You ask him while getting out of the bed.
"Hm. I think we should go see what the problem is. Yesterday Brody seemed unnecessarily pissed. Like maybe she knows something that we don't. She seemed awfully sure about that guy coming back for us. What do you think?" He said to you.
"I think you might be right. We should definitely go check it out. Maybe get some answers." You replied to him.
"Sounds good." He replied.
"W-what's all that yelling?" AJ asked just now waking up.
"Hey kiddo. Don't worry about it. We think it's Marlon and Brody arguing again. Me and Y/N are just gonna go see why." You said to AJ.
"Yeah little man. Just go ahead and stay here. Me and Clem got this." Y/N said to AJ.
"You got your gun?" You asked AJ.
"Yeah." AJ replied pulling his gun out.
"Good. Just stay here alright?" You said to AJ.
"Alright." AJ replied. You and Y/N then look at each other and nod your heads. Y/N then proceeded to walk out the door, with you following close behind.
Once you exit the room you notice that Y/N had one of his pistols holstered.
"You brought your gun?" You asked him.
"Yeah. Just in case. You know how it is." He said to you.
"Right." You replied in agreement. You two make your way down the halls a bit more as the yelling gets louder. You then come across a door that leads to the schools basement.
"Sounds like it's coming from the basement." You said to Y/N.
"Yeah. Sure does." Y/N replied. He then tried to open the door, but it was locked.
"Shit! It's locked. I guess I'll bust it down." Y/N said, getting ready to muscle open the door.
"No! Don't do that. I think it'd be better just to find another way down." You suggested to him. He looked back at you for a moment then sighed.
"Alright. You win. Let's find another way down." He said.
"Cheer up musclehead." You sarcastically said to him.
"Hmm maybe the cellar door out in the yard leads to it." Y/N said while pointing at a map of the school on the wall.
"Good thinking. Let's go." You said to him. You both then make your way out to the courtyard and look for the cellar door.
"Hey! Over here." Y/N says to you, pointing at the cellar.
"Nice. Now let's play this smart." You said to Y\N.
"No problem. Let me bust off the lock." Y/N replied. Y/N then proceeds to break off the lock with his bare hands then opens the cellar door and walks down into the basement with you close behind.

You make your way down into the basement with Clementine right behind you.
"Damn it, Brody! We don't even know for sure it was them." You heard Marlon say to Brody.
"Yep. They're for sure hiding something." You whispered to Clementine.
"Oh god. Well, let's just find out what it is then." Clem replied. You both proceed to walk closer to the sound of the argument.
"And he got away! How do we know he didn't follow them?" Brody shouted to Marlon.
"You know he's not alone. Those bastards are back and it's only a matter of time before they find us. You know that." Brody said to Marlon.
"I don't know shit! And neither do you? Goddamn it Brody. Keep it together." Marlon aggressively replied to Brody. You start to think that Marlon isn't all that he's made up to be. That maybe he's hiding something big and doesn't want you or Clem and possibly the others to know about. You made you're way to them and decided to interrupt them.
"Ahem. You know, you two are being awfully loud down here." You said to them while stepping into the light.
"Y/N." Marlon says in a slight panic. Clementine then steps into the light right behind you.
"Clementine!" Brody says in shock.
"What're you doing down here? In the dark?" Clementine asked them.
"Brody and I were just talking, go get some sleep." Marlon said to Clementine. You noticed Brody was looking down with a shameful look.
"Not happening. You two are obviously hiding something. I wanna know. Now." You said to them while crossing your arms.
"I don't know what you're talking about. We ain't hiding nothing. Now just leave us." Marlon said, obviously aggravated.
You just continue to stare at him. You then close your eyes then sigh.
"Well, Marlon obviously won't talk. So Brody? What're you hiding?" You asked, opening your eyes at Brody. Your eyes were bright blue and devilish looking. There was a shift in the air, almost as if your were giving off an intimidating aura, causing the others to step back in fear. Except for Clem. You take a step closer to Brody. Marlon just stayed where he was, seemingly too scared to do anything.
"Spit it out Brody." You ordered.
"We aren't hiding anything! Can you just leave us be?" Marlon said panicking.
"The man you met at the station. We got history with him." Brody said to you.
"Brody! Don't listen to her, guys, she's acting crazy." Marlon said to you and Clem. You step in between Marlon and Clementine and stare at Marlon with your intimidating eyes.
"You're the one acting crazy here, Marlon. You better stay back." You ordered to Marlon. Marlon's expression changes to one of fear as he steps back.
"Don't be afraid, Brody. Say what you have to say." Clementine said to Brody. You direct your attention to Brody. Then you suddenly feel something in your pocket. You reach in and feel your audio recorder. Must've forgot to take it out before bed. You decided to press record on it just in case Marlon or Brody tries to blackmail you to the others.
"What history?" Clementine asked Brody.
"Marlon let him take the twins. Him and his people." Brody said.
"Dammit Brody." Marlon said with anger stepping towards Brody.
"Tenn's sisters!?" You said in shock.
"I thought they were killed by walkers!" Clementine said to them.
"That's the story we told everyone." Brody said looking down in shame.
"Shut up!" Marlon shouted to Brody.
"Step off! I won't tell you again." You said, grabbing Marlon shoulder. He ignored you and kept his attention on Brody.
"Because Marlon was too ashamed of what—." Is all she got out before Marlon attacked.
"I said SHUT up!" Marlon shouted as he hit Brody in the head hard with his flashlight. You weren't expecting this so you weren't able to react in time to stop it. You looked on in horror as Brody was holding her head with blood pouring out in between her fingers. Marlon looked at her in shock at what he'd just done.
"Uh... what'd you say?" Brody said while blood was oozing from her head. She then started to fall down, but you caught her before she hit the ground.
"Brody!" You shouted.
"Oh shit, Brody I'm sorry!" Marlon said with a shaky tone. Marlon then rushed over to her side.
"Shit! What've you done!?" Clementine shouted to Marlon.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. You're gonna be okay, I promise." Marlon said in a panicked tone.
"You god damn psychopath. Look what you did. Look what you did you son of a bitch!" You aggressively shouted to Marlon.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. God dammit help!" Marlon pleaded to Clementine.
"Help what, Marlon? It's only a matter of time now. There's too much damage." You said to Marlon while looking at the crater Marlon left on Brodys head.
"Just... just stay with her. There's a first aid kit down here somewhere, right!" Marlon said in a panic.
"A first aid kit!?" Clementine replied in disbelief.
"Are you fucking kidding me!?" You added. Marlon just looked at both of you and shrugged while running off to find a first aid kit. Clementine came to Brodys side and held her hand.
"Brody... it's me, Clem. Just... just stay still." Clementine says to Brody.
"It's gonna be alright, Brody. We're here with you." You said in a soft reassuring tone.
"Who? I... I can't see..." Brody said, stuttering.
"Clementine and Y/N. Remember?" You asked Brody with her still in your arms.
"We talked about going to the beach. Swimming, driving along the coast." Clementine said, trying to jog her memory.
"Sun. Clem, you're in danger. You, Y/N and AJ." Brody said.
"What danger?" You asked her.
"Marlon'll kill me if I tell." Brody replied.
"Don't you worry about Marlon. I'll deal with him." You reassured her.
"Yeah... yeah, you will. You two are strong. And he's not. If those raiders come back... Marlon said he'd let them take you. Brody said.
"Take us?" Clementine replied.
"To make them go away. Like he did... like he did with Tenn's sisters." Brody managed to get out before she started shaking and gasping for air. You held onto her tight to make sure she didn't bash into anything during her last moments.
"Brody." Clementine said with sadness. Brody's body went limp and she passed.
"Oh, fuck, no." Marlon said, dropping his flashlight.
"Oh no. Oh no. What the hell am I gonna do?" Marlon said in distress. You then hear thunder, meaning a storm was brewing.
"She's gonna turn." Marlon said, his expression changing to a serious one. He then started running for the cellar doors.
"Marlon!" Clementine shouted while chasing after him. You then place Brody's dead body down and run after them. You dashed past Clementine but was still too late to get Marlon. He made it outside and slammed the cellar doors shut and closed the latch.
"Marlon you son of a bitch!" You shouted.
"Don't do this!" Clementine shouted to him as well.
"I'm sorry... I can't... I can't let you talk to the others."Marlon said before running off.
"God dammit! Y/N, bust the doors open." Clem said to you.
"Yeah. Guess he forgot about what I can do." You replied. You then hand Clementine your gun.
"Go take care of Brody." You said to her. She took the gun and nodded before going back to make sure Brody doesn't turn. You then look to the doors and place your hands on both of them.
You heard from behind you, meaning that Clem shot Brody. You then look down with sadness before looking back to the cellar doors. You then begin to apply pressure to the doors and they burst right open. Clementine then comes up behind you.
"Ready?" She asks.
"Let's go." You replied. You then remembered your audio recorder. You press stop on it to stop recording. You both then walk out of the cellar. It's time to settle this.

~The Will to Survive~ (Super soldier) Male reader x Clementine.Where stories live. Discover now